Best Management Practices in Home HorticulturePlan of Work
Boyd County CES
Best Management Practices in Home Horticulture
Environmental Awareness
Agents Involved:
Bowling, Stahler
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Master Gardener
Community Gardens and Horticulture Therapy
With the downturn of local economy due to layoffs by large community stakeholders in the area, many families have a decrease in their monthly incomes and are looking at alternatives to supplement their food supplies. In 2018 the National Gardening Survey indicated that 77% of American households garden in some way. Other estimates reveal that consumer horticulture and supporting industries contribute nearly $200 billion to the US economy each year and support over 2 million jobs. Recent trends indicate that more and more Americans are growing their own food (35% of households) while interests in ornamentals remains high, particularly in the area of gardening to support pollinators and other ecological uses of plants. American gardens will continue to look to Cooperative Extension for specific answers to their gardening questions. The Extension Master Gardener Program equips trained and certified volunteers to assist Extension staff in delivering research-based gardening information to the public.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Increase access of fresh food
Reduce plant loss in landscaping
Minimize environmental impact by following recommended use of pesticides, herbicides, and/or fertilizers
Added value or reduced expenses with landscaping
Volunteer for community horticulture projects
Improve physical, social and/or mental health
Develop employment skills
Intermediate Outcomes:
Use Extension diagnostic services
Be active in gardening
Diversify plant varieties
Add native plants to landscaping
Use Integrated Pest Management practices
Adopt best practices in water quality and/or soil health
Handle chemicals safely
Initial Outcomes:
Increase their knowledge of horticulture and best practices in soil health, water conservation, and chemical use
Recognize the value of diagnostic testing
Match plants to appropriate planting location
Understand the value of native plants
Discuss pollinator protection
Locate Extension horticulture resources
Observe horticulture and food preparation demonstrations
Initial Outcome:
Indicator: educational programs will see an increase in participants. Clientele will become more knowledgeable about the relationship between proper pesticide usage and proper plant selections. Clientele will learn the importance of water conservation and the role it plays in garden situations.
Method: Site Visits, Phone Calls, Soil Tests, Insect ID, Plant Diagnostics, Surveys, Private Applicator Licenses
Timeline: throughout the year
Intermediate Outcome:
Indicator: Best Management Practices will begin to replace some chemical usage. Native plant choices will replace some landscape plants. Soil tests will become more of a yearly practice done at the appropriate time for the crop being produced. Water Conservation will begin to be implemented into garden situations.
Method: number of soil tests, surveys, observations, site visits, phone calls, emails, social media comments
Timeline: throughout the year
Long-term Outcome:
Indicator: Clientele will preform soil tests prior to applying any products to any landscape, lawn or garden area. There will be more native plants incorporated into home landscapes. Regular Best Management Practices will be preformed in home gardening situations. Clientele will use at least one method of water conservation on a regular basis in their garden situations.
Method: Soil test numbers at the right time of year for the target crop, surveys, observations, number of site visits, number of phone calls, social media comments
Timeline: throughout the year
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: homeowners and Federal Prison Inmates
Project or Activity: Master Gardener Program
Content or Curriculum: State Master Gardener Curriculum
Inputs: County Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, OH and WV Extension Agents, Local specialists, county master gardeners
Date: Annually - spring
Audience: Homeowners
Project or Activity: Gardening seminars
Content or Curriculum: Environmental and gardening related topics
Inputs: County Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, OH and WV extension agents, local specialists, county master gardeners
Date: annually
Audience: homeowners
Project or Activity: WSAZ Home and Garden Show
Content or Curriculum: Extension Publications and programs
Inputs: County Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, OH and WV extension agents, local specialists, county master gardeners
Date: annually - spring
Audience: Farmers Market Vendors
Project or Activity: PBPT Training
Content or Curriculum: PBPT training materials, state farmers market training
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, New Crop Opportunities, Extension Specialist, Local Producers, USDA
Date: Annually
Audience: Farmers Market Vendors
Project or Activity: Senior and WIC Voucher Training
Content or Curriculum: KDA Voucher training powerrpoint, Farmers Market rules and regulations, State Health Dept information
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, State Health Dept., New Crop Opportunities, Extension Specialist, USDA, Local Producers
Date: Annually
Audience: Farmers Market Vendors
Project or Activity: Farmers Market Meeting
Content or Curriculum: Market Contract of Rules and Regulations, Ky Proud Information
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, New Crop Opportunities, Local Producers, Extension Specialists, USDA
Date: 2 annual spring meetings and 1 annual fall meeting
Audience: local producers/home gardeners
Project or Activity: Small Farm and Garden Conference
Content or Curriculum: Extension Publications and programs
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, New Crop Opportunities, Extension Specialist, Local Producers, USDA, NRCS
Date: Annually-spring
Audience: local producers/home gardeners
Project or Activity: Garden Shed Herb Day
Content or Curriculum: Extension Publications, National Herb Society
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, New Corp Opportunities, Local Producers, Extension Specialists
Date: Annually (spring)
Audience: Farmers Market Producers, Home producers
Project or Activity: Vegetable Field Day
Content or Curriculum: Best Management Practices, Production Methods, Marketing Strategies, Food Preservation, Food Safety, Cultivar and Variety Selection
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, New Crop Opportunities, Local Producers, Extension Specialists, USDA
Date Bi-Annually (summer)
Audience: Adults, Youth
Project or Activity: Heritage Harvest Tour
Content or Curriculum: Agritourism featuring local history and agriculture
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, New Crop Opportunities, local producers, extension specialists, USDA, local communities
Date: Annually (Fall)
Audience: Adults, Youth
Project or Activity: Farmers Market Customer Appreciation
Content or Curriculum: NEP information, Ky Proud information, UK Extension Information
Inputs: County Extension Agents, Extension Volunteers, NEP Assistant, KDA
Date: Bi-Annually (summer)
Audience: Adults, Youth
Project or Activity: Holiday Wreath Program
Content or Curriculum: Using Native Plants, Evergreen ID, UK Forestry, UK Horticulture
Inputs: County Extension Agents, Extension Volunteers, 4-H
Date: Annually (Nov-Dec)
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: School gardens
Content or Curriculum: Jr Master Gardener curriculum as a reference
Inputs: County Agents, extension volunteers, 4-H staff, school staff and faculty
Date: Spring/Fall
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: School Apiary, beekeepers
Content or Curriculum: Bee Ambassadors curriculum as a reference
Inputs: County Agents, Extension specialists, Extension volunteers, 4-H staff, school staff and faculty
Date: Spring/Summer/Fall
Audience: Adults, Youth
Project or Activity: Monthly Beekeepers Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Extension publications, beekeepers newsletters, Extension Youtube videos
Inputs: County Agents, Extension Specialists, local beekeepers
Date: Monthly 23-24
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Monthly Master Gardener Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Extension publications, Extension Youtube videos
Inputs: County Agents, Master Gardeners, Local Experts, Extension Specialists
Date: Monthly 23-24
Success Stories
Federal Inmates Help to Feed Local Community Members in Need
Author: Lori Bowling
Major Program: Master Gardener
The Tri-State area of Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia has been battling the issues of food insecurity and food deserts for many years. There has been in influx of the population that has fallen below the poverty line in the recent 5 years and the number of those that are homeless have increased as well. One program that has been working to help provide fresh fruits and vegetables to those individuals that would not normally have access to these is the Master Gardener Program at the
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Local Gardener Increases Growing Season with High Tunnel
Author: Lori Bowling
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Many of our local farmers and gardeners that sell produce to local stores or at farmers markets are always looking for better ways to get marketable produce earlier in the season. One local gardener saw that there was a market for this type of produce at local small markets and restaurants. The farmer applied for and received the high tunnel grant through the soil conservation cost share program. Working with the Boyd County Horticulture Agent the gardener learned about best gr
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment