Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities Plan of Work
Edmonson County CES
Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities
Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities
Agents Involved:
Julia Wilson
Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
Mold and Moisture Module
Indoor Air Quality Module
Radon Module
Each decision individuals make has an impact on health and safety in the family, community and environment. Each year, on average, Kentuckians deal with 30-50 days associated with thunderstorms, 12 tornadoes and 3 fatalities related to tornadoes. Preparing for emergency situations can be crucial to survival and safety. Understanding how daily choices can impact our environment is vital to conserving and preserving our natural resources and ensuring a healthy environment for present and future generations. In 2008, Kentucky ranked 18th in total energy consumption and 7th in energy consumption per capita. In 2010, the statewide household participation rate for all curbside garbage collection types was 86.6%. In 2010, Kentuckians recycled 35.7% of all municipal solid waste and 29% of common household recyclables. The average Kentuckian used 67 gallons of water per person per day.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Create safe homes within environments that promote and support the physical and mental well-being of families throughout the life cycle
Improve the built and natural environment to increase active and healthy lifestyles
Intermediate Outcomes:
Implement one or more practices that will improve:
- Disaster preparedness
- Pest management
- Going green
- Energy conservation
- Solid waste management
- Water conservation
- Home safety
- Built environment
Assess the cost savings and/or benefits associated with newly adopted practices related to:
- Disaster preparedness
- Pest management
- Going green
- Energy conservation
- Solid waste management
- Water conservation
- Home safety
- Built environment
Demonstrate skills to improve:
- Disaster preparedness
- Pest management
- Going green
- Energy conservation
- Solid waste management
- Water conservation
- Home safety
- Built environment
Participate in an activity or event that improves the built or natural environment.
Initial Outcomes:
Change knowledge, opinions, skills, and/or aspirations in understanding of issues related to:
- Disaster preparedness
- Pest management
- Going green
- Energy conservation
- Solid waste management
- Water conservation
- Home safety
- Built environment
Identify one or more practices that will improve:
- Disaster preparedness
- Pest management
- Going green
- Energy conservation
- Solid waste management
- Water conservation
- Home safety
- Built environment
Initial Outcome: Participants gain knowledge relating to various preparedness and management.
Indicator: Evaluations
Method: Pre /Post Evaluations
Timeline: After completion of education program.
Intermediate Outcome: Participants incorporate a new management technique or preparedness policy
Indicator: Participant Evaluations
Method: Evaluations
Timeline: 6 months- one year after program.
Long-term Outcome:Create safe homes within environments that promote and support the physical and mental well-being of families throughout the life cycle
Indicator: Self evaluations and community evaluations
Method: Evaluation, Health Department Reports, KY Radon Reports
Timeline: One year + after programs
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: General Public
Project or Activity: Green Cleaning
Content or Curriculum: Living Green A matter of Choice, Green Cleaners
Inputs:Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, program assistants, Kentucky CES publications and resources
Date: Spring 2020
Audience: Mammoth Cave Area Homemakers, General Public
Project or Activity: Leader Lesson- Lightbulbs 101
Content or Curriculum: Warren RECC Educational Programs, US Department of Energy
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, program assistants, Kentucky CES publications and resources
Date: October 2019
Audience: Mammoth Cave Area Homemakers, General Public
Project or Activity: Leader Lesson- Clean & Healthy Homes
Content or Curriculum: Clean & Healthy Homes- Mold
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, SNAP Education, program assistants, Kentucky CES publications and resources
Date: January 2020
Success Stories
Cell Phone Germs
Author: Julia Wilson
Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)

In 2020 the Edmonson County School Systems had already closed multiple days for illness. The Family Resource Center reached out to the Edmonson County Family and Consumer Sciences Agents to teach a lesson about the importance of hand washing.The FCS agent worked with 200 students in the middle and high school in February and March of 2020. An initial lesson was on the importance of proper hand washing utilizing glow germ to show students spots they missed when they washed their hands. Afte
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Tree Seedling Give Away
Author: David Embrey
Major Program: Youth Forestry and Natural Resource Education
For many years the Edmonson County Soil Conservation Office has given away hundreds of tree seedlings to Edmonson County Residents. Current events caused the 2020 tree seedling giveaway to be canceled. The Edmonson County Agriculture & Natural Resource Agent (ANR) and Family & Consumer Sciences Agent (FCS) partnered with the Edmonson County Soil Conservation Office for a tree seedling giveaway in a different way in May 2020. Planning resulted in a total of 900 trees being ordered by Soil
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