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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Horticulture, Livestock, Forages, AgriculturePlan of Work

Clark County CES

Horticulture, Livestock, Forages, Agriculture
Agriculture Advancement
Agents Involved:
Madalyn Wells, Levi Berg, Shonda Johnston, Carrie Spry, Aubrey Lawson
Horticulture, Commercial
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Volunteer Development

Agriculture is Kentucky’s largest employer and accounts for largest amount of revenue in Kentucky’s economy. Every person is impacted by Agriculture every day in the foods that they eat and the fibers that are used in clothes, homes, workplaces and vehicles. Sales of agriculture crops and livestock in Clark County exceed $34 million. There are 871 farms in Clark County with farm size averaging 164 acres. Horticulture crops, Agri-tourism, beekeeping, and custom hay production are growing farming industries in the county. With recent legislative developments industrial hemp production is emerging as a crop of importance. In addition to the educational needs related to the production, support, and marketing of traditional Clark County agricultural production (corn, soybeans, livestock, and forages), leaders in the agricultural community have identified educational needs related to the production, support, and marketing of industrial hemp and other new opportunistic crops.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Establishment of new markets for agricultural crops

Increase in revenues for farm families

Increase number of new younger farmers into the agriculture industry.

Greater diversification of farming operations..

Individuals will engage in entreprenuerial enterprises.

Individuals will gain and maintain employment thru lifeskill development.

Individuals will be advecates for agriculture, healthy and sustainable food systems.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Investment in the production of non-traditional crops or production techniques

Adoption of best mangement production practices

Individuals will practice and apply skills and knowledge in the production of food and fiber in the areas of plant science, horticulture and animal science.

Individuals can explain the role of agriculture in daily life to others.

Individuals can practice entrepreneurial skills related to agriculture and food systems.

Initial Outcomes:

Learn about new and emerging crop production opportunities.

Gained knowlege of agricultural production

Gained knowlege of the most up to date production practices

Individuals will gain knowledge and skills in the production of food and fiber in the aras of plant science, horticulture and animal science.

Individuals will develop valuable life-skills including decision making, communications, record-keeping, leadership and service.


Initial Outcome: Individuals will gain knowledge and skills in the production of food and fiber in the aras of plant science, horticulture and animal science.

Indicator: Increased knowledge and continued practice of agriculture production.

Method: Post Survey of Program/Project

Timeline: Completion of project/program

Initial Outcome: Youth will use and apply the skills gained from Livestock programs, demonstrate and share new abilities related to livestock with others, and practice the principals of livestock production

Indicator: Continued involvement in the livestock program

Method: Post Survey of Program

Timeline: Annually

Initial Outcome: Produers will learn about new and emerging crop production opportunities

Indicator: Program Particpation/Supporting Survey Response

Method: Post Survey

Timeline: Each event

Initial Outcome: Producers will gain knowlege of up to date production practices

Indicator: Program Participation/Supporting Survey Response

Method: Post Survey

Timeline: Each Event

Intermediate Outcome: Producer Investment into the the production of non-traditional crops or production techniques

Indicator: Dollars Invested

Method: NASS, CAIP Producer Reports, Agricultural Statistics

Timeline: Annually, Biannually, 10 yrs

Intermediate Outcome: Adoption of best management production practices

Indicator: Changed Production Practices

Method: Survey

Timeline: Annually

Long-term Outcome: Establishment of new markets for agricultural crops

Indicator: Agricultural Business creation/expansion, Increased farm income

Method: Census of Agriculture, Kentucky Agricultural Statistics Survey

Timeline: Once every 10 years, Annually

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: 5-18 yr old youth

Project or Activity: 4-H Youth Livestock Club

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Content, local tours

Inputs: 4-H Extension Staff, 4-H Volunteers, Industry Leaders

Date: Monthly

Audience: 4-H Age Youth

Project or Activity: 4-H Horse Club

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Content

Inputs: 4-H Extension Staff, 4-H Volunteers, Industry Leaders

Date: Monthly

Audience: 3rd Grade

Project or Activity:  4-H Chick Incubation

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Content

Inputs: 4-H Extension Staff, School Staff, UK poultry unit

Date: Spring

Audience: 4-H Age Youth

Project or Activity: 4-H Country Ham Project

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Content

Inputs: 4-H Extension Staff, 4-H Volunteers, Extension Facilities

Date: January - August

Audience: 3rd Grade Students

Project or Activity: 4-H Agriculture Day

Content or Curriculum: Industry Speakers, Ag Literacy Education Materials, 4-H Core Content

Inputs: Extension Staff, Industry Speakers, Gilkison Farm

Date: Spring

Audience: Beef Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Master Cattlemen/Master Marketer/Cattleman's Quarterly meetings

Content or Curriculum: Master Cattlemen Curriculum, Extension Publications

Inputs: UK Specialists, Extension staff, Agricultural Leaders, Community Sponsors

Date: Spring/Fall/Winter

Audience: Clark County Residents

Project or Activity: Winter School

Content or Curriculum: Agriculture/Horticulture Updates

Inputs: UK Specialists, UK Publications, Extension Staff, Clark Ag Advisory Council, Community Sponsors

Date: January/February 

Audience: Clark County Residents

Project or Activity: Gardening Classes

Content or Curriculum: Gardening Topics

Inputs: UK Publications, Extension Staff, Master Gardener Volunteers, Community Partners

Date: Spring/Summer 

Audience: Farmers/Farm Families

Project or Activity: Clark County Extension Field Day

Content or Curriculum: Agriculture/Horticulture/Natural Resource Demonstrations

Inputs: Producer Volunteer(s), UK Specialists, Clark County Ag Advisory Council, Extension Staff,

Date: Summer 

Audience: Farmers/Farm Families

Project or Activity: Production Update Workshops

Content or Curriculum: Ongoing agricultural issues/updates

Inputs: Clark County Ag Advisory Council, Collaborative Agricultural Groups (Clark County Cattlemen, C.C. Farm Bureau, etc.), UK Specialists, Extension Staff, other Agri-businesses and agricultural professionals

Date: As needed

Audience: Beekeepers

Project or Activity: Beekeepers Meetings

Content or Curriculum: Beekeeping

Inputs: UK Specialist, KY State Apiarist, Specialists, Ag leaders

Date: Third Monday of each Month

Audience: Landowners and Outdoor Enthusiast

Project or Activity: Wildlife Program

Content or Curriculum: Wildlife Management

Inputs: ANR Extension Agent, UK Specialist, Ky Dept of Fish and Wildlife

Date: Fall/Winter

Success Stories

Farmers Market Kids Day

Author: Carrie Spry

Major Program: Local Food Systems

The Clark County Extension Office continued their support of local growers and producers through their support of the Winchester/Clark County Farmers Market with a Kid's Day Event. Extension and other sponsors offered $10 vouchers to the first 100 kids that were redeemable from each vendor at the Farmers Market. More than 130 youth were in attendance that day and more than 85% of the vouchers were redeemed as well. This helped youth learn about and experience fresh, local foods that they may

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Agventures on Depot

Author: Carrie Spry

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The Clark County Extension Agents worked with Clark County Farm Bureau and participated in an event call Agventures on Depot. This event brought together farmers, growers, producers, bankers, and more to help introduce and educate youth about agriculture. All program areas of Clark Extension worked together while participating in this event to offer the youth several activities along with educational information. Kentucky Department of Agriculture's "Kentucky Kate" was loaned to Ex

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Agventures on Depot Street

Author: Madalyn Hale

Major Program: Agriculture

The Clark County Extension Agents worked with Clark County Farm Bureau and participated in an event call Agventures on Depot. This event brought together farmers, growers, producers, bankers, and more to help introduce and educate youth about agriculture. All program areas of Clark Extension worked together while participating in this event to offer the youth several activities along with educational information. Kentucky Department of Agriculture's "Kentucky Kate" was loaned to Ex

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Author: Aubrey Lawson

Major Program: Agriculture

The Clark County Extension Agents worked with Clark County Farm Bureau and participated in an event call Agventures on Depot. This event brought together farmers, growers, producers, bankers, and more to help introduce and educate youth about agriculture. All program areas of Clark Extension worked together while participating in this event to offer the youth several activities along with educational information. Kentucky Department of Agriculture's "Kentucky Kate" was loaned to Ex

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Agventures on Depot

Author: Levi Berg

Major Program: Dairy

According to the 2017 Ag Census, Clark County sells over $34,000,000 in agricultural products, and around 75% of farms bring in less than $25,000 annually in sells. This means that most of the agricultural production is coming from a small portion of farm population, and further agriculture outreach could be greatly needed. With this being stated, the Clark County Extension Agents worked with Clark County Farm Bureau and participated in an event call Agventures on Depot. This event brought toget

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Extension Fall Festival

Author: Carrie Spry

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

"Extension is the best kept secret" is a phrase every extension employee has heard at one point in time. Clark County Extension decided to try and spread the news about all of the wonderful services extension offers and hopefully reach new people thru a Fall Fest event. This event was free and open to everyone of all ages. Many steps were made in advertising this event including articles in the local newspaper and shows on local radio. Many activities were offered from fish casting com

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2023 Winter Schol

Author: Carrie Spry

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The ANR Agent and Horticulture Agent worked together for the 2023 Winter School series. Clark Extension hosted 3 nights full of education for the public. Topics covered included fencing laws, water management around structures, drones in the fields, getting ready for garden pests, growing perennial vegetables, beef health update, minerals for cattle production, and heavy use pads. More than 80 people attended each night for a combined total attendance of over 240 people. The local Farm Bureau gr

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Vegetable Gardening Series

Author: Carrie Spry

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

One of the top requests for assistance from Extension Horticulture would be help with vegetable gardening. Each year many first time gardeners reach out seeking advice on how to grow a vegetable garden. Therefore a 3 day program was planned to cover a wide range of topics. The first night focused on the basics of beginning a vegetable garden along with specifics and details on many vegetable crops that can be grown in Kentucky. The second night was a focus on maintenance of the vegetable garden

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4-H Agriculture Field Days

Author: Aubrey Lawson

Major Program: Agriculture

According to a recent study, 48% of Americans do not know where or how their food has been produced (Kirschenbaum & Buhler, Alliance of Science, 2022). This issue is trickling down to our youth as many do not understand what agriculture is and how it impacts our daily lives. To combat this statistic in our younger demographic, the Clark County Extension Office offered a field trip to showcase the various aspects of agriculture. The goal was to teach youth about the importance of agricul

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Pastures Please

Author: Levi Berg

Major Program: Forages

The ANR Equine Agents Working Group, Extension Specialists and Associates, planned the annual Pastures Please! Workshop. This was the 16th year for the workshop and typically takes place at one of the extension offices in central KY. As a result of efforts from the working group, this year the workshop was held in two locations - Fayette County and Livingston County. In the future the group would like to add a location in eastern KY. This workshop typically focuses on horse pasture management an

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2023 Winter School

Author: Levi Berg

Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy

According to the 2017 Ag Census, Clark County have over 800 farms and around $34,028,000 in agricultural sales with livestock sales equaling 55% of total sales. Also Clark county has 14,576 households according to the 2019 census. With this knowledge, the Clark County Extension Office worked to hold the 2023 Winter School. The purpose of the 2023 Winter School was to hold a three day series covering beef mineral needs, heavy-use feeding pads, agricultural drones, building structures while mainta

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