McCracken County Commercial Agricultural Enterprises Plan of Work
McCracken County CES
McCracken County Commercial Agricultural Enterprises
Agriculture and Natural Resources Education
Agents Involved:
Horticulture, Commercial
Plant Disease ID
Situation 1: Grain crop production is facing a downward pressure with severe economic distress (high inputs, low commodity prices, high land rent, flooded machinery market) for the foreseeable future.
Situation 2: Consumers and Producers lack accurate knowledge in status of their soil nutrients and pH.
Situation 3: Producers need information or production of forages.
Situation 4: Producers need information on production of hemp.
Long-Term Outcomes:
- Maximize profits for commercial ag producer
- Minimize environmental impact of air, soil, or living area
- Improve sustainability of intensively managed crop production systems
- Significant percentage of consumers and producers implementing IPM practices
- Increase positive opinion of GMO/Conventional production of non-farm individuals
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Adopt usage of new technology for crop production
- Maximize awareness of GMO/Organic Production
- Use diagnostic services to identify insects, disease and weeds
- Adopt one or more fertility management recommendations
- Implementation of on-farm trials
Initial Outcomes:
- Awareness of current land grant research concerning grain crop production
- Identification of IPM practices for grain crops production
- Increase understanding of production regulations
- Understanding BioTech traits
- Understanding importance of and frame work of on-farm trials
- Understanding of Organic vs Conventional crop production
- Increase non-farm public understanding of BioTechnology/Organic/ Conventional grains crop production
- Identify active ingredients in crop related ag products
- Identify herbicide resistant pests and strategies to overcome these pests
- Knowledge of UK Soil Test program
Initial Outcome: Identification of IPM practices for grain crops production
Indicator: Number of producers reporting an understanding of IPM practices increase.
Method: survey, formative assessment
Timeline: ongoing
Intermediate Outcome: Adopt usage of new technology for crop production
Indicator: Producers report using at least one new use of technology in their operation.
Method: survey, formative assessment
Timeline: ongoing
Long-term Outcome: Maximize profits for commercial ag producer
Indicator: Number of producers report an increase in profit margin
Method: survey, formative assessment
Timeline: ongoing
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Home owners, farmers, Paducah/McCracken County Schools (non-commercial)
Project or Activity: “Cheaper than Dirt” program and soil test program, including soil testing coupons
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications, Demonstrations, Soil Analysis reports
Inputs: Agents, UK/KSU Specialists, Soil sampling coupons, soil sample analysis, UK/KSU publications, UK/KSU Specialists,UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals (agents, specialists, Publications Research Information, Diagnostic Centers, UK Weather Center Commodity Associations, (ex: Soybean Board, Corn Growers, Small Grain Growers),State and Federal Agencies(ex: KDA, NRCS, EPA), Ag Advisory Councils, Farmers/Producers
Date: Ongoing
Audience: residents
Project or Activity: Commodity Breakfast
Content or Curriculum:
Inputs: UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, commodity organizations, State and Federal Agencies, farmers/producers, volunteers, agents
Date: fall
Audience: Producers and landlords
Project or Activity: Lease Agreement program
Content or Curriculum: publications, lease agreements
Inputs: UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, commodity organizations, State and Federal Agencies, farmers/producers, volunteers, agents
Date: ongoing
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment