Fitness BusinessPlan of Work
Nicholas County CES
Fitness Business
Get Moving Nicholas County
Agents Involved:
Weight the Reality Series
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Local Food Systems
Nicholas County is plagued by high rates of hypertension, diabetes, obesity/overweight, and incredibly low rates of consumption of fruits/vegetables and physical activity.
According to a 2012 survey by the CDC; 12.4% of adults have been diagnosed with diabetes, 31.7% of adults were obese and 33.7% of adults reported no exercise in the past month. Kentucky Health Facts goes on to state that 63% of the population in Nicholas County are overweight,37% have been diagnosed with hypertension, and only 7% of the population consume the recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Increase in physical activity and consumption of fruits and vegetables leading to a decrease in county wide diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity rates
Intermediate Outcomes:
Participants utilize meal planning techniques
Intensification of current physical activity routines
Initial Outcomes:
Selection of new fruits and vegetables to taste and cook at home
Incorporation of healthy snacks into daily routine
Initial Outcome: Selection of fruits and vegetables at home
Indicator: increase purchases at farmers market and at local grocery
Method: surveys of retailers and farmers market participants
Timeline: ongoing
Intermediate Outcome: Intensification of physical activity
Indicator: increase of YMCA memberships at local level, annual 5K participation, 4-H health club membership
Method: survey of participants, enrollment and registration numbers
Timeline: ongoing
Long-term Outcome: Increase in physical activity and decrease in DVD, diabetes and obesity
Indicator: Decrease in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity
Method: Kentucky by the numbers, Kentucky Health Facts, census information
Timeline: ongoing
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Nicholas County Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Health Club
Content or Curriculum: Dance Fit, Centering on Me, Fuel up to Play 360
Inputs: health curriculum, volunteers, gym/location
Date: 2016-2020
Audience: Nicholas County Families
Project or Activity: Saturday in Carlisle (2S)
Content or Curriculum: Plate it Up, relay games, healthy snack recipes
Inputs: volunteers, publications, blood pressure screenings
Date: 2016-2020 (September annually)
Audience: Nicholas County Families
Project or Activity: Community Garden
Content or Curriculum: Plate it Up recipes, UK Publications, Food Preservation workshops
Inputs: volunteers, garden space, recipe cards, curriculum
Date: 2016-2020
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment