Improve Environmental Awareness and Natural Resouce UtilizationPlan of Work

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Crittenden County CES

Improve Environmental Awareness and Natural Resouce Utilization
Environmental Awareness and Stewardship
Agents Involved:
Heimgartner ANR, Barnes 4-H, Tramble FCS
Integrated Plant Pest Management
Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
4-H Health Core Curriculum

Each decision individuals make has an impact on health and safety in the family, community and environment. Each year, on average, Kentuckians deal with 30-50 days associated with thunderstorms, 12 tornadoes and 3 fatalities related to tornadoes. Preparing for emergency situations can be crucial to survival and safety. Understanding how daily choices can impact our environment is vital to conserving and preserving our natural resources and ensuring a healthy environment for present and future generations. In 2008, Kentucky ranked 18th in total energy consumption and 7th in energy consumption per capita. In 2010, the statewide household participation rate for all curbside garbage collection types was 86.6%. In 2010, Kentuckians recycled 35.7% of all municipal solid waste and 29% of common household recyclables. The average Kentuckian used 67 gallons of water per person per day.

Chemical application at its best is simultaneously safe, effective, economical, and environmentally-conscious. Achieving each of these attributes for plant pest management is an ongoing educational process for a variety of applicator groups, including farm managers and workers, gardeners, crop advisors, point-of-sale employees, and industry and government agency representatives.

People, animals, and plants are dependent on our Earth's natural resources. Everything from the air we breathe, to the water we drink, to the soil we use for our food production- these resources are vital to our existence. Therefore, it's important that we care for and respect these resources. Understanding how our daily choices affect our environment, we can conserve natural resources and protect our environment for present and future generations.

Long-Term Outcomes:

-Maximize profits for commercial ag producer

-Minimize environmental impact of air, soil, or living area

-Reduction of drift related complaints and damage

-Create safe homes within environments that promote and support the physical and mental well-being of families throughout the life cycle

-Youth will use scientific techniques, responsible practices and innovative

technologies that will positively sustain the natural resources in the home, community and world

-Youth will engage in community projects related to natural resource conservation

-Youth will utilize the scientific method to solve problems in their

daily life

-Youth will choose a career path in science, engineering or technology subject


-Youth will utilize the scientific method in decision making

-Individuals will have a safer home and community by keeping hazardous and poisonous materials out of the reach of young children, elderly or those with visual impairment.

Intermediate Outcomes:

-Use diagnostic services to identify insects, disease, weeds

-Use diagnostic, agent, specialist recommendations

-Compare chemical options based on time, availability, cost, companion tactics

-Communicate with owners/users of pesticide-sensitive areas (beeyards, sensitive crops, etc.)

-Demonstrate skills to improve home safety, energy conservation, and going green

-Youth will make decisions in their daily lives that positively impact natural resources

-Youth will adopt practices to conserve and protect the environment in their

home and community

-Youth will use problem solving and logical reasoning skills and apply them

to environmental issues

-Youth will use and apply the skills gained from 4-H science, engineering and


-Youth will demonstrate and share new abilities in science, engineering

and technology with others

-Individuals will assure that hazardous and poisonous materials are proper stored and labeled.

Initial Outcomes:

-Demonstrate proper use of sprayers and equipment related to application (calibration, nozzle selection, boom height, etc.)

-Identify active ingredients in chemical products and relate to modes of action

-Read and comprehend directions for applying chemicals (timing,application conditions)

-Youth will develop an interest in environmental science and sustainable

practices and technologies

-Youth will gain knowledge of the interrelationship and inter-dependencies

within an ecosystem

-Youth will identify the natural resources that are used within their

home and community

-Youth will increase interest and engagement in science, engineering and


-Youth will learn new skills in science, engineering and technology

-Youth will be introduced careers in SET

-Youth will participate in science, engineering and technology 4-H programs to acquire new skills

-Individuals will understand the importance of proper storage and labeling or hazardous and poisonous materials.


Initial Outcome: Producers able to demonstrate chemical safety processes

Indicator: Increased private applicators

Method: increase training class numbers

Timeline: 2019-2020

Intermediate Outcome: Increased awareness of chemical application methods

Indicator: participation in programs for home owners/ gardeners

Method: surveys

Timeline: 2019-2020

Long-term Outcome: Reduced pollution and off target drift

Indicator: reduced calls about chemical injuries

Method: observe complaints and calls into the Extension office decrease

Timeline: 2019-2020

Initial Outcome: clients would learn ways to “go green”

Indicator: Number of attendees to the program

Method: educational programs

Timeline: 2019-2020

Intermediate Outcome: learn ways to be more “green” or environmentally sustainable in day-to-day life

Indicator: continued attendance of program

Method: survey

Timeline: 2019 -2020

Long-term Outcome: evaluate and make changes in their day-to-day life to be more environmentally sustainable and green

Indicator: clients can see their behavior change

Method: survey

Timeline: 2019 -2020

Initial Outcome: Youth will understand the environmental and economic benefits of recycling & environmental stewardship

Indicator: Number of youth in clubs; number of youth participating in activities; school enrichment

Method: educational programs

Timeline: 2019-2020

Intermediate Outcome: Youth will participate in recycling activities and become aware of our natural resources

Indicator: Number of youth in clubs; number of youth participating in activities; school enrichment

Method: survey, curriculum, recycling programs; report from contest participation, data will be collected from county solid waste report

Timeline: 2019-2020

Long-term Outcome: Improve the amount of solid waste managed in county due to recycling and reusing, Youth take active roles in leading and teaching about environmental issues and use natural resources wisely

Indicator: Quality of materials being recycled, teens teaching younger youth about environmental issues

Method: survey; recycling programs; youth involved in clubs

Timeline: 2019-2020

Initial Outcome: Youth will learn about opportunities in SET

Indicator: Number of youth in clubs; number of youth participating in activities; school enrichment; day-camps

Method: educational programs

Timeline: 2019-2020

Intermediate Outcome: Youth will participate in SET activities and practice skills learned

Indicator: Number of youth in clubs; number of youth participating in activities; school enrichment

Method: survey, curriculum, event attendance

Timeline: 2019-2020

Long-term Outcome: Youth obtain careers in SET careers

Indicator: Number of youth obtaining higher education in SET areas

Method: surveys

Timeline: 2019-2020

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Home owners and gardeners

Project or Activity: field days, demonstrations, educational programs, site visits

Content or Curriculum: Extension publications

Inputs: agents, specialists, government agencies (FSA, NRCS)

Date: 2019-2020

Audience: Private Spray Applicators

Project or Activity: Private Applicator Training

Content or Curriculum: training videos

Inputs: specialists, agents

Date: every winter and spring 2019-2020

Audience: Adults and Youth

Project or Activity: Going green: living an environmentally responsible life; Trash Sculpture Contest, Shred Day, Aluminum Can Collection

Content or Curriculum: educational program, public display, media

Inputs: agents, specialists; local recycling centers, Regional Recycling Center, local businesses, volunteers, 4-H Council, Homemaker's

Date: 2019-2020

Audience: Youth involved in clubs such as Shooting Sports, Tractor Club, Teen Leadership Academy

Project or Activity: monthly meetings, contests, field trips

Content or Curriculum: 4-H curriculum; speakers

Inputs: agents, specialists; volunteers, local businesses

Date: 2019-2020

Audience: Youth involved in SET and Natural Resources School Enrichment

Project or Activity: 4th grade in school club

Content or Curriculum: 4-H curriculum

Inputs: agents, specialists; recycling centers, local businesses

Date: 2019-2020

Audience: Youth attending summer camp and forestry and environmental day camps

Project or Activity: Camps, Day camps

Content or Curriculum: UK Forestry/KY Div of Forestry, 4-H Curriculum, speakers

Inputs: agents, specialists; camp staff

Date: 2019-2020

Audience:  Youth, Adults, Families

Project or Activity: Chemical Look a Like lesson

Content or Curriculum: Chemical Safety Lessons, games and hands on activities

Inputs: Agents, Volunteers

Date: 2019-2020

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