Livestock ProductionPlan of Work
McLean County CES
Livestock Production
Maximizing Farm Profitability in McLean County
Agents Involved:
David Fourqurean and FCS Agent
Poultry/Small Flocks
The livestock industry remains an integral part of the McLean County's agriculture economic impact. Producers continue to diversify into many aspects of the livestock industry to maintain a diverse income however poultry production remains as the number one livestock enterprise here in McLean County.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Maximize profits for livestock producers as well as staying up to date on new advances in livestock production.
Minimize environmental impact on air, soil and the environment.
Improve sustainability of animal livestock production systems.
Increase number of farmers more knowledgeable about/comfortable with livestock marketing and marketing trends.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Implement one or more new practices learned through Extension programming.
Complete and implement a Ag Water Quality plan if farm is over 10 acres.
Implement one or more BMP's for livestock production.
Maximize efficiency to control input cost.
Increase number of farmers utilizing UK Extension enterprise budgets.
Increase awareness of the program to help producers update Nutrient management plans.
Initial Outcomes:
Awareness of current land grant research concerning livestock production.
Identify BMP's for livestock production.
Recognize opportunities for diversification with livestock or new opportunities in livestock production within their chosen livestock enterprises.
Demonstrate proper use of antibiotics in livestock production systems.
Awareness of general public's concerns with livestock production.
Awareness of UK Extension enterprise budgets/marketing tools.
Initial Outcome: Farmers will increase their knowledge of strategies/issues in livestock production.
Indicator: Number of farmers reporting an increase in knowledge of strategies/issues involved in livestock production and awareness of Nutrient Management Plans.
Method: farm visits, observations and self reporting
Timeline: 2022-2023
Intermediate Outcome: Farmers will implement one or more new practices learned at Extension programming.
Indicator: Farmers will report implementing one or more new practices.
Method: Farm visits, Observation, Self-Reporting
Timeline: 1-2 years
Long-term Outcome: Farmers will maximize profitability in livestock production systems.
Indicator: Farmers will report an increase in profits and a decrease in inputs.
Method: Farm Visits,, Self-Reporting, Observation
Timeline: 2 years
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Farmers
Project or Activity: Livestock Field Days/Demonstrations
Content or Curriculum: Reproduction, Nutrition, Health & General Maintenance, Facilities & Equipment, Pasture & Forage Care/Production
Inputs: Agents, Specialist, On-Farm Trials, Extension Pubs, Veterinarians,
Date: Yearly - Summer/Winter
Audience: Farmers
Project or Activity: Educational Programming
Content or Curriculum: Reproduction, Nutrition, Health & General Maintenance, Facilities & Equipment, Pasture & Forage Care/Production, Marketing, New Opportunities/Diversification, Poultry management webinars/Poultry Expo
Inputs: Agents, Specialist, Extension Pubs & Research, Commodity Associations
Date: Yearly - Winter
Audience: 4-H/FFA/Youth
Project or Activity: Livestock Shows, Clinics & In-School Programming
Content or Curriculum: Small Scale Production, Animal Health, Responsible Ownership, Judging/Showing
Inputs: ANR agent, Specialists, Extension Pubs, Local & Experienced Farmers, KDA, Livestock Club Leaders
Date: Yearly - During Livestock Shows & During School Semesters
Audience: Beef Producers
Project or Activity: Beef Quality Care Assurance
Content or Curriculum: BQCA Curriculum
Inputs: Ag Agent
Date: Year round
Audience: Poultry Producers
Project or activity: Poultry Webinars and Expo's
Content or Curriculum: UGA materials
Input: ANR Agent, specialist and guest speakers from UGA
Date: August 2022
Success Stories
McLean County Poultry Expo
Author: John Fourqurean
Major Program: Poultry/Small Flocks
In August of 2022 the McLean County Extension Service hosted the Poultry Expo at Myer Creek Park in Calhoun, KY. The Expo was moved from February 2022 because of a outbreak if Avian Influenza. This region is in the migratory flyway and during that time of year it is not a suitable time due to the possible spread of AI so it was moved to August. This Expo is held every other year and includes a trade show, educational meetings and a sponsored lunch featuring a poultry product produced locally. Th
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KY-TN Cowman's Kind Bull Sale
Author: John Fourqurean
Major Program: Beef
The KY-TN Cowman’s Kind Bull sale was held March 4th, 2023. The McLean County Ag Agent, the Christian County Ag Agent KY-TN Livestock Market and a UK Beef Specialist spear headed an effort to provide smaller purebred beef producers with an opportunity to sell their animals in a larger sale than just selling private treaty off the farm. These bulls had to meet certain qualifications: vaccinated for IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSV, vibriosis and Leptospirosis: dewormed with 90 days of sale: tested negat
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment