Stewardship Verified Marketing Program for Beef Cattle
Livestock Production Systems-Beef
ANR Glen Roberts, ANR assistant Terry Bertram, KSU Small Farm Danny Adams
Hay testing
Animal Disease
Calves that are marketed at the local area stockyards without proof of a value added management and health program are discounted by the buyers
Producers receive a price for their calves that is connected to value added by participation in the Stewardship verified program.
Producers have an increased sense of pride because they have adopted Best Management Practices that will add value to their calves
Producers adopt Stewardship Standards concerning their livestock.
Producers learn the value of implementing a Stewardship Verified Program
Initial Outcome: Beef Producers learn the value of implementing a Stewardship Verified Program
Indicator: Attendance of special extension educational programming on herd health and marketing
Method: Surveys
Timeline: 2021-2024
Intermediate Outcome: Producers adopt Stewardship standards for their livestock
Indicator: Producers adopt a health and management system that results in an improved health and production outcome for the beef animals
Method: Producer records and certifications
Long-term Outcome: Producers earn more money and improve the overall herd health and economic viability of their beef enterprise
Indicator: Improved economic return, healthier animals
Method: Farmer records of improved overall economic performance
Timeline: 2021-2024
Audience: Beef producers
Project or Activity: Extension educational herd health program, CPH sale
Content or Curriculum: Extension ruminant veterinarian presentation, CPH standards
Inputs: Local stockyards, industry, extension specialists and agents
Date: 2021-2024
Audience: Beef producers
Project or Activity: Field Day
Content or Curriculum: Demonstration of working cattle
Inputs: Local veterinarian, industry, Cattlemen`s Association, Farm Bureau, Local Stockyards, Pharmaceutical Companies Date: 2021-2024