Growing and Empowering Community LeadersPlan of Work
Wayne County CES
Growing and Empowering Community Leaders
Empowering Community Leaders
Agents Involved:
T Humble, G. Roberts, D. Shepherd, S. Coffey, D. Adams, S. Hart, T. Bertram
Master Gardener
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Champion Food Volunteers
Family and Consumer Science
Major Program 5: Community Leadership
Building the capacity of volunteer leaders within counties is critical for the sustainability of a community infrastructure that supports long term commitment to strengthen families. Within Kentucky there are 16,000 KEHA members, 119 Master Clothing Volunteers, over 150 Champion Food Volunteers, over 20,000 4-H adults, and 4,500 4-H youth volunteers who share their expertise, and volunteer time with youth and families in their community. Through the efforts of the FCS Agents, 4-H Agents, paraprofessionals, and volunteers local citizens are engaged, educated and empowered to understand family and community issues and take ownership of implementing local solutions. Coordinated efforts between Ag, FCS, and 4-H Programs along with efforts with local Food Service Directors assist with access to locally grown foods for the school system with inputs from student and adult volunteers.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Kentucky communities’ health and economy are strengthened through strong local organizational leadership.
Community problems are solved through active engaged local leaders.
Communities are equipped with competent, effective leaders.
Community members engage others to initiate projects.
Civic engagement is possible and desirable for community members.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Citizens put skills into practice by becoming more engaged in the community, taking on leadership roles.
Graduates in formal leadership roles increase their involvement/action.
Graduates of community leadership programs initiate civic engagement.
Number of people who practice personal leadership skills in clubs, schools and community outreach.
Improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and needs.
Apply skills to assess needs, develop programs and implement solutions for community problems.
Initial Outcomes:
Kentuckians increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership.
4-H Members, Leaders, Volunteers, Master Gardeners, KEHA Leaders and Members, Community Coalitions, and Extension Program Advisory Council members increase knowledge and skills in organizational leadership.
Kentuckians increase knowledge and skills in community leadership.
Increase knowledge of effective leadership skills.
Develop/enhance the leadership skills of youth and adults.
Citizens: Informed about community systems, better connected to communication networks, more confident and skilled in identifying and implementing strategies for systemic change.
Focus - Collect Data - Analyze and deliver training and other resources to
build leadership capacity.
Self-assessment tools, indication of increased citizen led activities.
Increased participation on community boards, civic groups and
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Extension Homemakers, Lake Cumberland Area Extension Homemakers, 4-H Ambassadors, Volunteer leaders, KEHA members, 4H Leaders/Youth, Wayne County Schools, Organizations, Family Resource and Youth Services Centers (FRYSCs), Social service agencies, Libraries, Schools, Faith-based organizations, Government officials, Chamber of commerce, Advisory Councils
Project or Activity: County Homemaker Leader Lessons, and Homemaker Club lessons, 4-H Ambassadors, Local Work Ready Initiative, Leadership Development, 4-H Leadership, Master Gardener Volunteers and Community Members, School Garden Volunteers, Champion Food Volunteers, Health & Wellness Ambassadors, Master Clothing Volunteers
Content or Curriculum: Extension Homemaker Lessons, UK Extension Resources, Empowering Leaders in Kentucky (ELK), Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD), Champion Food Volunteer (CFV) training, Master Clothing Volunteers, Advisory Council Training, SEAL Training, KEHA Leader Training, 4-H Leadership Curriculum and Resources, Master Gardener, Health & Wellness Ambassadors Certification Training
Inputs: Extension Staff, Advisory Councils, Community partners, Extension Facility, Volunteers, Wayne County Schools, Hope Center, Health Department, Quilt Guild members, Extension Staff, families, youth, supporters, alumni, professionals in related careers,
Date: July 2021 - June 2024
Success Stories
Pumpkin Walk
Author: Toni Humble
Major Program: Leadership
Wayne County 4-H Ambassadors held their second annual Pumpkin Walk. The pumpkins were provided by the FFA school garden and were utilized in various ways. The Ambassador group planned the event to include the 4-H Art Club, Cloverbuds, NEP program, and 4-H Volunteers gaining valuable networking experience. New this year, they included the Kentucky Reading Association in coordination the the literacy program and the local elementary school. Ambassadors, painted, decorated, and carved 200 pumpkins
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Kentucky 4-H Leadership Bootcamp
Author: Toni Humble
Major Program: Leadership
Kentucky 4-H aims to engage youth through hands-on experiences where they can build leadership competencies at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. The Kentucky 4-H teen leadership program provides opportunities for senior level 4-H’ers to build upon their leadership skills in the core area of their interest at the advanced level. Our goal is to encourage youth to progress through leadership experiences, gaining skills for life. The skills gained through the Kentucky 4-H l
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Teen Summit Bridges the Gap
Author: Toni Humble
Major Program: Leadership
Univeresity of Kentucky : College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment Kentucky 4-H Summit 2022 Lake Cumberland 4-H CampDr. Rachel N. Guidugli According to research, middle school is a time where young people find their place in this world, they are exploring where their strengths and interests align (Fagell. P.L., 2019). Therefore, it is imperative to provide positive experiences where young people may explore the world in a safe environment. Historically, there is a decline in
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Our Adventures Await
Author: Deborah Shepherd
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Strong leadership skills are important for a vital Extension Homemaker program. These learned leadership skills also benefit other community organizations in which members participate. Extension Homemakers reported difficulties in recruiting new officers, maintaining membership interest in club activities and membership recruitment. They had also reported still feeling a lack of connection since covid-19 restrictions and limitations over the past two years. Our Adventur
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LCA MCV Retreat
Author: Deborah Shepherd
Major Program: Master Clothing Volunteer
Lake Cumberland Area Master Clothing Volunteers are vital to our communities. They allow for an expanded out-reach to adult and youth community members teaching them important life skills. They also help community members engage in art form activities that promote positive mental health benefits. LCA MCV members reported a decline in Master Clothing Volunteers, a feeling of disconnect, need for better communication and more training opportunities. In addition, they wanted
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment