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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Planning for the Family and FarmPlan of Work

Muhlenberg County CES

Planning for the Family and Farm
Improving Production and Management
Agents Involved:
Darrell Simpson
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Farm Management, Economics and Policy

All agricultural commodities are facing an uncertain future in terms of obtaining and sustaining a profit margin. Based on survey results from Kentucky Extension Community Assessment conducted in Muhlenberg County, 20.19% of of the respondents said that sustainability of family farms was a priority.  Lack of profitability could result in unintended consequences on a personal and professional level. Commodity Councils and County Extension Council members provided suggested programming input so as to try and reduce or alleviate potential hardships or economic catastrophes.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Clientele will assess business decisions and gain management and production skills that will help sustain their farm businesses.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Clientele participate in educational programs and utilize information gained.

Initial Outcomes:

Agricultural producers will start a dialogue within their business regarding enhanced production and management practices.

Agricultural producers will adopt production practices.


One to One visits, phone and or written surveys will be used following educational programs. This will be used throughout the four year plan of work.

Initial Outcome:

Indicator: Improved production practices will be utilized.

Method: One to one visits

Timeline: Annually- 2020-2021

Intermediate Outcome:

Indicator: Improved planning for production and management will be utilized.

Method: One to one visits and post program surveys will be utilized.

Timeline: After programs and on an annual basis.

Initial Outcome:

Indicator: Improved production practices will be utilized.

Method: One to one visits

Timeline: Annually 

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Agricultural Producers

Project or activity: Monthly beef and forgae and vegetable production meetings, field trips, and or demonstrations.

Content or curriculum: Educational programs UK specialist and local ANR agent

Inputs: Agent, specialist, and volunteer time, office space

Date: Monthly on an annual basis 

Audience: Agriculture producers and their family members

Project or Activity:  Financial Awareness

Content or Curriculum: CAFE budgets and Farm Analysis reports

Inputs: Specialists, Farm analysis specialists and ANR agents, volunteer time, Program Support funds

Date: Program year 2020-2021

Success Stories

Utilizing Enhanced Knowledge to Improve on Day to Day Tasks

Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy

Constructing and re-constructing farm fences can be  a mundane  yet expensive task. During the Plan of Work process in 2019, the Muhlenberg County Extension Council asked that the Extension Service provide information on new types of farm fences and construction methods. The Muhlenberg ANR agent hosted  a one day fencing school on October 1, 2019 that included classroom and on site construction of a fence at the Muhlenberg County  Cooperative Extension Service office.  T

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Webinar Series Helps Beef Cattle Producers in Muhlenberg County Meet Two Objectives

Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Major Program: Beef

Production agriculture and those that support it did not stop because of the Covid pandemic throughout 2020 and early 2021.The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Food and Environment Extension Beef Group developed a webinar series titled Reaching Out While Locked In or (ROWLI). Extension Specialists hosted hour long programs  oftentimes every Tuesday evening regarding beef cattle production and management from early spring  2020 through early summer 2020 via Zoom. Although i

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Establishing Perennial Forages Pays Dividends

Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Major Program: Forages

Weather extremes the last several years have had a negative impact on perennial forages and more specifically cool season perennial forages and alfalfa  This agent spends a significant amount of time annually working with producers on the establishment and maintenance  of these forages. Phone calls, one to one visits, and emails were all utilized this past late summer/early fall to assist producers on establishing these forages. Ten producers seeded a combined 122 acres of forages. Int

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Farm Bill Sign Up Decision

Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy

Choosing ARC Co or PLC for corn, soybeans and wheat during the annual Farm Bill sign up can be confusing for many producers. This agent worked with Tom Miller, Ballard County ANR agent and Dr. Greg Halich, from the  College of Agriculture Food and Environment Agricultural Economics Department to work to find the best option for producers in Muhlenberg and Hopkins Counties. After reviewing the production information for the crops and utilizing the decision aid tool developed by the Universit

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Meat Processing Plant Enhances Economic Development and Food Security

Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Major Program: Economic Development

The Covid 19 pandemic brought to light the fragile nature of the United States food supply. The meat processing and packing industry was one area that was specifically affected due to reduced processing capacity that resulted in limited meat supplies on the supermarket shelves. A local client contacted this agent in the summer of 2020 regarding assistance in starting a meat processing plant. This agent worked with the client on all  aspects of this venture. A tour of the UK meats lab and a

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