Securing Financial StabilityPlan of Work
Marshall County CES
Securing Financial Stability
Securing Financial Stability
Agents Involved:
Managing in Tough Times
Securing Financial Stability (general)
Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
The consequences of the Great recession and the extended period of slow economic growth which followed, encouraged Kentuckians to become more aware of their financial situation. Kentucky consistently lags behind other areas of the United States in key household economic indicators, including: personal income, populations living below the poverty line, unemployment, and revolving debt. These indicators, especially unemployment numbers become more exaggerated during the period of the Great Recession. However, at present economist are cautiously optimistic regarding future economic forecasts. It is important to acknowledge the impact of current economic conditions on family financial management. The goal of the Securing Financial Stability initiative is to help Kentuckians understand and respond to changing economic conditions, while promoting healthy financial behaviors across the lifespan.
Over the last 25 years, the number of stay-at-home parents has decreased. Parents have increasingly relied on schools to teach concepts and skills once taught within the family. With societal changes and cuts in school budgets, many schools have eliminated family and consumer science labs and no longer include or have decreased FCS instruction in the curriculum.
Life choices are often based more on personal desires rather than factual information. Those who seek information often turn to internet sources which may not be based in research. Decision-making may be based on product marketing claims, family tradition, myths, faulty information, and lack of knowledge. Today’s massive health and economic problems are due in part to the lack of instruction in the home by parents and in school through Family and Consumer Sciences classes.
4-H offers projects in FCS which assist youth in becoming responsible and contributing members of the family and contributing members of Kentucky communities. At the same time, these life skills prepare youth for the families they will establish as adults.
Long-Term Outcomes:
--maximize or extend resources to maintain or increase financial stability
--number of individuals reporting improved family financial stability and economic well-being
--number of individuals who avoided breaches in personal or financial security
--improved the quality of their life resulting in a stronger family
Youth will:
* Be responsible and contributing individuals and family members.
* Gain and maintain employment through life skill development.
* Contribute to a safe, pleasant and productive home and family.
Intermediate Outcomes:
--adopt one or more short, mid and long term financial planning strategies
--practice one or more resource management behavior(s) resulting in increased savings or investments
--examine personal and financial stability on a regular basis (at least annually)
Youth will:
* Utilize and practice life skills in projects and life situations
* Project a positive image and self-confidence
* Practice responsible consumer and financial decision-making
* Make choices that lead to responsible and beneficial results
* Adopt habits and skills that contribute toward employability in the future
Initial Outcomes:
--teens and adults will show increased knowledge and skills related to managing available financial and non-financial resources (social marketing and program participants)
--participants will increase understanding of consumer rights and privacy protection measures
--participants will identify short, medium and long term personal goals and objectives related to maintaining and improving their financial stability
Youth will:
* Gain knowledge and develop skills in Family & Consumer Sciences projects and programs
* Understand the decision-making process
* Gain skills in setting a goal and developing a plan of action
* Learn to read and follow instructions
Initial Outcome: Teens and adults will show increased knowledge and skills related to managing available financial and non-financial resources
Indicator: 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
Method: Evaluation, program questions
Timeline: FALL 2017-FALL 2018
Intermediate Outcome: Practice one or more resource management behavior(s) resulting in increased savings or investments
Indicator: 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
Method: Evaluation, program questions
Timeline: FALL 2017-SPR 2018
Long-term Outcome: Improved the quality of their life resulting in a stronger family
Indicator: 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
Method: follow-up surveys
Timeline: FALL 2017-FALL 2018
Initial Outcome: Youth will change knowledge, opinions, skills and attitudes to improve employability through practical living skills and continued education practices.
Indicator: Youth will be able to identify skills necessary to be employable and report knowledge gained on correlation of education to future career possibilities.
Method: Workforce Prep School Enrichment Lesson Surveys and Reality Store student evaluations
Timeline: 2017-18 School Year
Intermediate Outcome: Improve employability through practical living skills and continued education practices.
Indicator: Decrease in local unemployment rate as well as decrease in residents who are "under employed." Increase in high school diploma and GED rates as well as college graduation rates for local residents.
Method: Local Economic Development and Employment Rates
Timeline: 2017-18
Long-Term Outcome: Youth and adults will have the competencies and foundation skills to enhance their employability for current and future Marshall County businesses.
Indicator: Investment by local and potential industries in the community due to available workforce.
Method: Analysis of hiring data over next four years and feedback from local economic development.
Timeline: 2017-20
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth, adults, general public, community partners
Project or Activity: Where does your money go?
Content or Curriculum: Where does your Money go?, Real Skills for Everyday Life
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, program assistants, specialists, and volunteers, Kentucky CES publications and resources,
Date: FALL 2017-FALL 2018
Audience: Marshall County 7th Graders
Project or Activity: Reality Store
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Reality Store
Inputs: Marshall County Extension Agents for 4-H Youth Development & FCS, 4-H Program Assistant, Middle School Guidance Counselors, YSC Coordinator, and Community/Organization Volunteers.
Date: Spring 2018
Audience: Marshall County Students & After-School/CFS 4-H Club Members
Project or Activity: Kentucky Saves Piggy Bank Contest
Content or Curriculum: Managing in Tough Times (MITT) curriculum; Kentucky Saves curriculum
Inputs: CES Agents, 4-H Program Assistant, specialists and associates
Date: Fall 2017
Audience: Marshall County Middle School Students
Project or Activity: Career/Workforce Prep School Enrichment Programs
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Workforce Prep Curriculum
Inputs: Marshall County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development and Middle School Life Skills Teacher(s)
Date: As Scheduled During 2017-18 School Year
Audience: Marshall County After-School & CFS 4-H Club Members
Project or Activity: Consumerism Lessons
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Consumer Savvy & MITT Curriculum
Inputs: County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development & Program Assistant
Date: 2017-18 Club Year
Audience: Marshall County 4-Hers (4th - 8th Grade)
Project or Activity: Day Camps / Holiday Workshop
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Home Environment Curriculum
Inputs: Marshall County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development & Program Assistant, Marshall County 4-H Teen & Adult Volunteers, Homemakers, & Community Representatives.
Date: Summer 2017 & 2018 for Day Camps / November-December 2017 for Holiday Workshop
Audience: families, Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Downsizing and Organizing the Home
Content or Curriculum: UK publications
Inputs: CES Agents, FCS Specialists, KEHA
Date: SPR 2018
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment