Home and Farm SafetyPlan of Work
Harrison County CES
Home and Farm Safety
Agents Involved:
Jessica Barnes, Jessica Sayre, Shannon Farrell, Shelley Meyer
Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development
Integrated Pest Management
Volunteer Development
Chemical Management
Also of concern is food supply, security, and home food safety. Beef Quality Assurance and Animal ID are important parts of food safety and essential to working with consumers and producers to insure safe food products. Farm and home safety education and firearm safety is also needed to prevent accidental deaths.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Reduce risk of accidental injury or death by educating the public on proper safety measures. Classes and activities will be offered relating to equipment, water, gun, pesticide, and natural disaster safety.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Families make changes in home for fire prevention, home and hunter gun safety, farm tractor, home lawn and equipment safety, water safety, railroad safety, and dangerous insect safety. Individuals will acquire and use severe weather radios.
Initial Outcomes:
Change home environment to improve safety.
Initial Outcome: Increased attendance and participation at programs offered that focus on safety
Indicator: Attendance
Method: pre and post evaluations on information presented
Timeline: immediately following the program(s)
Intermediate Outcome: Increased number of individuals who complete the safety programs offered
Indicator: Attendance, reduced medical costs, reduced emergency visits
Method: Personal testimonials, compilation of data
Timeline: All year
Long-term Outcome: Personal health and wellbeing increased, less accidents and fires and awareness of severe weather increased
Indicator: Attendance, results of screenings, reduced medical costs
Method: Personal testimonials, compilation of data, end of program written evaluations
Timeline: All Year
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 4th and 5th grade students
Project or Activity: Safety Day
Content or Curriculum: Accident Prevention, Home and Farm Safety Education
Inputs: Volunteers, Harrison Memorial Hospital
Date: Apr-Oct.
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Mesonet Weather
Content or Curriculum: Information Gathering Local Community Weather
Inputs: Weather station located on a local farmer's land, link to UK weather station on county extension website
Date: All Year
Audience: Youth and Adults
Project or Activity: 4-H Youth & Adult Home & Shooting Sports Safety Classes, in-school safety programs
Content or Curriculum: Safety Practices
Inputs: Harrison County Public Schools, home of former 4-H agent, volunteers
Date: All Year
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: 4-H Youth & Adult Farm, ATV, Tractor, Home Safety
Content or Curriculum: Safety practices through media, newsletter, radio and Safety Day educational programs
Inputs: Volunteers, Cynthiana Democrat, WCYN radio station, Harrison Memorial Hospital, Harrison County Public Schools
Date: All Year
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: 4-H Foods and Nutrition, Safety, Demonstrations & Speech Contests, Youth and Adult Fair entries, Awards
Content or Curriculum: Dietary requirements, safe and proper food handling
Inputs: volunteers
Date: All Year
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Cattle Handling Education and Safety
Content or Curriculum: Beef Quality Care & Assurance Modules
Inputs: volunteers, farm signs, Harrison County Beef Cattle Association
Date: Spring & Fall
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Pesticide Handling & Safety
Content or Curriculum: Private Applicator Training Material
Inputs: volunteers, PPE to give out
Date: Spring & Fall
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Farm Field Day
Content or Curriculum: On-farm safety demonstrations and booths
Inputs: volunteers, local farm service agency, soil conservation, UK specialists, Harrison County Beef Cattle Association
Date: Fall
Success Stories
Tarter Educational Meeting
Author: Jessica Barnes
Major Program: Small Ruminants (includes sheep, goats) and Exotic animals
We partnered with Harrison County 4-H as well as Tarter USA to offer a course for both youth and adults about small and large animal handling and equipment. We held this 3 hour long course at the livestock barn at our fairgrounds and had 43 in attendance 12 of those were youth participants with 4-H. We designed this program so that the 4-H youth that were present could earn up to 3 livestock credits and the adults could obtain their chute side BQCA training. The program was very well received by
Full Story
Homesteading Series
Author: Jessica Hopkins
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
Over the last few years, the Harrison County Extension ANR, Horticulture, and FCS Agents have noticed an increase in individuals with an interest in homesteading. The agents are more frequently receiving phone calls and questions related to how to grow and process their own food. After some discussion, the agents, along with the office program assistant, decided to offer a series of classes focused on five different components of homesteading. The sessions would be called the H
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Homestead Series
Author: Shelley Meyer
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
Over the last few years, the Harrison County Extension ANR, Horticulture, and FCS Agents have noticed an increase in individuals with an interest in homesteading. The agents are more frequently receiving phone calls and questions related to how to grow and process their own food. After some discussion, the agents, along with the office program assistant, decided to offer a series of classes focused on five different components of homesteading. The sessions would be called the H
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Homesteading Series
Author: Jessica Barnes
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
Over the last few years, the Harrison County Extension ANR, Horticulture, and FCS Agents have noticed an increase in individuals with an interest in homesteading. The agents are more frequently receiving phone calls and questions related to how to grow and process their own food. After some discussion, the agents, along with the office program assistant, decided to offer a series of classes focused on five different components of homesteading. The sessions would be called the H
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment