Youth Agriculture EducationPlan of Work

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Bracken County CES

Youth Agriculture Education
Agriculture, Management and Decision Process
Agents Involved:
Agriculture & Natural Resources

Wendell Berry (1990), Kentucky novelist, poet, environmentalist, and farmer, stated that “…eating is an agricultural act” (p.1). Unfortunately, for many, there is a disconnect between the food we eat and where that food comes from. Today’s society lacks understanding regarding agricultural production and processing (Spielmaker and Leising, 2013). The Kentucky 4-H Youth Development Program strives to increase agricultural literacy among youth in Kentucky. The Agricultural Education in Secondary Schools Committee established by the National Research Council (1988) described an agriculturally literate person as one who’s “…understanding of the food and fiber system would include its history and its current economic, social, and environmental significance to all” (p. 8). The National Agriculture Literacy Logic Model defines an agriculturally literate person as one “…who understands and can communicate the source and value of agriculture as it affects our quality of life” (Spielmaker et al., 2014, p. 2). One of the key initiatives in Kentucky 4-H is to increase a young person’s awareness of the impact agriculture has on his/her daily life.

Long-Term Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:

Initial Outcome: The number of youth who demonstrate a skill that was learned and improved by participating in a 4-H ANR project, program, event or activity.

Indicator: participation, project books, evaluation, 6 hrs. of education completed

Method: completion of above, observation, and youth/volunteer evaluations

Timeline: Annually

Intermediate Outcome: The number of youth that keep production, performance or financial records on their 4-H agriculture projects.

Indicator: record books, evaluation,

Method: observation, completion and continuation of projects,

Timeline: Annually

Long-term Outcome: Number of youth who understands the role of agriculture in the production of food and fiber.

Indicator: records, evaluation, project outcomes, roles in agriculture production

Method: record books, completion of 6hrs. observation,

Timeline: Annually

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: 4-H Livestock members

Project or Activity: Monthly livestock club meetings

Content or Curriculum: Livestock Certification materials

Inputs: agent, volunteers, teen leaders

Date: monthly meetings 2023-2024

Audience: 1st graders in Bracken County

Project or Activity: Farm to Table

Content or Curriculum: Farm to School, My Plate materials, Professor Popcorn

Inputs: 4-H/FCS agents, teachers,

Date: Spring 2024

Audience: School aged kids

Project or Activity: Chickens/Embryology

Content or Curriculum: ChickQuest

Inputs: 4-H agent, teachers, school staff

Date: Spring 2024

Audience:  School Kids

Project or Activity:  Safety Day

Content or Curriculum:  UK publications

Inputs:  Community partners, school staff, FRYSC

Date: Spring 2024

Audience: School Kids

Project or Activity: National Ag Day

Content or Curriculum: Teach Ag KY curriculum

Inputs: Staff, school staff, community partners

Date: Spring 2024

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