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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022

Success StoryKentucky 4-H Leadership Bootcamp

Kentucky 4-H Leadership Bootcamp

Author: Toni Humble

Planning Unit: Wayne County CES

Major Program: Leadership

Plan of Work: Growing and Empowering Community Leaders

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Kentucky 4-H aims to engage youth through hands-on experiences where they can build leadership competencies at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. The Kentucky 4-H teen leadership program provides opportunities for senior level 4-H’ers to build upon their leadership skills in the core area of their interest at the advanced level. Our goal is to encourage youth to progress through leadership experiences, gaining skills for life. 

The skills gained through the Kentucky 4-H leadership program prepare youth for the workforce, the leadership bootcamp has the same goal. Senior level 4-H’ers are invited to the Kentucky 4-H Leadership Bootcamp to learn about and practice skills they can immediately implement in their 4-H career and beyond. 36 youth members from 17 Kentucky counties completed the experience in 2022. The youth had the opportunity to participate in exercises that should empower them to lead within their community at an advanced level.

Participants of the 4-H Leadership Boot Camp met with current and former Kentucky 4-H State Officers, 4-H Agents, 4-H Specialists, members of the Kentucky 4-H Foundation, and representatives of the University of Kentucky Career Center. Youth had the opportunity to learn and practice skills related to public speaking, interviewing, resume writing, etiquette, goal setting, and teambuilding. 

20 individuals completed the end of experience evaluation. Through 4-H Leadership Bootcamp 95% of respondents feel more confident in their public speaking abilities, 85% feel more confident in their resume, and 100% feel more confident in their interview skills. Respondents reported that they will use their new knowledge:

  1. To improve my county Teen club and Livestock club. 
  2. In interviewing and submitting applications for jobs and future leadership in 4-H.
  3. Sharing and teaching these lessons learned to other 4-Hers.
  4. These lessons will help me make future decisions about my life.
  5. I can use these skills to contribute at the local Extension office and in the real world.
  6. I can use these skills in class to be a more confident speaker.
  7. Through this experience I learned to clearly communicate my ideas and control situations, that is something I hope to bring to future meetings. 
  8. I learned appropriate etiquette in professional settings.
  9. I am more comfortable in my communication abilities. I will use these skills to better myself for upcoming interviews

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Kentucky 4-H Leadership Bootcamp

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