2021 Beef Cattle Production Plan of Work
Calloway County CES
2021 Beef Cattle Production
Production Agriculture
Agents Involved:
Matt Chadwick, Ashley Cox(4-H Assistant)
Water and Soil Quality and Conservation
There are over 40,000 beef cattle producers in Kentucky and over one million head of beef cows. Kentucky is the eighth largest beef state in the U.S. and has the largest herd east of the Mississippi River; Kentucky ranks third for beef cattle density (cows per square mile) in the US. Even with profitable prices it is important to educate beef producers on best management practices to: keep costs down, optimize income through management and marketing, be good stewards of the land and practice good animal welfare. These educational programs are targeted to assist our local Agriculture and Natural Resource agents to provide Kentucky beef producers with the tools necessary to be profitable and sustainable.
In Calloway County several young producers have shown interest in beef cattle production, while seasoned producers seek ways to make their operations more efficient and diversify their income streams. We will continue to build upon the success of the last program cycle by adding more complex and detailed management meetings. This cycle we will focus on increasing net profits, record keeping, and Community outreach for local beef products. In addition we also have several young people interested in farming as a full time profession, we will begin to incorporate them into production meetings as Jr. Cattlemen
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Improved farm economic status
- Increase the sustainability and long term viability of the farm operation
-Producers save money by making better selection decisions.
-Improved herd quality
-Increased profits of operation
-Implementation of rotational grazing system.
Intermediate Outcomes:
-Implement practices to control the breeding season and enhance production efficiency
-Test forage, hay, and concentrated feeds for nutritional quality
-Utilize a complete mineral supplement program at all times
-Make EPD and selection decisions
-Implement practices to perform examinations of pelvic areas, reproductive tract scores, AI, pregnancy diagnosis, and/or animal evaluation
-Understanding of basic rotational grazing system
Initial Outcomes:
-Gain knowledge of the beef industry and information and tools to succeed in beef production
-Interpret forage analyses, feed and mineral bag tabs and to balance rations.
-Operate a computer program to balance rations.
-Increase awareness of the following practices:reproduction, genetics, nutrition, health, end product, general herd management, economics and marketing, physiology of forage growth, grazing math, shade and water, parasite control, animal health and disorders from forage, rotational grazing systems, temporary fencing, and forage types for grazing systems.
Initial Outcome: Gain knowledge of the beef industry and information and tools to succeed in beef production, for producers and consumers.
Indicator: Adoption of basic adjustments and BMPs on the farm, increased Local Demand for Local Beef.
Method: One on One conversations and interactions with producers and consumers.
Timeline: 2021-2022
Intermediate Outcome:Test forage, hay, and concentrated feeds for nutritional quality, Consumers demand for Local Beef increases farm profits
Indicator: Increased number of sample submitted, increased number of viable farms
Method: Comparison to numbers of test submitted over timeline
Timeline: 2021-2024
Long-term Outcome: Increase the sustainability and long term viability of the farm operation
Indicator: Adoption of major practice adjustments such as rotational grazing, AWQ BMPs, forage improvement programs, and Herd improvement programs.
Method: One on one conversations
Timeline: 2022-2024
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Young/Beginning Cattle Producers
Project or Activity: Master Cattleman
Content or Curriculum: 10 sessions @ 4 hours ea.; Lecture & Hands-on basic principle topics: visual selection, AI, pregnancy palpation, cattle handling, vaccination techniques, etc.; occurs as regional multi-county groups every other year
Inputs: UK Beef Specialists,County Agents,Volunteers,Program materials,Locations to host programs,Program Partners/Sponsors,Program materials/handouts/ presentation material, Equipment/Computer/ Projector, Kentucky Beef Network
Date: Fall 2020/Winter 2021
Audience: Cattle Producers, Hay Producers, Horse Producer, Small Ruminent Producers
Project or Activity: KY Grazing Schools, Western Ky Forage Field Day
Content or Curriculum: Ky Grazing School Curriculum
Inputs: UK Beef Specialists,County Agents,Volunteers,Program materials,Locations to host programs,Program Partners/Sponsors,Program materials/handouts/ presentation material, Equipment/Computer/ Projector, Kentucky Beef Network
Date: Spring/Summer annual
Audience: Producers, Farm Managers, Certified Crop Advisors, Private Agronomist, County Agents, Ag Retailers, Farm Workers, Industry Reps. General Public, Point of Sale Employees
Project or Activity: Quarterly Newsletter, Monthly Newspaper Articles
Content or Curriculum: Timely Information
Inputs: UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, Publications, Research information, State and Federal Organizations
Date: ON-Going
Audience: Cattle Producers
Project or Activity: Calloway County Cattlemen Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Researched based speaker and publications
Inputs: UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, Publications, Research information, State and Federal Organizations
Date: Bi-Annually
Audience: Youth Livestock Producers
Project or Activity: Calloway County Livestock Club
Content or Curriculum: Researched based speaker and publications
Inputs: UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, Publications, Research information, State and Federal Organizations
Date: Monthly
Audience: Community
Project or Activity: Local Farm Products Showcase
Content or Curriculum: Researched Based flyers and information
Inputs: UK Facilities, Local Farmers and Producers , Flyers, Researched Based Publications.
Date: Winter 2021
Success Stories
Hay Bowl, Cattlemen's
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Forages

In 2020 our local Cattlemen’s chapter decided to reform their Chapter and separate from the larger “Purchase Area” group so that they could offer more in county activities. I have partnered with them to provide the educational component to their meetings. This year we have seen a tremendous increase in attendance at meetings and events. I assisted them in their first ever “Hay Bowl” this summer and collected over 40 hay samples in a two week time span from 15 differ
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Heifer Development Workshop
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Beef

In conjunction with our county Cattlemen's Association, Marshall and McCracken ANR Agents and Adult Agriculture Program we hosted a Heifer Development program for producers in our region. Heifer Development has become a profitable niche market for producers with high quality genetics wanting to capitalize on the investment of purchasing said genetics. In addition we have several producers interested in developing heifers for their own operation to reduce the need for additional capital inves
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Post-Tornado Cattle Marketing
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Beef
The week following the Dec. 10th Tornado saw lots of concerns come to life amongst our farming communities. One of which was that one of the major local cattle buyers had been reported on the news as receiving large amounts of damage to his receiving yards. In addition the buy was not present at the cattle sale that following weekend. After receiving many panicked calls about concerns with local prices not maintaining with national trends, I contacted our state Cattle Marketing specialist and di
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