Improved home interiors, landscapes, and gardening.Plan of Work
Livingston County CES
Improved home interiors, landscapes, and gardening.
Health, Wellness, and Quality of Life
Agents Involved:
ANR, 4-H & FCS
Local Food System Development and Mapping
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Weather patterns, economic situations, built and natural environments, and geographic location influence our concerns about issues related to healthy homes and communities. Individuals desire safe homes that promote and support the physical and mental well-being of their families throughout the life cycle. Sustainability and "green living" continue to be lifestyle adaptations that encourage energy conservation, recycling, and support cost effective improvements to our houses, buildings, barns, and farms. Extension has seen increased interest in patrons wanting to know more about energy conservation, budget-friendly home improvements, upcycling, and sustainable environments.
Long-Term Outcomes:
(A) Improve environmental quality in the homes, landscapes, and farms throughout Livingston County
(B) To create safe homes that promote and support the physical and mental well-being of families throughout the life-cycle.
(C) To improve the built and natural environment, which lead to healthy and active lifestyles
(D) Develop consciousness of recycling, reusing, and repurposing.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Homeowners will implement environmentally conscious decision regarding home energy use and conservation practices. Youth will be aware of energy costs and ways to reduce energy usage within the home. Clients will practice going "green' by using natural homemade cleaning products. Community will see increase in recycling terminals and drop-off points. Families will develop and implement a home disaster preparedness plan. Youth will participate in community clean-up efforts.
Initial Outcomes:
Change knowledge, opinions, skills, and/or aspirations in understanding of issues related to: Disaster preparedness, "Going Green", energy and water conservation, or home safety. Homeowners will adopt landscaping practices that can improve the health and appearance of lawn and gardens while protecting and preserving natural resources. Consumers will understand the impact of recycling and repurposing as it directly effects them financially.
Long Term Outcome: Create safe homes within environments that promote and support the physical and mental well-being of families
Indicator: Number of program participants that suffer less damage or injury during natural disasters
Method: Surveys, observation, FEMA data
Timeline: throughout the year
Intermediate Outcome: Number of program participants who implement one or more practices that will increase home value and/or safety
Method: Survey, post evaluation, energy data
Timeline: 6-12 months following the program
Initial Outcome: Increase knowledge of issues relating to sustainability, green initiatives, and better landscaping practices
Timeline: Immediately following program
Audience: Farm Families
Project or Activity: County Agricultural Field Day – Energy Program Topic
Content or Curriculum: UK Speaker, Displays
Date: Summer
Initial Outcome: Collect and remove rubbish in the community
Timeline: Immediately following program
Audience: 4-H youth and volunteers
Project or Activity: Roadside Clean-up/Ohio River Sweep
Content or Curriculum: Agent Led/ Ohio River Sweep
Date: Summer
Initial Outcome: Increase knowledge of food production
Timeline: Immediately following program
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Chef Club, Health camps
Content or Curriculum: SNAP Teen Cuisine
Date: School Year/ Summer
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: General public
Activity: Pesticide training
Content: UK curriculum and State AG programming
Inputs: ANR
Dates: Seasonally
Audience: Homeowners
Activity: Landscape maintenance and gardening
Content or Curriculum: Supplied by agents and specialists
Inputs: ANR
Date: Spring/Fall
Audience: County Youth
Activity: Environmental Day/Day Camps
Content or Curriculum: Natural Resource
Input: 4-H, ANR, FCS, Fish & Wildlife, Watershed Watch, Soil Conservation, KY Division of Forestry, Corps of Engineers, Local Volunteers
Date: Annually
Audience: County Youth
Activity: Soil Science: Soil Texture & Profile Demonstration
Inputs: 4-H, ANR
Date: Spring
Audience: County Volunteers
Activity: Ohio River Sweep
Inputs: ANR,& volunteers
Date: Summer
Audience: General public
Activity: Gardening Series
Content or Curriculum: Various home garden publications/ fertilizer do's and dont's
Input: ANR
Date: Spring and Summer
Success Stories
A zinia success
Author: Adam Barnes
Major Program: Horticulture, Commercial

Livingston County ANR played a pivotal role in resolving a critical issue at Sugar Creek Flower Farm, a commercial flower farm operating in the county. The owner reached out with an urgent problem: thousands of zinnias, just beginning to bloom, were showing deformed flowers. Despite the rest of the plant appearing healthy and no visible bugs, the flowers were abnormal, and there were small piles of fine dirt around the plants. Desperate for a solution, she contacted Livingston County ANR for hel
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment