Engaging, encouraging, and empowering youth and adult leaders through volunteering and leadership developmentPlan of Work

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Fulton County CES

Engaging, encouraging, and empowering youth and adult leaders through volunteering and leadership development
Improving the Home and Community
Agents Involved:
B. Cheirs, A. McCoy, B. Rudy
Youth Engagement Leadership Program (YELP)
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
4-H Family and Consumer Science Core Curriculum
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills

Fulton County is a rural community and like many rural communities it is highly depended on adult and youth volunteers to serve the community. According to the Corporation for National Community and Service, in 2014 Kentucky ranked 38th in residents who volunteer. The County Extension Council highlighted volunteering, goal planning, and jobs as important issues that Fulton County should implement programs around. If local citizens are engaged, educated, and empowered then the workforce and community are better prepared for local issues and will take ownership in implementing solutions.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Fulton County’s economy are strengthened through strong local organizational leadership.

Community problems are solved through active engaged local leaders.

Participants will serve in volunteer roles, creating a sense of belonging and volunteer spirit to Extension and other programs.

Fulton County Citizens will be volunteering on a regular basis to the extent that volunteerism is recognized as a valuable resource in the community.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Fulton County youth and adults will volunteer more hours or will take on additional leadership roles.

Improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group processes in addressing organizational issues and needs.

Gain an appreciation for volunteerism and community service.

Acquire decision making skills, gain confidence, and self-esteem in their own abilities and talents.

Initial Outcomes:

Youth and adult volunteers will become more educated in specific subject matter areas to teach, lead, and train others.

4-H Council members will learn their specific roles and responsibilities, learn the skills to lead committees and work together for the improvement and growth of Fulton County.

Volunteers will learn how to recruit new volunteers and develop new programs.

Understand parliamentary procedure and can conduct club meetings properly.


Initial Outcome: Volunteers will increase knowledge of the importance of volunteering

Indicator: Volunteers will attend Extension programming

Method: Sign in sheet

Timeline: Program year Program year 2017-2020

Intermediate Outcome: Volunteer numbers will increase in Fulton Co

Indicator: County programs will increase

Method: County office logs

Timeline: Program Year 2018-2020

Long-term Outcome: Volunteer lead programs will increase in Fulton Co

Indicator: New programs in the county

Method: Sign in sheets, county logs, increased traffic flow in the office

Timeline: Program Year 2019-2020

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: 4-H Age

Project or Activity: Leadership projects

Content or Curriculum: Leader In Me, Step Up to Leadership, Unlock Your Leadership Potential

Inputs: Agent, Schools, Business, Community Leaders

Date: Program year 2018-2020

Audience: Community

Project or Activity: How to become effective leaders

Content or Curriculum: Parliamentary Procedures, Effective Leadership qualities

Inputs: Business Leaders, 4-H

Date: Program year 2018-2020

Audience: Community Members

Project or Activity: Entrepreneurial Ventures

Content or Curriculum: CED Resources, 4-H Means Business, Fulton County Government Staff

Inputs: Area Business Leaders,

Inputs: Community, Business Leaders

Date: ongoing

Audience: High School

Project or Activity: APES

Content or Curriculum: APES

Inputs: Community and area business

Date: Spring 2019-2020

Audience: High School and Adults

Project or Activity: Job and Career Fair

Content or Curriculum: collaborating with Business to advertise job openings

Inputs: Community and area businesses, schools

Date: Throughout the year

Success Stories

3rd Annual Wave Ag Day

Author: Benjamin Rudy

Major Program: Ag Policy

3rd Annual Wave Ag Day

With 83.53% of the land in all four river counties used for crop production, agriculture holds a strong presence.  It was proposed to highlight agriculture in Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton, and Hickman County. The first of its kind event WAVE River Counties AG Day was held at Fort Jefferson Cross Memorial in Wickliffe on July 13 from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm.  The theme “Lets Grow With It”, was chosen. The WAVE Ag Day is a joint venture including all four county judge execu

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Purchase Area Teen Leadership Roundup

Author: Bernita Cheirs

Major Program: 4-H Leadership Core Curriculum

The Purchase Area Teen Council held the 3rd annual Purchase Area Teen Leadership Round-Up for purchase area youth in grades 6th-12th on February 28. The event was designed by and for youth, with teens planning event details, teaching workshops and funshops, and promoting area and state level teen leadership opportunities. The Round-Up provided a six-hour learning opportunity in leadership. The day included opportunities for small group mentoring, leadership breakouts by age, funshops in a variet

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