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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Wise Use of Environment & Natural RecourcesPlan of Work

Knott County CES

Wise Use of Environment & Natural Recources
Natural Resources and Environment
Agents Involved:
Chad Conway, Linda Combs, Dora Centers
Forest Education: Health, Management, and Utilization
Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
Community Engagement
Water and Soil Quality and Conservation

Forestry is a major industry in the county with 84.7% of the land being forested. Since the decline in mining, logging has increased slowly, but does continue to increase. According to the latest CEDIK report, forestry, agriculture, fishing, and hunting are the emerging industries in Knott County. Presently, the citizens of the county have become more aware of the importance of, and possible financial gain from, their forested lands. However, education is needed to help improve the forest quality and improve citizen’s forest management knowledge. Another agriculture development area which continues to grow, is pasture and hay land, or reclaimed mine land.

Although the majority of natural resources should be used wisely, conservation practices must also be learned by citizens, in order to protect the county’s valuable ecosystem. Like many other counties in the area, environmental concerns are of great importance, with water quality being the number one concern. A recent survey conducted by Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, showed that over a third of the residents surveyed were concerned about littering and illegal dumping. Extension can help educate the public about the importance of the environment, and how conservation methods can help improve environmental conditions. The County Extension Council, Agriculture & Natural Resources Council, Knott County Creeks & Streams (Pride) Committee, Knott County Soil Conservation, and local leaders agreed that the above issues are of high importance and must be addressed. Major areas to address include: Knowledge of better management practices related to protection of natural resources; Understanding of the environmental concerns in the area; Improving forage quality on reclaimed land.

Understanding of the importance of good water quality; Knowledge of conservation efforts related to environment, wildlife and habitat; Knowledge that managing the forest could benefit the environment; and Learn the importance of recycling.

Long-Term Outcomes:

The people of Knott County understand the importance of the wise use of natural resources and strive to improve the environmental conditions in the area.

Intermediate Outcomes:

* Best Management Practices will be used for operations dealing with natural resources.

* An increased use of reclaimed lands that prevents erosion and improve soil quality.

* A decrease in polluting of water and an increase in water quality management.

* An increase in the management of forests as a renewable natural resource.

* Improvement of wildlife management and conservation of the environment.

* An increase of educational programming on Forest management.

* An increased awareness of recycling program in the county.

Initial Outcomes:

* Knowledge of better management practices related to protection of natural resources.

* Knowledge of new methods to prevent damage to reclaimed lands.

* Understanding of the environmental concerns in the area.

* Understanding of the importance of good water quality.

* Knowledge of conservation efforts related to environment, wildlife and habitat

* Knowledge that managing the forest could benefit the environment.

* Learn the importance of recycling.

* Knowledge of best management practice for timber management

* An awareness of pollution and litter negative impact on our environment and community

* Knowledge that managing the forest could be a viable enterprise


Initial Outcome: Individuals become aware of environmental Concerns

Indicator: need for recycling and water pollution control

Method: testing and recyling awareness

Timeline: spring and fall 2021

Intermediate Outcome: additional recycling takes place in our schools

Indicator: more you of recycling containers at schools

Method: recycling containers placed in every school

Timeline: spring 2021

Long-term Outcome: utilization of recyling takes place across county

Indicator: increase in recyclables at recycling center

Method: measure increase

Timeline: fall 2021

Learning Opportunities:

Activity: Environmental Program

Content or Curriculum: Discussion of environmental concerns of the area

Inputs: Agents

Date: September/October

Activity: County Wide Clean-ups

Content or Curriculum: Promotion and recruitment for local cleanup program of roadsides and streams

Inputs: Knott Co Creeks & Streams, community volunteers, agents

Date: Spring/Fall

Activity: Recycling/Reuse programs

Content or Curriculum: Cleanup Program in schools, Recycling Pays, Rinse and Return, Appliance Buy-Back, and School recycling program

Inputs: Knott Co Creeks & Streams, community volunteers, Knott Co. Soil Conservation, agents

Date: Fall

Activity: Reclaimed mine land forage improvement program

Content: NRCS and UK-Resources

Inputs: RCARS resources, agents, NRCS, livestock producers

Date: 2021 Spring Program

Activity: Recreational tourism events

Content and Curriculum: educating civic and governmental leadership on the benefits of increased tourism through trail rides and other special events.

Inputs: Agents, Extension partners, and community leaders, Chamber of Commerce, Knott Co tourism

Date: Year round

Activity: Knott County Creeks & Streams (Pride) Committee

Content or Curriculum: Leadership involvement in natural resources programs and projects.

Inputs: Agents, Extension partners, and Community Leaders

Date: Monthly

Activity: Profitability for Woodland owners Webinars

Content or Curriculum: Two night sessions on selling timber and management.

Inputs: Forester, Extension Personnel, and Division of Forestry

Date: As Available from UK Forestry

Activity: Shitake Mushroom Program

Content or Curriculum: Workshop by ANR agents

Inputs: ANR Agents

Date: November 2020

Activity:  Energy Efficiency

Content or Curriculum: Solar, Energy awareness & 5 star rating - UK extension, AEP Energy Efficient Program

Inputs:  Federal, UK & AEP Programs and information

Date: February 2021, Two night sessions on home energy efficiency

Activity: Hindman Greenscapes project

Content: Plans and Community partners in planting trees and flowers for beatification and greenspaces in city

Inputs:  City of Hindman and Chamber of Commerce, UK CEDIK, UK Extension 

Date: Fall of 2020 and Spring of 2021

Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Nurturing Families

University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment