Youth DevelopmentPlan of Work
McCreary County CES
Youth Development
Development Responsible Youth
Agents Involved:
Whitis, Fugate
4-H Youth Development Programming
Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
McCreary County is a rural community with few activities targeting youth. Currently 52.6% of McCreary county youth live in poverty. With tough economic times and limited resources, it is important to provide youth with opportunities to develop essential life skills. In McCreary County. Twenty three percent of teens are high school dropouts. The teen pregnancy rate has increased over the last ten years to 34 compared to a state rate of 31. School lunches are free for everyone child. Programming is designed to engage young people and provide educational opportunities that develop decision-making skills, independence, and personal responsibility.
Long-Term Outcomes:
To develop youth with confidence and strong communication skills.
To develop youth that will possess critical thinking skills, independence, personal responsibility, and life skills that enable them to become productive citizens and competitive members of the future workforce.
To develop youth that has an appreciation for the natural resources and environment.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth will practice communicating clearly and confidently.
Youth will demonstrate basic money management skills.
Youth will practice problem solving skills.
Youth will demonstrate acceptance of personal responsibility.
Initial Outcomes:
Youth will recognize the importance of strong communication skills.
Youth will practice communicating clearly and confidently.
Youth will recognize importance of money management skills.
Youth will become more aware of the importance of the natural resources and environment they live in.
Outcome: Increased life skills
Indicator: Numbers of youth attending camp and skills gained
Method: Agent and leader observations, camper surveys
Timeline: July -June
Outcome: Increased leadership Skills
Indicator: Numbers of youth participating in the Youth Leadership Program,
Method: Agent and leader observations, participant surveys
Timeline: September – May
Outcome: Increased awareness about the Environment
Indicator: Number of youth participating
Method: Participant Surveys
Timeline: May
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: High School Youth, Gifted and Talented in Leadership
Project or Activity: Youth Leadership Program
Content or Curriculum: Topics selected by committee members
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, specialists, EKU Personnel, Community Leaders
Date: September -May
Audience: McCreary County Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Bee Club
Content or Curriculum: KSU & UT Curriculum
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, program assistants,
Date: July - June
Audience: Pine Knot Elementary Garden Sprouts 4-H Club
Project or Activity: School Garden
Content or Curriculum: Extension & School based
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, program assistants, specialists, school personnel
Date: August -June
Audience: 4-H club youth ages 9-18
Project or Activity: 4-H Projects/Project Week
Content or Curriculum: Project Books
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, program assistants, specialists, and volunteers. Kentucky CES publications and resources.
Date: July
Audience: High School Juniors
Project or Activity: American Private Enterprise Seminar/Kentucky Youth Seminar
Content or Curriculum: APES curriculum
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, program assistants, specialists, and volunteers. Kentucky CES publications and resources.
Date: November
Audience: 4-H club youth ages 9-18
Project or Activity: Pine Knot Elementary, Whitley City Elementary and McCreary Middle afterschool 4-H Art Clubs
Content or Curriculum: Consumer Education Project materials and supplemental materials.
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, program assistants, specialists, and volunteers. Kentucky CES publications and resources.
Date: August -June
Audience: 4-H club youth ages 9-18
Project or Activity: 4-H Cooking Club
Content or Curriculum: 4-H/UK based curriculum
Inputs: 4-H Program Assistant & SNAP-Ed Program Assistant
Date: August –June
Audience: Youth/Adults
Project or Activity: Construct Blue Bird houses
Content or Curriculum: Blue bird habitat lesson, how to construct and care for the house. Teachers will be given a follow up sheet where participants must measure and complete math problems pertaining to their house.
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, program assistants, and volunteers. Kentucky CES publications and resources. Family resource centers, PRIDE, and other community partners.
Date: September/October
Audience: Youth/Adults
Project or Activity: Environmental Camp
Content or Curriculum: A three day program teaching environmental topics selected by the committee.
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, program assistants, specialists, and volunteers. Kentucky CES publications and resources. Family resource centers, PRIDE, and other community partners.
Date: May
Audience: Youth/Adults
Project or Activity: Helping Hands Sewing Group
Content or Curriculum: Teens will participate in the Helping Hands adult group monthly making items for the American Cancer Society. They will earn Community Service Hours as a result and learn life skills. Under the direction of Helping Hands Club Volunteers.
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, program assistants, and volunteers.
Date: September - April
Success Stories
Environmental Education Camp 2018
Author: Gregory Whitis
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Environmental Education Camp 2018Importance: McCreary County seventh grade Science teachers identified the need for environmental education of youth. Educational Program: The program presented was a three day, two night program held at the Feltner 4-H Camp. There were a total of ten day time programs and 3 night programs that each child participated in. Youth also visited a Landfill and a Recycling Center.Role of Extension: The Extension Agent recruited leaders, instructo
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Youth Leadership 2017/18
Author: Gregory Whitis
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

High School 9th & 10th Grade Leadership ProgramImportance: Our youth are not just leaders for tomorrow they are leaders for today. It is our responsibility to train foster and promote their leadership skills today. Twenty five youth were enrolled in the McCreary Central High School Gifted and Talented Leadership Program. The program was a joint effort between the Girted and Talented program and the Cooperative Extension Service.Educational Program: Extension coordinated with the Gifted and T
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment