Making Healthy Lifestyle ChoicesPlan of Work
Campbell County CES
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
FCS - Making Healthy Lifesyle Choices
Agents Involved:
Rex, Thompson
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (Curriculum)
Taking Ownership of Your Diabetes Program (Curriculum)
Family Mealtime (Curriculum)
Get Moving Kentucky (Physical Activity Based Programs)
The obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of Kentuckians. Obese individuals are at increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancers. The obesity rate in Kentucky increased 90 percent over the last 15 years. Thirty percent of individuals in the Commonwealth report no leisure-time physical activity. Increased consumption of unhealthy food, stress, and built environments that promote physical inactivity are largely responsible for the obesity epidemic. As a result, Kentuckians are dying from heart disease and cancer at higher rates than all Americans and they have a lower life expectancy, 75.5 years, compared to 78 years for Americans. Minorities and individuals residing in Appalachia bear a heavier brunt of the obesity and chronic disease burden. The goal of the Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices Initiative is to reverse these trends by working with various organizations, agencies, and groups to promote the health and wellness in all Kentuckians.
Long-Term Outcomes:
*A decrease in the number of obese and overweight children, youth, adults and elderly
*Increase in the practice and promotion of physical activity and healthy eating daily
*Improvement in the built environment to promote physical activity and healthy eating
*Improvement in the mental health and wellbeing of Kentuckians
*Manage and prevent the risk, debilitation, and premature death related to diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke and hypertension
*Increase the estimated health savings in dollars for chronic disease
Intermediate Outcomes:
*Practice healthy food choices and strengthen individuals’ ability to build healthy eating plans and patterns
*Maintain appropriate calorie balance during each stage of life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, pregnancy and breastfeeding and older age
*Practice of physical activity in families and communities and decreased time spent on sedentary behaviors
*Changes related to obesity, physical and healthy eating
*Strengthen community coalitions or partnerships to address obesity, physical inactivity and chronic disease
*Practice healthy lifestyle decision-making that strengthen individual’s ability to cope with normal life stressors
Initial Outcomes:
Changes in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skills, and attitudes needed to make informed choices regarding:
*Healthy lifestyle choices
*Childhood and youth obesity
*Adult weight management
*Healthy aging
*Practice and promotion of daily physical activity
*Reduction of chronic disease
Long-Term Outcome: Follow-up evaluations will be mailed to past participants.
Indicator: Documentation or testimonies will be given by the participants that will prove that behavior has changed as a result of the program.
Method: 0ne, two, three, four, etc. evaluations will be given to discover behavior change.
Timeline: One, two, three, four, etc. year evaluations will be administered. Statistics will be studied and submitted to the Campbell County Extension by professional collaborators/agencies/services that will prove social, economic or environmental change has taken place.
Intermediate Outcome: Follow-up evaluations will be sent to participants.
Indicator: A follow-up written evaluation will be mailed to each participant to determine if he/she is practicing what was learned or demonstrated at the program. Participants will answer the evaluation in a manner that will show that participants are now practicing what was learned or demonstrated in the program.
Method: A three, four or six month follow-up evaluation will be mailed out. Teachers and parents will also be asked questions to determine if children are practicing what they learned in the program.
Timeline: A three, four or six month evaluation will be mailed to participants.
Initial Outcome: End of program evaluations will be utilized
Indicator: Written evaluations will be completed by each participant/student at the end of each program. Hands-on evaluations will also be used to evaluate the progress of the participants/students. Participants will answer questions about the program/subject matter that will show that he/she has learned from the class/program.
Method: Written evaluations and hands-on evaluations will be utilized.
Timeline: End of classes/programs.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Pre-schoolers
Project or Activity: LEAP
Content or Curriculum: LEAP Curriculum from U.K.
Inputs: Community and faith-based organizations, daycares and schools
Date: Monthly Sept. 2017-May 2018
Audience: Children 6-8 years of age and their parents, grandparents or guardian
Project or Activity: Mommy & Me in the Garden and KitchenContent or Curriculum: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Family Meal timeInputs: UK Cooperative Extension FCS Agent, Horticulture Assistant and Agent
Date: The 4th Thursday of every month February-September 2017-2018
Audience: Brighton Center’s Center for Employment Training (CET)
Project or Activity: Success Skills at CET
Content or Curriculum: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Family Meal timeInputs: UK Cooperative Extension FCS Agent and Brighton Center CET Director and Instructors
Date: 4-6 sessions every year 2017-2018Audience: Dayton Middle and High School Students
Project or Activity: Truth and Consequences
Content or Curriculum: U.K. Curriculum-Truth and Consequences
Inputs: Middle and High School Students and Teachers, Community drug awareness agencies and professionals, public and private health organizations
Date: Fall 2017Audience: Adults 65 years old and above
Project or Activity: Matter of Balance
Content or Curriculum: Matter of Balance Curriculum
Inputs: Campbell County Cooperative Extension Service, Physical Therapist
Date: meets weekly for 8 week series, Summer 2017
Audience: Campbell County Diabetes Support Group
Project or Activity: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices with Diabetes Support GroupContent or Curriculum: Taking ownership of your diabetes, SNAP recipes, Plate It Up! Recipes, Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Family Mealtime curriculumInputs: UK Cooperative Extension Service FCS Agents, the Campbell County Diabetes Support Group and the Campbell County Senior Citizen Center and Northern Kentucky Health DepartmentDate: Second Thursday of every month throughout the year 2017-2018Audience: Hosea House Soup Kitchen, Northern Kentucky Community Action and Faith Pharmacy ParticipantsProject or Activity: Making Healthy Choices with Hosea House and Faith Pharmacy
Content or Curriculum: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Taking Ownership of Your Diabetes, SNAP recipes and Plate It Up!
Inputs: UK Cooperative Extension Service FCS Agent, Hosea House, Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission and Faith PharmacyDate: Hosea House (Last Monday of every month throughout the year.) Faith Pharmacy (Last Wednesday of every month throughout the year) 2017-2018Audience: Potential 12,600 Campbell County Media Central ViewersProject or Activity: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices on CC Media Central
Content or Curriculum: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Family Meal timeInputs: UK Cooperative Extension FCS Agent and Campbell County Media CentralDate: April 19, June 15, August 16, October 18, and December 6, 2017 and 10-12 times/yr. throughout the year (2017-2018)Audience: Food Stamp Participants at the Food Stamp OfficeProject or Activity: Making Healthy Choices with SNAP ParticipantsContent or Curriculum: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Family Meal timeInputs: UK Cooperative Extension FCS Agent and Department for Community Based Services (DCBS)Date: A new display each month throughout the year 2017-2018Audience: Campbell County Seniors
Project or Activity: Senior Center Enrichment
Content or Curriculum: UK publications, HEEL Publications, NIH Publications, Plate it UP
Inputs: Campbell County Cooperative Extension Service, Campbell County Senior Center
Date: Quarterly Classes Each YearAudience: Pre-schoolers
Project or Activity: Flowerbuds
Content or Curriculum: LEAP Curriculum from U.K., UK publications in FCS and Horticulture
Inputs: Campbell County Extension Horticulture and FCS areas
Date: Monthly June 2017-August 2017
Audience: Campbell County Recorder Readers (17,000)
Project or Activity: FCS News Article
Content or Curriculum: Making Healthy Lifestyle ChoicesInputs: UK Cooperative Extension FCS Agents and Campbell County Community Recorder NewspaperDate: Monthly news articles throughout the year 2017-2018Audience: St. John’s Lutheran Church Food Pantry ParticipantsProject or Activity: SNAP Education for St. John’s Food Pantry
Content or Curriculum: NEP and SNAP Curriculum and recipes, Food Preparation, Accessing Nutritious Foods
Inputs: UK Cooperative Extension FCS Agents and St. John’s Lutheran Church and USDADate: Every 2nd Monday of each month throughout the year (2017-2018)
Success Stories
Making Healthy Life Style Choices with the Diabetes Support through Strong and Continuing Collaboration
Author: Ronda Rex
Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (Curriculum)
Making Healthy Life Style Choices with the Diabetes Support through Strong and Continuing CollaborationAccording to CEDIK, County Health Rankings, 2013, 10.1 % of Campbell County adults have diabetes with N. KY at 10.2% and KY at 11.6%.The percentage of adults in Campbell County who are obese is 28.1%, with N. KY at 31.0% and KY at 32.9%. The percentage of Campbell County adults who are physically inactive is 26.6% with N. KY at 28.7 and KY at 31.5%. Obesity is a risk factor for diab
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Locally grown produce youth cooking program
Author: Sherri Farley
Major Program: Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
According to Kentucky Proud research, buying locally grown produce helps the community by keeping food dollars close to home and it provides individuals with garden fresh taste. The Campbell County 4-H program was approached by three local Girl Scout troops to provide a cooking program that focused on locally grown produce and eating healthy meals. Seven middle and high school youth attended the cooking program. They received instruction on food safety, knife safety, importance of eating fresh v
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Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours
Author: Kate Thompson
Major Program: Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours
Kentucky has one of the highest rates of drug abuse in our country; we fall in one of the top ten states in several drug use categories (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2006). Specifically, in Northern Kentucky, there is heroin epidemic. More babies are being treated for heroin withdrawal, more individuals are being treated for opioid overdose, and more people are dying from heroin overdoses than anywhere else in the state of Kentucky. In Boone, Kenton, and Campbell Count
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Yoga for Kids
Author: Sherri Farley
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Yoga for Kids is a fun and noncompetitive way to be physically active. It supports the goal of equipping youth and families to achieve optimal physical, social, and emotional well-being. Yoga helps improve children's physical fitness by increasing strength, flexibility, and aerobic capacity.The Campbell County Extension District Board approved funding to purchase yoga mats, water bottles, t-shirts, and other supplies necessary to provide a Yoga for Kids program. To introduce the pr
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