Discovery and Exploration of Science Engineering and TechnologyPlan of Work
Wayne County CES
Discovery and Exploration of Science Engineering and Technology
Science, Engineering and Technology
Agents Involved:
T. Humble, 4-H PA Sherry Coffey
Science, Engineering, and Technology
Youth will learn research techniques, responsible practices and innovative technologies that positively address all core areas of 4-H. Through the Land Grant University and Extension system, 4-H can expand its impact and extend its reach in 4-H by providing opportunities for hands-on scientific learning and discovery in 4-H school enrichment school groups.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Youth will utilize the scientific method to solve problems in their daily life
-Youth will utilize the scientific method in decision in making.
Intermediate Outcomes:
-Youth will use and apply the skills gained from 4-H discovery
-Youth will demonstrate and share new abilities
-Teens will mentor younger 4-H’ers
Initial Outcomes:
-Youth will increase interest and engagement in 4-H
-Youth will learn new skills
-Youth will be Introduced careers
-Teens will participate in 4-H programs to acquire new skills
Initial Outcome: Youth will learn new skills in SET
Indicator: Number of youth who use knowledge and skills from SET and participate in more SET activities
Method: Evaluation
Timeline: July 2016 - June 2020
Intermediate Outcome: Youth can independently apply SET skills learned in a classroom setting
Indicator: Number of youth who follow scientific methods when making decisions will increase
Method: Evaluation
Timeline: July 2016 - June 2020
Long-term Outcome: Youth will utilize the scientific method when problem solving
Indicator: Knowledge gained in decision making skills
Method: Evaluation
Timeline: July 2016 - June 2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth grades 3 - 12, volunteers, teens,
Project or Activity: KY 4-H counties conduct non-formal education learning activities for youth and volunteers in afterschool, enrichment, 4-H clubs and day and summer camp workshops, KY 4-H agents provide opportunities to practice learned skills through 4-H programs, KY counties teach youth about opportunities in science, engineering and technology related to careers. Trained staff, volunteers, and youth support 4-H programs, Local 4-H clubs develop partnerships with organizations, collaborations, more county programs support clubs (in-school and afterschool)
Content or Curriculum: Acres of Adventure, Cooking 101 Series, Project Learning Tree, Project Wet, Project Wild, National Youth Science Day projects, Communications and Expressive Arts
Inputs: KY 4-H Foundation supports county programs through grants, Counties apply for grants for software, materials, State staff and county employees trains volunteers and other county staff in programming efforts, KY 4-H build alliances with schools, organizations and businesses
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment