Success StoryCow Artificial Insemination School
Cow Artificial Insemination School
Author: Colby Guffey
Planning Unit: Clinton County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Livestock, Poultry & Crops
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
As a result of the Cattle pregnancy checking school held in November 2020, an Artificial Insemination (AI) School was held in March 2021. Producers that attended the pregnancy school in the fall of 2020 indicated the need for an AI school to be held locally. The Clinton County ANR Agent partnered with the local stockyards and an independent instructor to host an AI school for cattle producers. Participating producers were taught cow reproductive anatomy and physiology, hormone function in cattle, utilizing the proper tools and techniques for thawing and handling frozen bull semen in a classroom type setting. Cattle reproductive tracts were used as teaching tools for producers to get the feel for locating the cervix and correct AI breeding gun placement and deposition. Producers were also able to practice on cows in the chute to help better understand the location and positioning for proper AI breeding. After completion of the course the majority of producers attending the class felt confident in properly utilizing the techniques they had learned to successfully AI a cow. Several participating producers indicated that they will now begin to utilize AI breeding to help improve the genetics in their herds. Another AI class has been planned for the fall of 2021.
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