Ag Production & Natural Resources Plan of Work
Knott County CES
Ag Production & Natural Resources
Ag & Natural Resources
Agents Involved:
Chad Conway, Linda Combs, & Dora Centers
Water and Soil Quality and Conservation
Forest Education: Health, Management, and Utilization
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
According to the CEDIK report, agriculture is one of the emerging Businesses for Knott County. Although, agriculture is not as prevalent in Knott County as in other parts of the state. The county has only 22 full-time farmers but several part-time and small farmers. Most of these producers have very diversified operations with small numbers of livestock and/or acres of pasture and crops. Even though these are smaller operations, they still add financial support to their families and the county. Farm acreage has increased steadily in the last fifteen years, mostly due to the increased use of reclaimed strip mine lands. The major livestock in the county consists of beef cattle, goats, and horses. The major crops consist of hay, corn, ornamentals, bedding plants, fruits, and vegetables. Also, a large number of the people in the county raise a small garden or fruit trees for home use. Forage lands harvested have more than doubled during the last five years, as well as a significant increase in the number of cropland acres harvested due to the use of reclaimed mine land. The County Extension Council and Agriculture & Natural Resources Council have directed us to address the above areas with the necessary emphasis on diversification and small farm production. Emphasis will be on learning experiences that will benefit both youth and adults—mainly directed to those involved or interested in livestock, crops, fruit, and vegetable production, both commercially and family-based.
Forestry is also a significant industry in the county, with 84.7% of the land being forested. Since the decline in mining, logging has increased slowly but continues to increase. According to the latest CEDIK report, Forestry, Agriculture, Fishing, and Hunting are the emerging industries in Knott County. Presently, the county's citizens have become more aware of the importance of, and possible financial gain from, their forested lands. However, education is needed to help improve the forest's quality and improve citizen's forest management knowledge. Another agriculture development area that continues to grow is pasture and hay land or reclaimed mine land.
Although, we should use all of the natural resources of the county wisely. Citizens must learn conservation practices in order to protect the valuable ecosystem of the county.
Like many other counties in the area, environmental concerns are of great importance to the county, with water quality being the #1 concern. A recent survey conducted by the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service shows that over a third of survey residents are concerned about littering and illegal dumping in the county. The extension can help educate the public about the importance of the environment and about conservation methods that help improve environmental conditions. The County Extension Council, Agriculture & Natural Resources Council, Knott County Creeks & Streams (Pride) Committee, Knott County Soil Conservation, and local leaders agreed that the above issues are significant and must be addressed. Major areas to address are to include Knowledge of better management practices related to the protection of natural resources; Understanding of the environmental concerns in the area, and improving forage quality on reclaimed land.
Understanding the importance of good water quality; Knowledge of conservation efforts related to the environment, wildlife, and habitat; Knowledge that managing the forest could benefit the environment; and learn the importance of recycling.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Agricultural producers will manage their farms and resources to receive the most profit or production from their operations. They will develop the knowledge necessary to manage their agricultural operations to wisely use the land and resources for sustainability. Youth and adults of Knott County understand the importance of the wise use of natural resources and strive to improve the environmental conditions in the area.
- Youth will be environmentally literate.
- Youth will make informed decisions and take responsible action regarding natural resources conservation, protection, and restoration.
- Youth will be advocates for environmental sustainability and stewardship.
- Youth will be agriculturally literate.
- Youth will make informed decisions regarding agricultural products and services.
- Youth will be advocates for agriculture and sustainable fiber and food production.
- Adult and youth consumers will manage their resources to maintain and improve the sustainability of natural resources.
- Practicing stewardship in natural resources.
- Ag Production
- Wise use of environment & natural resources.
Intermediate Outcomes:
An increase in agriculture production with an emphasis on livestock and horticulture.
- Best Management Practices will be used for their agricultural operations
- An increase in the diversity of agriculture operations will occur
- An increase in necessary management skills being used
- Increased utilization of reclaimed mine lands as part of agricultural operations in the county
- Vegetable producers will utilize new innovative techniques to increase the production and quality of vegetable
- Increase access to local fresh fruits and vegetables
- An increase in the management of forests as a renewable natural resource.
- Improvement of wildlife management and conservation of the environment.
- An increase of educational programming on Forest management.
- An increase in the management of forests as a renewable natural resource.
- Increased awareness of recycling programs in the county.
- Youth will explain the importance and role of natural resources in daily life.
- Youth will adopt practices to conserve and protect natural resources.
- Youth will utilize and practice life skills in 4-H natural resources and environmental projects and clubs, and life situations.
- Youth will explain the role of agriculture in daily life.
- Youth will utilize and practice life skills in 4-H agricultural projects and clubs, and life situations.
Initial Outcomes:
Knowledge of better management practices and conservation-related to their enterprises.
- Knowledge of new and improved management skills for improved profitability
- Knowledge of new methods to use reclaimed lands.
- Understanding the importance of diversity in small enterprises
- Knowledge of local markets to expand horticulture operations.
- Knowledge of better management practices related to the protection of natural resources.
- Knowledge of new methods to prevent damage to reclaimed lands.
- Understanding of the environmental concerns in the area.
- Understanding of the importance of good water quality.
- Knowledge of conservation efforts related to the environment, wildlife, and habitat
- The knowledge that managing the forest could benefit the environment.
- Learn the importance of recycling.
- Knowledge of best management practices for timber management
- Awareness of pollution and litter negative impact on our environment and community
- The knowledge that managing the forest could be a viable enterprise
- Youth will gain knowledge and skills in environmental sciences and natural resources content.
- Youth will gain an understanding of environmental sustainability and stewardship.
- Youth will gain knowledge and skills in the production of food and fiber in the areas of animal and food science, and plant and soil science.
- Youth will gain an understanding of sustainable agricultural systems.
- Youth will develop valuable life skills, including decision-making, critical thinking, communications, record-keeping, the wise use of resources, and leadership.
Observation and the use of pre and post-test results
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Horticulture Producers
Project or Activity: Insect Disease Control Workshop
Content or Curriculum: Research Information & Educational Curriculum UK Horticulture
Inputs: Specialist & Agents
Date: Annually
Audience: Senior Citizens at Low Income Housing Complex
Project or Activity: Raised Bed Gardens
Content or Curriculum: Raised Bed & UK Horticulture Curriculum
Inputs: Specialist & Snap-Ed Assistants
Date: Annually
Audience: Beef Cow/Calf Producers
Project or Activity: East KY Beef IRM Program
Content or Curriculum: Feeding, Reproduction, Forages, Health, & General Management
Inputs: Specialist, Agents
Date: Continual
Audience: Cattle Producers
Project or Activity: Improve Cattle Production
Content or Curriculum: Disease/Insect Control, & Small Area Production
Inputs: Reproduction Trend AI Equipment
Date: Spring & Fall
Audience: Landowners/Farmers
Project or Activity: Conservation Sustainability
Content or Curriculum: Soil Samping, Cost-Share Programs, & Related Issues
Inputs: Knott Co Soil Conservation District
Date: Continual
Audience: Famers, Gardeners, & Horticulturalist
Project or Activity: Knott County Agriculture & Natural Resources Newsletter
Content or Curriculum: Address Various Issues at Critical Times and Announcements of Upcoming AGNR Programs.
Input: UK Specialist, Agents, and Staff
Date: Monthly
Audience: Bee Enthusiast/Beekeepers
Project or Activity: Beekeeping
Content or Curriculum: Beekeeping Club, Annual East KY Beekeeping School, KSU Beekeeping Programs
Inputs: KSU Bee Program & Local Producers Knowledge
Date: Bi-Monthly
Audience: Horticulture/Local Foods
Project or Activity: Classes, Workshops for Horticulture Production
Content or Curriculum: Hot Topics/Trends (High Tunnel Production/Berry Production/& Diversity of Local Foods)
Inputs: UK Specialist, Local Classes, USDA Conservation Service, and Knott County Farmers Market Committee
Date: Continual
Audience: Youth/Adults
Project or Activity: Care of the Environment
Content or Curriculum: UK Extension Curriculum
Inputs: Agents
Date: On-Going
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: The Buzz About Honey
Content or Curriculum: UK Extension Curriculum
Inputs: Nanette Banks
Date: February 2022
Audience: Youth Various Grade Levels
Project or Activity: 4-H Poultry Classroom Embryology & Life Cycle
Content or Curriculum: National 4-H Poultry Curriculum
Inputs: Classroom Teachers & 4-H Agent
Date: Spring 2022
Audience: Youth Ages 9-18 & Cloverbuds
Project or Activity: 4-H Horse Club
Content or Curriculum: UK & National Horse Curriculum & Kits
Inputs: Certified Volunteer & 4-H Agent
Date: On-Going
Audience: Youth 9-18
Project or Activity: 4-H Forestry/Win With Wood
Content or Curriculum: UK Extension Curriculum
Inputs: Classroom Teachers & 4-H Agent
Date: On-Going
Audience: Cloverbuds Through 8th Grade
Project or Activity: Environmental Fair Days & Nature Days
Content or Curriculum: UK & National 4-H Curriculum & PLT Curriuculum
Inputs: Army Core of Engineers, Classroom Teachers, & 4-H Agent
Date: On-Going
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Environmental Program
Content or Curriculum: Discussion of Environmental Concerns of the Area
Inputs: Agents
Date: September/October 2021
Audience: Community Members
Project or Activity: County Wide Clean-Ups
Content or Curriculum: Promotion & Recruitment for Local Cleanup Program of Roadsides & Streams
Inputs: Knott County Creeks & Streams, Community Volunteers, & Agents
Date: Spring/Fall
Audience: Youth/Teachers
Project or Activity: Recycling, Reuse Programs
Content or Curriculum: Cleanup Program in Schools, Recycling Pays, Rinse & Return, Appliance Buy-Back, & School Recycling Program
Inputs: Knott County Creeks & Streams, Community Volunteers, Knott County Soil Conservation, & Agents
Date: Fall 2021
Audience: Landowners/Farmers
Project or Activity: Reclaimed Mine Land Forage Improvement Program
Content or Curriculum: NRCS & UK Resources
Inputs: RCARS Resources, Agents, NRCS, Livestock Producers
Date: Spring 2022
Audience: Community/Tourism Board
Project or Activity: Recreational Tourism Events
Content or Curriculum: Educating Civic & Governmental Leadership on the Benefits of Increased Tourism Through Trai Rides & Other Special Events
Inputs: Agents, Extension Partners, & Community Leaders, Chamber of Commerce, & Knott County Tourism
Date: Year-Round
Audience: Youth/Adults
Project or Activity: Knott County Creeks & Streams (PRIDE) Committee
Content or Curriculum: Leadership Involvement in Natural Resources Programs & Projects
Inputs: Agents, Extension Partners, & Community Leaders
Date: Monthly
Audience: Woodland Owners
Project or Activity: Profitability for Woodland Owners Webinars
Content or Curriculum: Two Night Sessions on Selling Timber & Management
Inputs: Forester, Extension Personel, & Division of Forestry
Date: As Available From UK Forestry
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Shitake Mushroom Program
Content or Curriculum: Workshop by ANR Agents
Inputs: ANR Agents
Date: November 2021
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Energy Efficiency
Content or Curriculum: Solar, Energy Awareness & 5 Star Rating, UK Extension, AEP Energy Efficient Program, & Mountain Association
Inputs: Federal, UK & AEP Programs & Information
Date: February 2022, (Two-night sessions on Home Energy Efficiency)
Audience: Downtown Community
Project or Activity: Hindman Greenscapes Project
Content or Curriculum: Plans & Community Partners in Planting Trees & Flowers for Beautification & Greenspaces in City
Inputs: Community Volunteers/Appalachian Artisan Center
Date: Summer 2021
Success Stories
Cover crop class reaches over 40 particpants with virtual class
Author: Chadwick Conway
Major Program: Water and Soil Quality and Conservation
Each year the Knott County Agriculture Agent teaches a class in the fall on Cold Crops and Cover Crops. This class covers various topics, such as, what crops can be grown in the fall and how to extend fresh vegetables later into the season. This class is always an interest to many gardeners who are looking at ways to increase the availability of fresh local foods. Although, this a great part of the class, it allows the agent to educate the participants on the importance of cover crop
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Agent looks for ways to engage clientele during Covid-19 Surge
Author: Chadwick Conway
Major Program: Soil testing
As the new year of 2022 began, Eastern Kentucky still was dealing with concerning high levels of Covid-19 throughout our region. The Knott County Agriculture Natural Resource Agent began looking at ways to entice gardeners to begin preparing for this years garden season. The Agent advertised free pea seeds to those that brought in a soil sample. Soil health is very important for gardeners, but many never have a soil analysis completed to see the actual need of their soil. As man
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Local food growth improves with expertise from UK Extension Service
Author: Chadwick Conway
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The Knott County Agricultural Natural Resource Agent assists everyone to be more productive in growing food. In 2018 the agent was called to assist with a new installed greenhouse for vegetable production at the Hindman Settlement School. Luckily with great resources from the University of Kentucky Horticulture Department, we met and came up with a plan to begin production. Assistance and resources where given by the agent and UK horticulture technician and supplies was donated from
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Knott County Farmers Market provides numerous needs to the community
Author: Chadwick Conway
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Statistics have shown that local farmer’s markets provide numerous attributes to the community it serves, including wide growth to the local economy. The Knott County Extension Service began supporting a weekly farmer’s market in 2013. In 2022, in its ninth year, the market has seen tremendous growth and gained stability with two markets held weekly, and has enjoyed a steady number of customers throughout the growing season. Through these developing markets and the popularity of loca
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment