Reduce obesity through Diet & Physical ActivityPlan of Work
Allen County CES
Reduce obesity through Diet & Physical Activity
Promote Safe & Healthy Lifestyles
Agents Involved:
Adam Huber, Anna Meador, Kelly Burgess
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
4-H Health Core Curriculum
Lifestyle and behavioral risk factors contribute greatly to the onset of chronic or deadly diseases. The “Health of Kentucky Community Assessment” ranks Allen County 90th of 120 counties as least healthy with challenges for obesity, certain cancers and smoking. The leading cause of overall deaths for ages 45-54 and 65 over in Allen County is cardiovascular disease with a higher incidence than the Kentucky cardiovascular death average. 31.9% of adults reported having been diagnosed with high blood pressure; 23.1% of adults reported fair or poor health; 12% of adults reported having been diagnosed with diabetes. 35% of adults 18 years and over were obese; 34% of adults reported no leisure time exercise in the past month. 41.8% of Allen County clientele had adequate access to locations for physical activity compared to 72% in KY. 57.7% of students were eligible for free lunches in 2014-15. The Allen County Health Department profiles list sedentary lifestyle and obesity as alarmingly high and a significant community health issue. The lack of healthy food accessibility and resources for the 21.2% of families with related children were below poverty also contributes to higher obesity population rates above the county average.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Long-term Outcomes:
*Improvement in the built environment to promote less sedentary lifestyle through increased physical activity
*Increase in practice and promotion of community physical activity and healthy eating
*Decrease in obese and overweight children, youth, adults and elderly
Intermediate Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
*Increase in practice and promotion of physical activity and daily healthy eating
*Apply improved food preparation skills, food management skills, increased food safety and healthy eating in meals
*Increase redemption of Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program Benefit vouchers
*Increase community access to locally grown foods
Initial Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:
*Increase in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skills and attitudes in making informed choices regarding healthy lifestyles, practice and promotion of daily physical activity
*Increase knowledge and understanding of healthy eating, food resource management and food safety concepts
Long-term Outcome: More accessible and safe community trails & park systems to encourage increased physical activity
Indicator: Dugas Community Park & Dumont Hill Park development/interpretative hiking trail system
Method: completion of family foundation trail system grant/project timeline components
Timeline: July, 2019 – June 2020
Intermediate Outcome: Individuals apply improved food preparation skills and healthy eating habits to family meals
Indicator: Number of youth & adults practicing skills learned
Method: observation of skills used in 4-H county events and other group activities
Timeline: July, 2019 – June 2020
Initial Outcome: Individuals increase knowledge and awareness of USDA MyPlate dietary guidelines
Indicator: Snap-Ed program families increase fruit/vegetable servings
Method: Food recalls/NEERS data
Timeline: July, 2019 – June, 2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: SNAP-ED clientele
Project or Activity: limited resource family programs
Content or Curriculum: SNAP-ED core curriculum/USDA MY Plate Dietary Guidelines resources/Plate It Up curriculum
Inputs: Extension agent/paraprofessional resources, facility resources, agency partner resources, demonstration supplies, marketing materials, incentives, mass media partner air time, print space, Plate It Up, Ky Proud curriculum
Date: July, 2019 – June 2020
Audience: General Public
Project or Activity: Farmers' Market workshops, demonstrations and promotional campaign
Content or Curriculum: UK Food Preservation, Plate It Up,KY Proud, Master Gardener curriculum, UK horticulture content
Inputs: KDA funding, agency funding, Heart of Scottsville program promotions, demonstration supplies, volunteer time/resources
Date: July, 2019 – October 2020
Audience: General Public/Young Adults
Project or Activity: Kentucky Beef Nutrition programs – Beef in the Classroom, Beef Media Tour, Cattlemen programs
Content or Curriculum: Ky Beef Council features, USDA MYPlate curriculum, Plate It UP
Inputs: Ky Beef Council funding, demonstration supplies, Allen County Cattlemen resources, Allen County Scottsville High School resources
Date: March 2020
Audience: General Public, County Extension Agents
Activity: Plate It Up, Ky Proud curriculum development/mass media programming/social marketing education
Content or curriculum : specialty crop/ky commodities access, local markets, fruit/vegetable consumption, My Plate content, UK gardening/NFS dept. resources
Inputs: NFS department resources, Ky Dept. of agriculture funding, public relations support, county extension funding, agent writing teams, steering committee strategic planning
Date: July, 2019 – June 2020
Audience: General Public
Activity: Monthly live radio features and weekly newspaper features
Content and curriculum: UK NFS publications, USDA dietary guidelines, Plate It Up, KY Proud curriculum
Inputs: radio station air time, production personnel, UK FCS publications/AG Comm scripts
Date: July, 2019 – June 2020
Audience: WIC/Senior Citizens
Activity: Farmer’s Market sampling/variety education events
Content or Curriculum: Plate It Up, Ky Proud,
Inputs: demonstration supplies, locally grown product donations, marketing resources
Date: July, 2019 – October 2020
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Activity: Club educational programs/leader trainings "Simple Meals" Breads from all cultures; "Crock Pot meals"
Content or Curriculum: state publications, specialist & agent curriculum
Inputs: demonstration supplies, curriculum resources, UK NFS support
Date: October, November 2019 - May, 2020
Audience: General Public/health dept clientele/producers
Activity: CHAT team Coalition Health awareness programs with Allen County Health Department & School Food Service
Content or Curriculum: MyPlate curriculum, SNAP curriculum,
Inputs: producers resources, school resources, extension agents/facilities resources, health dept personnel and state grant funding
Date: July, 2019 - June, 2020
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Food/Nutrition Workshop, BBQ, Cooking School, Super Star Chef
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Paid staff, 4-H council, schools
Date: July-June
Audience: School Enrichment
Project or Activity: Healthy Lifestyles
Content or Curriculum: 4-H health, Nutrition
Inputs: Schools, paid staff
Date: March/April
Success Stories
Facebook Live Encourages Healthy at Home
Author: Kelly Burgess
Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)

Allen County falls below state averages in a variety of health indicators, therefore nutrition and physical activity are key focuses for promoting healthier lifestyles in the county. In Allen County, the obesity rate is higher than the state average, 41% and 35%, respectively, according to In addition, 24% of adults age 20+ report participating in no leisure time physical activity (County Health Rankings 2014). Due to the challenges of the COVID-19
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment