Community and Economic DevelopmentPlan of Work

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Spencer County CES

Community and Economic Development
Community and Economic Promotion
Agents Involved:
Allison Lewis, Bryce Roberts, Mollie Tichenor
Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
Agritourism Planning
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Community Leadership Development

The Spencer County Extension Council and Agents see the need for new a way to incorporate promotion and development of community and economic growth to the county through a variety of programs that the Extension Service can offer.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Increase community involvement in extension programs and collaborative programs with other agencies and groups in the county. Increase economic net income to residents of Spencer County and increase number of residents shopping local.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Program participants will learn how to manage finances, collaborate with other agencies to promote local retail markets, learning agritourism adventures, and development of local leaders.

Initial Outcomes:

Youth will learn how to use basic budgeting skills. Participants will learn about markets to purchase locally grown/made products to help the economy.


Outcome: The number of on farm visits.

Indicator: Increase the number of participants visit local farms.

Method: Observation.

Timeline: July – June

Outcome: Participants will use alternative marketing outlets.

Indicator: The number of participants using alternative marketing programs. 

Method: Pre and Post surveys/ observation 

Timeline: July – June

Outcome: Participants will learn how prepare financially for the future.

Indicator: Increase the number financially minded students.

Method: Pre and Post surveys.

Timeline: March-May

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Local Producers

Project or Activity: Farmer’s Market (AL, BR, MT)

Content or Curriculum: Farmer’s Market Materials

Inputs: Family Resource Youth Service Center, Multipurpose Community Action, Spencer County School System, Conservation District, Farm Bureau, Local Producers, Community Members, University of Kentucky Specialists, Farmers Market Committee, Local Businesses and Organizations, Elected Officials.

Date: July – June. 

Project or Activity: Farm to Table Meal(AL, BR, MT)

Content or Curriculum: Farmers Market Materials

Inputs:  Farm Bureau, Local Producers, Community Members, Farmers Market Members

Date: September

Project or Activity: Farmer’s Dinner Theatre (AL, BR, MT)

Content or Curriculum: Farmer’s Dinner Theatre Curriculum and Supporting Materials

Inputs:  County Extension Council, Local Producers, Louisville Area Cattleman’s, Kentucky Farm Bureau, Spencer County Schools.

Date: January - February

Audience: Seniors, Adults, and Youth

Project or Activity: Financial Management, Youth CAIP Program (AL, BR, MT)

Content or Curriculum: University of Kentucky financial publications

Inputs: Family Resource Youth Service Center, Multipurpose Community Action, Spencer County School System, Local Producers, Community Members, University of Kentucky Specialists, Farmers Market Committee, Spencer Co. Soil Conservation District

Date: July - June 

Project or Activity: 4-H Reality Store (MT, AL, BR)

Content or Curriculum: Job Preparedness and Financial Awareness

Inputs: Family Resource Youth Service Center, Multipurpose Community Action, Spencer County School System, Community Members, University of Kentucky Specialists, Local Businesses and Organizations, Elected Officials.

Date: August – May 

Project or Activity: Project Days (MT)

Content or Curriculum: Promote imagination and creativity through projects, community recognition, and County Fair participation.          

Inputs: Family Resource Youth Service Center, Spencer County School System, Local Producers, Community Members, Spencer County Fair Board, Local Businesses and Organizations, Elected Officials.

Date: July - June

Success Stories

2020 Spencer County Fair

Author: Bryce Roberts

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

           During normal times, there are certain activities that the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service helps out with, one of these being actively involved in our local county fairs.  But, during COVID-19, the roles we played with the 2020 Spencer County Fair, took on a different look.            With guidance from various local and state agencies, the Spencer Co. Fair Board decided to hold certain events during our normal fa

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Saving Savvy Homemaker Lesson

Author: Allison Lewis

Major Program: Family Development General

With everything that is going on in the world, saving money has been a priority for many. During the pandemic individuals and families found themselves in a crisis because they did not have enough money to cover their monthly bills. With several areas of employment getting shut down, most were looking for ways to cut back and save what they can.The Saving Savvy Homemaker lesson explored many options to help those looking for alternative ways to keep money in their pocket. This lesson was taught

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