Local Commodities Provide Agriculture IncomePlan of Work
Caldwell County CES
Local Commodities Provide Agriculture Income
Promoting Local Commodities, Forage, & Livestock
Agents Involved:
Shane Bogle, Rhonda Jewell, Ashley White
Local Food Systems
4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources
Caldwell County cattle inventories have risen sharply in the last two years. Lower commodity prices and premiums for quality beef have caused a shift. Caldwell has seen an increase in specialized production for beef and pork to meet a niche market including direct to restaurants and freezer beef and pork operations. The equine industry is still thriving in Caldwell. Plans for facility upgrades and a show arena are in the works. Beef profits are often limited because of "old school" techniques producers are slow to let go. Year round calving, poor pasture and hay management, and lack of record keeping to name a few.
Long-Term Outcomes:
*Beef producers will increase profitability through improved nutrition, herd health and genetics.
*Beef producers will increase profitability through better management of forage systems and improved forage and feed storage facilities.
*Beef producers will keep accurate records of birth and weaning weights, sales receipts and follow better marketing protocols.
*Equine producers will better utilize Extension programs to expand and promote horses in Kentucky.
*Youth will be advocates for agriculture and healthy and sustainable food systems.
*Youth will gain and maintain employment resulting from life skill development through their experiences 4-H.
*Youth will engage in entrepreneurial enterprise.
Intermediate Outcomes:
*Increase membership in Caldwell/Lyon Cattlemen's Association.
*Beef producers will utilize forage and soil testing services to make better management decisions.
*Beef producers will utilize improved marketing such as the CPH-45 sales.
*Beef producers will participate in cost share programs through the CAIP (Phase I).
*Increase participation in the Fredonia Valley Riding Club
*Youth can explain the role of agriculture in daily lives to others.
*Youth will adopt and practice skills that contribute to employability.
Initial Outcomes:
*Beef producers will understand the benefits of CPH-45 sales as well as the UK bred heifer sales.
*Beef producers will understand the importance of Beef Quality Assurance in the sellers market.
*Beef producers will participate in the Phase I cost share programs
*Equine producers will utilize UK Programs to be better producers.
*Youth will develop valuable life-skills, including decision-making, communications, record-keeping, leadership and service.
*Youth will gain an understanding of healthy and sustainable food systems.
Initial Outcome:
Intermediate Outcome:
Long-term Outcome:
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Beef IRM Farm Program (4 farms)
Project or Activity: Beef IRM Farm Program
Content or Curriculum: Pasture to Plate
Inputs: UK
Date: 2019-2020 ongoing
Audience: Wranglers Camp, Fredonia Valley Riding Club
Project or Activity: Equine Short Course
Content or Curriculum: UK/Industry Specialists
Inputs: Horse College
Date: Fall 2019
Audience: Beef Producers
Project or Activity: CPH-45
Content or Curriculum: UK
Inputs: UK
Date: Fall, Summer ongoing
Audience: Beef Producers
Project or Activity: Beef Quality Assurance
Content or Curriculum: UK
Inputs: UK
Date: Yearly as needed
Audience: Beef Producers
Project or Activity: Caldwell/Lyon Cattlemen's Association
Content or Curriculum: UK and Industry professionals
Inputs: UK/local supporters
Date: Spring/summer/fall each year
Audience: 4-H Livestock Club
Project or Activity: Livestock Judging
Content or Curriculum: UK
Inputs: UK/local supporters
Date: Spring -Summer 2020
Audience: Equine Producers
Project or Activity: Horse College
Content or Curriculum: Horse College
Inputs: UK
Date: Fall 2019
Audience: Caldwell County Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Vet Science
Content or Curriculum: UK 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Dr. Stan Rogers, Dr. Luna, volunteers
Date: February 2019
Audience: Equine Producers
Project: NRCS Pasture Improvement Project (3 Farms)
Content: UK Forage Specialists/NRCS Regulations
Inputs: UK, NRCS
Date: 2019-2020 On-going
Audience: Caldwell County Youth
Project: 4-H Horse Club
Content: Ohio State Horse Kit
Inputs: Volunteer Leaders
Date: September 2019-April 2020
Audience: Caldwell County Youth
Project: 4-H Poultry Club
Content: UK Poultry Pubs and Curriculum
Inputs: Volunteer Leaders
Date: September 2019-2020
Success Stories
Vegetable Irrigation Essentials for Increased Production
Author: Shane Bogle
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture
Farmers often have questions they want demonstrated instead of simply answered, which can be best implemented on their own farms rather than on university research plots. As they watch the demonstration unfold on their own farms, they can gain more valuable information from such experience-based learning than can be delivered in a workshop or meeting. These real-world experiences can then be passed on to neighbors and friends through farm tours and field days, with hands on learning activities.
Full Story
Risk Management Education in Uncertain Times
Author: Shane Bogle
Major Program: Farm Management
"What is risk management? Risk Management involves choosing among various risk management strategies and tools designed to reduce the financial effects of the uncertainties of weather, yields, prices, government policies, global economies, human factors, and other conditions that can cause dramatic fluctuations in farm income." (USDA Risk Management Education). In response to the 2018 Farm bill and low commodity prices, a regional risk management education series was offered
Full Story
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