Empowering Community Leaders & VolunteerismPlan of Work
LaRue County CES
Empowering Community Leaders & Volunteerism
Community, Economic and Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
M. Wilmoth, M. Stillwell
Community Leadership Development
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Master Clothing Volunteer
Building the capacity of volunteer leaders within counties is critical for the sustainability of a community infrastructure that supports long term commitment to strengthen families. Within Kentucky there are 16,000 KEHA members and 119 Master Clothing Volunteers, who share their expertise, and volunteer time with youth and families in their community. Through the efforts of the FCS agents, paraprofessionals, and volunteers local citizens are engaged, educated and empowered to understand family and community issues and take ownership of implementing local solutions.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Kentucky communities’ health and economy are strengthened through strong local organizational leadership
Community problems are solved through active engaged local leaders.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Number of people who:
-Practice personal leadership skills in clubs, schools and community outreach.
-Improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and needs.
-Apply skills to assess needs, develop programs and implement solutions for community problems
Initial Outcomes:
-Kentuckians increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership.
-KEHA and FCS Advisory Council members increase knowledge and skills in organizational leadership.
-Kentuckians increase knowledge and skills in community leadership.
Initial Outcome: Annual Extension Expo, sponsored by the County Extension Council
Indicator: Will record booth participation level and their evaluation feedback on the benefits of participating in the Expo.
Method: Record of booths participating each year; estimated attendance of public from registration at CES booth or other booths. Survey booth participants to get feedback on how Expo will help their business or service agency with increased clients, contacts, volunteers or fundraising efforts.
Timeline: Annual Extension Expo is held on a Saturday in March.
Intermediate Outcome: Scholarships awarded
Indicator: Number and amount of scholarships awarded by local Extension-related organizations
Method: Reported by Extension organizations
Timeline: Most offered and awarded in March & April each year
Long-term Outcome: Extension-related organization members accept Leadership Roles and fulfill responsibilities
Indicator: Members serving throughout the year or term of office
Method: Observation, recorded in organizations' minutes
Timeline: All year
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Locals eligible for Extension organizations' sponsored Scholarships
Project or Activity: Scholarships awarded to promote continuing higher education
Content or Curriculum: Local scholarship applications
Inputs: Scholarship Applications promoted through organizations, Extension mailings, newsletters, newspaper and social media
Date: Winter/Spring 2023/2024
Audience: LaRue County Public
Project or Activity: Annual Extension Expo (one day event)
Content or Curriculum: Promotion of CES and local/regional businesses and service providers.
Inputs: Sponsored by County Extension Council; many Extension leaders help run or plan for participation of the educational booths for their Extension organization. The public schools partner in allowing annual use of the high school gym facilities for the event. Local Jailer assists with help for set up and take down of Expo. Local newspaper usually includes a special Expo-theme insert addition during the week of Expo. Various leaders and businesses help promote the Expo through electronic signs and social media.
Date: Extension Expo is held on a Saturday in March annually
Audience: Chamber of Commerce- Leadership LaRue class
Project or Activity: Ag Day activities for Leadership LaRue
Content or Curriculum: Monthly day-long sessions focusing on learning about LaRue County, sponsored by LaRue County Chamber of Commerce.
Inputs: Extension agents plan and implement Ag Day in cooperation with local agribusinesses and farmers/producers.
Date: Agriculture Day held in mid-march
Audience: Local volunteers, public or resource agencies who need assistance with service projects that require sewn items or fabric construction skills.
Project or Activity: Nifty Needles- Open Sew Days, where work is done on service projects that require sewing assembly such as Comfort Caps for cancer patients, lap quilts for nursing home residents or Hosparus patients, quilt coverlets and pillowcases for youth medical camp, nap mat covers for Head Start classrooms, clothing or personal hygiene products for international charities. All of these items are made at no cost to the recipients.
Content or Curriculum: Monthly service project work days is coordinated by local Master Clothing Volunteer leader.
Inputs: Area service agencies, businesses and schools work with the Nifty Needle volunteers to support community service projects.
Date: Nifty Needles usually meet on the 4th Monday of each month, unless otherwise announced.
Audience: County Quilt Club
Project or Activity: Quilt Club meets monthly to share skills or quilting techniques. They are passing this heritage skill on to younger members, to help teach future generations the art of quilting.
Content or Curriculum: Club members share info learned from national sources or other skilled quilters.
Inputs: Community leaders work with club to promote the sharing of this heritage skills
Date: Quilt Club is participating in annual Lincoln Days Celebration Quilt Show and planning their own local quilt show. All are free to the public to help promote appreciation of skilled local artisans.
Success Stories
4-H Council Helps to Continue Local Fair Tradition
Author: Misty Wilmoth
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
When the continuation of the longest running county fair in Kentucky was threatened in 2019, the LaRue County 4-H Council stepped up to continue to offer 4-H and open floral hall exhibits, as well as all the traditional livestock shows. A fair committee was formed and the committee worked to recruit superintendents for each of the livestock shows. The 4-H Council took over the financial aspects of the exhibit and show premiums. Sponsors were also secured to help with the expens
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Kentucky Volunteer Forum Hall of Fame Recognition
Author: Marla Stillwell
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills
According to Kwarteng, Smith, & Miller (1988), volunteer recognition is defined as "formal and informal favorable attention given to an individual to provide a sense of appreciation.” Recognition is vital to sustaining volunteers in the roles in which they serve, and it encourages volunteers to expand responsibilities into other areas. The Kentucky Volunteer Forum has grown exponentially since its inception in 2000. Since then, multiple sub-committees have develo
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Homemakers Efforts Upgrade Floral Hall Exhibit Building at Fairgrounds
Author: Marla Stillwell
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

When the LaRue County Fiscal Court allocated funds in their 2024 budget for community organizations to apply it towards a community betterment project to benefit the local area, the LaRue County Extension Homemakers got to work. Starting with a generous sponsorship of $1000 from a local bank, the Homemakers continued to raise over $10,000 to add to the matching grant awarded by Fiscal Court. The funds were utilized to complete upgrades to the Floral Hall Exhibit Buiding at the LaRue
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment