Active Living and Health Promotions/Chronic Disease PreventionPlan of Work
Barren County CES
Active Living and Health Promotions/Chronic Disease Prevention
Improving Physical and Mental Health
Agents Involved:
Tarry, Schalk, Crain
Active Living and Health Promotions General
Nutrition and Food Systems General
National Dining with Diabetes
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
With the increasing trends of chronic disease and obesity in Kentucky, individuals, families, and communities need tools and environments that support healthy and active lifestyle choices. 1/5 of Barren County residents report being in poor-fair health (County Health Rankings and Roadmaps 2017); 16% of Barren County Adults have diabetes and almost half (45%) have hypertension (Kentucky Health Facts). CES agents are encouraged to reach diverse audiences to help combat chronic disease and obesity in Kentucky communities. Focusing on a foundation of overall direct health education to increase health literacy and the ability to make healthy lifestyle choices. Including, creating spaces or opportunities for active living and health behaviors.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Barren County residents and families will:
- Routinely meeting physical activity and dietary recommendations that promote health and wellness (e.g. 150 minutes a week of moderate activity and consuming recommended daily fruits and vegetables)
- Community environment promotes healthy behaviors where people live, learn, work, and play
- Reduce the rate of chronic disease and obesity
Intermediate Outcomes:
Barren County residents and families will:
- Generate positive attitudes toward changing lifestyle choices to be more healthy
- Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-dense foods
- Improve self-efficacy in physical activity, movement, and activities routes to destinations
- Decrease tobacco/ substance use
Initial Outcomes:
Barren County residents and families will:
- Increase awareness about lifestyle choices and chronic disease (e.g. tobacco use, poor nutrition, & lack of physical activity)
- Increase confidence in the ability to employ healthy practices
- Improve food and nutrition-related skills (e.g. preparation techniques, safe food handling)
- Increase motivation to be active
- Increase awareness of accessible safe places for activity
Initial Outcome: Barren County residents will gain increased nutrition knowledge and fruit and vegetable dietary intake.
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported: eating 4-6 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily; utilize the food label to make healthy food choices; choosing smaller portions
Method: Self-report surveys
Timeline: Pre-post implementing curricula or program
Initial Outcome: Barren County residents will report increased physical activity knowledge, skills, and competencies.
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported: knowledge and skills gained about the benefits of physical activity; adoption of physical activity practices; increase in physical activity levels
Method: Self-report survey
Timeline: Pre-post implementing curricula or program
Intermediate Outcome: Barren County residents will report increased knowledge of the impact of substance use on the community as well as available resources.
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported: gained knowledge of the resources that are available for substance use in the community as a result of Extension programming
Method: Self-report survey
Timeline: Pre-post implementing curricula or program
Intermediate Outcome: Barren county residents will report increased availability and access to healthy lifestyle choices.
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported: gained knowledge of the resources that are available for health and wellness promotion in the community as a result of Extension programming
Method: Self-report survey
Timeline: Pre-post implementing curricula or program
Long-term Outcome: Barren County community will show decreased rates of chronic diseases and residents will report improved health.
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported: participants who had one or more health indicator (cholesterol, blood pressure, body mass index, blood glucose) improved
Method: Self-report survey, Data Analysis
Timeline: At the conclusion of analysis using a longitudinal method comparing indicators from those participating in programs and control groups not participating.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Communities
Project or Activity: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Approaches
Content or Curriculum: Faithful Families, Health Coalitions, Story Walk, Shared Space Agreements, Trail Development, Active Community Toolkit, Be More Guide, resources for early care and education settings
Inputs: Volunteers, grant funds, faith-based organizations, community partners, key stakeholders, elected officials, Department of Transportation, Health Coalitions, Employee Health, and Wellness, SNAP-Ed Toolkit
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Audience: Families and Individuals
Project or Activity: Chronic Disease Prevention
Content or Curriculum: Publications, Health Bulletins, Cook Together Eat Together, Mastering Food Choices, Dining with Diabetes, Fit Blue, Faithful Families, Body Balance, Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud Resources, WIN, Kick Kentucky Cancer, Health Partners, Bingocize, Master Health Volunteer, Keys to Embracing Aging
Inputs: Programmatic materials, paid staff, community partners, faith-based organizations, health coalitions, Healthcare Providers, Health Department, Nonprofits, Schools, Company Health & Wellness, Homemakers, Community Centers, etc.
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Project or Activity: Physical Activity
Content or Curriculum: Publications, Health Bulletins, Cook Together Eat Together, Mastering Food Choices, Dining with Diabetes, Fit Blue, Faithful Families, Body Balance, Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud Resources, WIN, Kick Kentucky Cancer, Health Partners, Bingocize, Master Health Volunteer, Keys to Embracing Aging
Inputs: Programmatic materials, paid staff, community partners, faith-based organizations, health coalitions, Healthcare Providers, Health Department, Nonprofits, Schools, Company Health & Wellness, Homemakers, Community Centers, etc.
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Audience: Volunteers- Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association, Champion Food Volunteers, FCS Advisory Council
Project or Activity: General health promotion and increased nutrition
Content or Curriculum: Publications, Health Bulletins, Cook Together Eat Together, Mastering Food Choices, Dining with Diabetes, Fit Blue, Faithful Families, Body Balance, Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud Resources, WIN, Kick Kentucky Cancer, Health Partners, Bingocize, Master Health Volunteer, Keys to Embracing Aging
Inputs: Programmatic materials, paid staff, community partners, faith-based organizations, health coalitions, Healthcare Providers, Health Department, Nonprofits, Schools, Company Health & Wellness, Homemakers, CFV's, Advisory Council, Community Centers, etc.
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Success Stories
Teen Cuisine
Author: Jordan Crain
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
In an effort to help Teens learn basic cooking and basic kitchen skills, the Barren County Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences and the Barren County Program Assistant collaborated with one Glasgow High School class to offer Teen Cuisine. The Teen Cuisine curriculum consists of six topics/lessons. Throughout the six weeks, students learned about food safety, including proper cooking time and temperature, cross contamination, handwashing and others. Additionally, knife skills and other basic co
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Couch Potato Challenge
Author: Jordan Crain
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
The Barren County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences offered a newsletter-based walking program designed for individuals who have not previously been physically active or who have not been physically active in a long time. The Couch Potato Challenge started January 1st. Those participating received weekly newsletters for a total of 12 weeks. This was a way to help individuals stay motivated and encouraged during the winter months. In addition to the weekly newsletters, the agent ma
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Radon in Kentucky
Author: Jordan Crain
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
According to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Radon is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas that comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water. Radon gets into the air you breathe through cracks, crevices and openings in the foundation. Radon gas is not visible and has no odor or taste. It is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, estimated to cause thousands of deaths annually. All of Barren County is considered to be in the Danger
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment