Agri-TourismPlan of Work

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Pike County CES

Tourism & Economic Development
Agents Involved:
Froman, Porter, Stumbo, Workman
Agritourism Planning

Pike County is in the process of developing and has developed multiple—Multi-use trails, for hiking, horseback riding, and 4 wheeling.  Pike County is uniquely located for access to multiple strip mined areas which are ideal for developing outdoor tourism.  Located with-in Pike County are multiple trails including the Appalachian Trail, the Hatfield McCoy Hiking Trail and in process of building the Hatfield McCoy trail for 4-wheeling.  Pike County is developing multiple camping areas with good access to the trails.  Expansion of all aspects is critical to their future success as a tourism go to location.  These trails not only encourage tourism, but also help local residents do physical activity to improve health and obesity.

Locally sponsored Appalachian Heritage Annual Seed Swap.  This historically brings in tourists & seed aficionados’ from 10-12 states.  It is recognized as one of the largest Heirloom Seed Swaps in the nation and provides trainings in saving heirlooms seed and multiple nationally knows guest speakers in heirloom and related topics.

Pikeville Farmers Market regularly brings in tourists for fresh local vegetables and the craft section allows for the sale of many locally produced crafts.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Goal 1:  Increased participation of out of state tourists and business people.

Goal 2:  Increased health & lowered obesity in local residents.

Goal 3:  Increased sale of heirloom seed.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Goal 1:  Gain membership in the Farmers Market.

Goal 2:  Gain volunteers to do training for expansion of the Appalachian Heirloom Seed Swap.

Initial Outcomes:

Goal 1:  Expand knowledge of the abilities and unique characteristics of Heirloom Seed.

Goal 2:  Expand understanding of the benefits both fiscally and financially of trail systems within the county.


Outcome:  Use of workshop, training, and financial info provided by Extension Service.

Indicator:  *see UK Plan of Work Strategic Initiatives* & surveys.

Method:  Immediate follow-up Survey and Follow-up questionnaires.

Timeline:  During & at end of training/etc. and 6 month follow-up survey.

Learning Opportunities:

Audience:  Local people & Farmers, & Tourists 

    Project or Activity:  Pikeville Farmers Market

    Content or Curriculum:  As needed and as required

    Inputs:  Agents, Specialists, Volunteers, CFA, USDA, KDA

    Date:  Year round

Audience:  Heirloom Seed Enthusiasts

    Project or Activity:  Annual Appalachian Heritage Seed Swap

    Content or Curriculum:  Various trainings on seed saving, Gardening, Food Preservation, etc.

    Inputs:  Agent, Specialists, volunteers

    Date:  Spring

Audience:  Trail Enthusiasts -4 Wheelers

    Project or Activity:  County Rides

    Content or Curriculum:  As needed

    Inputs:  Agents, County, volunteers as needed

    Date:  Year round


Audience:  Trail Enthusiasts –Horseback riders

    Project or Activity:  Broken Trail Rides

    Content or Curriculum:  Support and Safety Info as needed

    Inputs:  Agents, County, Volunteers as needed

    Date:  Year round

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