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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Livestock, Poultry & CropsPlan of Work

Clinton County CES

Livestock, Poultry & Crops
Promoting Commodities & Crop Production
Agents Involved:
C. Guffey

Livestock and Poultry production make up the majority of farm income for Clinton County producers at $25.99 million, with poultry being the top commodity according to the Kentucky County Agriculture & Food Profiles (2012). Crop sales totaled $3.78 million. With producers facing declining prices for grain crops and feeder calves, a need was identified by the Ag program council to assist producers in finding ways to reduce input costs, become more efficient, and improve net farm income.

Long-Term Outcomes:

•Improved input efficiency

•Improved production and profitability of forage-based livestock systems.

•Reducing input costs and increasing profits for grain producers.

•Reduced environmental impact

•Utilize the futures and options market to limit downside market risk.

•Improved cash flow from utilizing budgets to make decisions.

Intermediate Outcomes:

•Be proactive in preventing herbicide resistance in grain crops.

•Improved litter utilization by grain and forage producers.

•Use the feeder cattle futures and options market to make price predictions and predict market direction.

•Develop a grazing plan

•Producers utilize budgeting tools to make purchasing and marketing decisions.

Initial Outcomes:

•Develop proper record keeping techniques for the farming operation.

•Awareness of forage trial information and recommended variety tables.

•Develop marketing strategies that assist producers with price risk.

•Enhance knowledge of grazing management practices for all grazing species.

•Awareness of budgeting tools for Livestock, poultry and grain crop production.


Initial Outcome: Improving knowledge of grazing practices

Indicator: Producers increasing production through grazing techniques.

Method: Surveys and site visits.

Timeline: Fall

Initial Outcome: Participation in county programming increases.

Indicator: Attendance numbers.

Method: Rosters.

Timeline: Spring, Fall, & Winter

Long term Outcome: Improved production and profitability of forage based livestock systems

Indicator: producers reporting improvements in production and profitability

Method: surveys

Timeline: Spring, Fall, & Winter

Initial Outcome: Awareness of budgeting tools available

Indicator: producers utilizing budgeting tools and templates.

Method: Surveys and site visits.

Timeline: Fall & Winter

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Beef Quality and Care Assurance trainings

Content or Curriculum: Cattle Handling & Care Training Materials

Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals

Date: Winter 2019/20

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Twin Lakes Cattle Assoc. Meetings

Content or Curriculum: Beef Cattle production topics

Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals

Date: Quarterly

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Clinton-Cumberland County Cattleman’s Meetings

Content or Curriculum: Beef cattle production topics

Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals

Date: Quarterly

Audience: Forage Producers

Project or Activity: Production Meetings

Content or Curriculum: Various topics

Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals

Date: Summer 19, Fall, Winter 2019/20

Audience: Poultry Producers

Project or Activity: Production Meetings

Content or Curriculum: Managing Poultry Litter for Profit

Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals

Date: TBD

Audience: Grain Producers

Project or Activity: Grain Production Meetings

Content or Curriculum: Various Topics

Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals

Date: Fall/Winter 2019/20

Audience: All Producers

Project or Activity: CAIP Trainings

Content or Curriculum: Various Topics

Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals

Date: As Needed

Audience: All Producers

Activity: Soil Testing

Content or Curriculum: Fertilizer Recommendations

Inputs: Agent, Staff, UK Regulatory Services

Date: Ongoing

Activity: Forage Testing

Audience: Forage Producers

Content or Curriculum: Forage Testing Lab

Inputs: UK forage and Nutrition Specialists

Date: Ongoing

Activity: Horse owner forage production 

Audience: Horse owners

Content or Curriculum: Pastures please or Horse College

Inputs: UK forage and Equine Specialists

Date: Winter/Spring 19/20

Success Stories

Cow Pregnancy checking school

Author: Colby Guffey

Major Program: Beef

Beef cattle production in Clinton County remains a vital part of the Ag economy.  In the fall of 2020 a local beef cattle producer identified a need for producers to learn proper palpation techniques to identify open cows in the herd.  In recent years a growing number of cattle producers have implemented blood pregnancy testing of cattle to determine stage of gestation, while this is a valuable tool for producers it requires a couple of extra days to know the status of pregnancy. &nbsp

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Cow Artificial Insemination School

Author: Colby Guffey

Major Program: Beef

As a result of the Cattle pregnancy checking school held in November 2020, an Artificial Insemination (AI) School was held in March 2021.  Producers that attended the pregnancy school in the fall of 2020 indicated the need for an AI school to be held locally.  The Clinton County ANR Agent partnered with the local stockyards and an independent instructor to host an AI school for cattle producers.   Participating producers were taught cow reproductive anatomy and physiology, hormone

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Clinton/Cumberland Cattle Virtual Meeting

Author: Colby Guffey

Major Program: Beef

During the 2020 pandemic it became increasingly difficult to host meetings with the social distancing guidelines in place.  The Clinton/Cumberland Cattleman’s Association held a virtual meeting with producers attending the meeting via zoom from their own home locations. UK Extension Specialist Dr. Kenny Burdine was the guest speaker also attending via zoom.   Participants were able to engage in learning about current cattle market trends and projections during the pandemic from t

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Cereal Rye Project

Author: Colby Guffey

Major Program: Grains

The ANR Agent helped enroll a cooperating producer in the cereal rye project being conducted by UK Extension and American Farmland Trust.  The cooperating producer was already interested growing cereal rye for cover crop seed production.  The cereal rye project afforded the producer the opportunity to learn to grow cereal rye with minimal risk.  Cereal rye grown in Kentucky is primarily used for cover crops, the intent of the project was to determine the quality of the grain as it

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Twin Lakes Cattle Association heifer development field day

Author: Colby Guffey

Major Program: Beef

The Twin Lakes Cattle Association partnered with Clinton County Extension Service ANR Agent and UK Extension Beef Specialist Kevin Laurent to host a beef heifer development field day.  The field day location was Springhaven Farms a local cow/calf operation that has been transitioning to more bred heifer development in recent years.  Springhaven farms have been offering bred heifers in the West KY Bred Heifer sale the past couple of years.  UK Beef Extension Specialist Kevin Lauren

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