A Healthier Trigg County
Making Beneficial Lifetyle Choices
Cecelia Hostilo, Graham Cofield
Home & Consumer Horticulture
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Mobilizing Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP)
4-H Leadership Core Curriculum
The obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of Kentuckians and Trigg Countians. Obese individuals are at increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type-2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancers. Trigg County’s Healthcare Profile for winter 2014 indicates that 33.8% of adults are obese and 35.3% are physically inactive. 11.8% of adults in the county have diabetes. 28.7% (23.2-33.45) of Trigg Countians report having been diagnosed with high blood pressure. We know that if the behaviors that bring about these chronic diseases are present in adults they are likely to be passed on to the children, thus perpetuating the cycle. The goal of the Making Beneficial Lifestyle Choices is to reverse these trends by working with various organizations, agencies, and groups to promote the health and wellness.
*Decrease the number of obese and overweight adults and children in Trigg County.
*Management and reduction of risk of chronic diseases.
*Increase the promotion and practice of healthy eating.
*Increase the promotion and practice of physical activity
*Improved health and well-being.
*Practice healthy food choices and strengthen individual ability to build healthy eating plans and patterns.
*Maintain appropriate balance between caloric intake and physical activity at every stage of life.
*Practice of physical activity in our community and decrease sedentary behaviors.
*Strengthen community coalitions and partnerships to address community health needs.
Changes in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skills, and attitudes needed to make informed choices regarding:
*Healthy lifestyle choices
*Weight management at all ages
*Practicing daily physical activity and healthy eating
*Reduction of chronic disease
Initial Outcome: Changes in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skills, and attitudes needed to make informed healthy lifestyle choices.
Indicator: Of the total number of clients reached with information on the importance of choosing a physically active life style and healthy food habits, the number that report an understanding of the benefits of both.
Method: Pre/Post survey, client feedback, teacher observation
Timeline: July-June (on-going)
Intermediate Outcome: Practice of physical activity in families and communities and building healthy eating plans and habits.
Indicator: Of the total number of clients reached with information about the importance and physical activity and healthy eating, the number that report increasing both.
Method: Pre/Post survey
Timeline: July-June (on-going)
Long-term Outcome: Increase the promotion and practice of physical activity and healthy eating daily.
Indicator: Of the total number of adults and youth reached with information on the importance of being physically active and choosing healthy foods, the number of clients that report understanding the benefits of both.
Method: Pre/Post survey
Timeline: July-June (on-going)
Audience: Trigg County Youth
Project or Activity: Afterschool programming opportunities
Content or Curriculum: http://choosemyplate.gov; national 4'H Health; JIFF
Inputs: Agents, volunteers
Date: August-May (on-going)
Audience: Trigg County Seniors
Project or Activity: Senior Nutrition Lessons
Content or Curriculum: Extension and SNAP-Ed publications
Inputs: Agents, SNAP-Ed assistant, volunteers
Date: July-June (on-going)
Audience: Trigg County Seniors
Project or Activity: NutritionFair
Content or Curriculum: Extension and SNAP-Ed publications
Inputs: Agents, SNAP-Ed assistant, volunteers, community agencies
Date: March, 2019 (annual event)
Audience: Trigg County 4th graders
Project or Activity: Farm Safety Day
Content or Curriculum: Farm Safety Manual
Inputs: Agents, volunteers, community agencies
Date: Fall, 2019 (annually)
Audience: Trigg County Youth and Adults
Project or Activity: Community Gardening
Content or Curriculum: Extension and SNAP-Ed publications
Inputs: Agents, SNAP-Ed assistant, volunteers, community agencies
Date: Spring-summer, 2019 (annually)
Audience: Trigg County Adults
Project or Activity: Dining With Diabetes
Content or Curriculum: UK Extension Curriculum
Inputs: FCS agent, Pennyrile District Health Department CDE
Date: August 2020 (annual class)
Audience: Trigg County Adults
Project or Activity: The Journey to Health
Content or Curriculum: Extension and SNAP-Ed publications
Inputs: Agents, SNAP-Ed assistant community agencies
Date: September-June, 2019-20