Nutrition and Physical ActivityPlan of Work

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Henderson County CES

Nutrition and Physical Activity
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Agents Involved:
Hardy, Brasher, James, Rideout
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
Active Living and Health Promotions General
Henderson County unhealthy behaviors are higher than the area average as well as the state average: 18.9% of adults are reporting poor or fair health, 33.4% of adults are obese, and 11.6% of adults have diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control found nationally that only 29% of high school youth participated in physical activity and physical activity decreases as we age.
Long-Term Outcomes:
To improve the mental health and well-being of Henderson County citizens and increase the practice and promotion of physical activity and healthy eating daily.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Individuals will practice a healthy lifestyle decision-making that strengthens individuals ability to cope with normal life stressors.
Initial Outcomes:
Individuals will learn how to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Initial Outcome: Individuals will learn how to eat healthy and exercise

Indicator: What they already are doing to be healthy and what they have learned

Method: Pre/post test

Timeline: Fall 2023, Spring 2024

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals will make healthy lifestyle decisions

Indicator: what they have changed

Method: testimonial, survey

Timeline: 6 months after classes

Long-term Outcome: Success in eating healthy and exercise on a regular basis

Indicator: doctor report, overall health, knowledge

Method: survey, testimonial

Timeline: a year to date or after

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Residence of Henderson County

Project or Activity: Diabetes Classes

Content or Curriculum: Taking Ownership of Your Diabetes, Healthy Plate

Inputs: Extension Staff, Community Partners, Henderson Diabetes Coalition

Date: Fall 2023, Spring 2024

Audience: Residence of Henderson County

Project or Activity: Health Education Event

Content or Curriculum: UK Publication

Inputs: Extension Staff, Community Partners, FCS Advisory Council

Date: Spring 2023/ Fall 2024

Audience: Henderson County Youth

Project or Activity: Cooking Club

Content or Curriculum: Cooking 101

Inputs: Extension Staff, Community partners

Date: Sept. 2023- June 2024

Audience: Henderson County Youth

Project or Activity: Cooking Camp

Content or Curriculum: UK Publications

Inputs: Extension Staff, Fuel Up to Play 60, UK Staff

Date: May or June 2023

Audience: Residents of Henderson County

Project or Activity: Farmer's Market Programming

Content or Curriculum: UK Publications

Inputs: Extension Staff, Master Gardeners

Date: Annually, May-October

Success Stories

AB Chandler Garden Project

Author: Paul Andrew Rideout

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The problemLack of knowledge of where your food comes from.The educational program responseFive part program series including planting a garden and incorporating the produce into the menu.The participants/target audience55 4th gradersOther partners (if applicable)Farm Bureau, Kentucky Nutrition EducationProgram impact or participant response.Students learned what plants need to produce; learned how plants grow; tasted new (to them) vegetablesAB Chandler Garden Project  The Henderson Co

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Cates Field Day

Author: Jessica James

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

There was a field day at Cate's Farm and they invited Extension to come and teach one of the rotations. Myself and 4-H both went to help with this. I taught the kids how to make butter. There were schools there from all over Henderson County. The goal of this program was to teach kids about where dairy products come from and what you can make with dairy products. A lot of the kids had an understanding of dairy products but many were surprised at the various foods that dairy products are in.

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