Economic Development & Workforce PreparationPlan of Work
Nelson County CES
Economic Development & Workforce Preparation
Economic Development & Workforce Preparation
Agents Involved:
Hagler, Howard, Smith
21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)
Positive Employability
Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Economic Development
Economic awareness and workforce development is a needed and important programming emphasis in the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. There are paid professionals in many KY communities that are tasked with addressing economic development and workforce needs. But not all. One person alone cannot create a vibrant economy or prepare a successful workforce. The recent statewide needs assessment identified Economic Development and Workforce Preparation as a high priority for Cooperative Extension. Building a diverse economy that emphasizes the importance of entrepreneurship and small business development. Creating a workforce that is prepared for and can adapt to the rapidly changing technology
Small businesses make up the majority of businesses in the U.S., and accounted for 47.3% of employment in 2019 (SBA) and in the United States, only 1/3 of high school seniors are college-ready. We will focus on building a diverse economy that emphasizes the importance of entrepreneurship and small business development and creating a workforce that is prepared for and can adapt to the rapidly changing technology by working closely with schools and communities, Kentucky 4-H Programs can provide experiential, real-world opportunities for 4-H Members, Participants, & Families to explore and pursue their future options [such as 21st Century skills and Workforce Development] to help prepare them for the workforce. Through 4-H, youth exercise critical thinking skills, learn to appreciate diversity, practice tolerance, develop socio-emotionally, and strive to contribute to their environment (United States Department of Education International Affairs Office of International Strategy).
Long-Term Outcomes:
- Reduced poverty rate
- Reduction of underemployment and unemployment
- Increase in household income
- Improved local tax base
- Improved profitability for farmers
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Increase rates of labor force participation and employment
- Youth contribute to communities
- Increased partnerships within community to address CED issues
- New businesses & jobs emerge
- Communities implement strategies to improve downtowns and places
- Individuals/youth utilize enhanced communication skills
- Individuals/youth exhibit professional etiquette standards
- Enhanced decision-making and problem solving
- Farmers identity new markets
Initial Outcomes:
- Increased awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship and small business development
- Better understanding of local economy
- Businesses can identify new markets
- Communities can identify factors to improve their local economic condition
- Individuals understand the importance of professional etiquette and communication skills
- Change in perception about moving into careers out of high school
Outcome: Increased knowledge of workforce readiness skills
Indicator: Number of individuals attending programs
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following every training
Outcome: Increased abilities in workforce or entrepreneurial skills
Indicator: Number of individuals who attend training
Method: Retroactive pre-post, 4-H Common Measures
Timeline: Following any program that includes communication skills training.
Outcome: Citizens (adults and youth) taking on new workforce or entrepreneurial roles,
Indicator: Number of people reporting new roles
Method: observation, Survey and/or interview
Timeline: Post training, 3, 6 and 12 month with survey and/or phone call.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Workforce and Career Readiness
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Workforce and Career Readiness
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers
Date: Summer/Fall
Project: Teen P.O.P Up Entrepreneur Program
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Curriculum and Resources from the Small Business Development Center and CEDIK
Inputs: UK and KSU specialists, associates, county agents, partnerships with local businesses and SMDC
Date: Spring
Project or Activity: 4-H Teen Conference (Major Exploration)
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Curriculum
Inputs: UK and KSU specialists, associates, county agents
Date: Summer 2
Project or Activity: Youth Engagement & Leadership Program
Content or Curriculum: YELP curriculum
Inputs: CEDIK Specialists & Associates, County Agents
Date: Fall
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment