Extension Master Gardener Program for McCracken CountyPlan of Work
McCracken County CES
Extension Master Gardener Program for McCracken County
Agents Involved:
Wimberley, Buckman
Master Gardener
Farmer's Markets
Local Food Systems
Urban Environments (water issues)
Demand for home horticulture information continues to increase for Kentucky county Extension offices. The Kentucky Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Program develops trained volunteers to assist county Extension staff in meeting this need for research-based information and public outreach.
Long-Term Outcomes:
The public has a positive perception of EMG volunteers as reliable sources for home horticulture information.
EMG Volunteers extend the educational outreach of the Cooperative Extension Service in areas such as community gardens, youth gardening, environmentally sustaining lawn and garden practices, and other topics.
Intermediate Outcomes:
All Participants/ EMG volunteers maintain consistency in completing hours (a minimum of 15 hr. per year) to maintain certification.
Participants (certified EMG volunteers) put into practice the skills learned when completing volunteer hours and working with clientele
Participants engage as facilitators and presenters for classes, lectures, or workshops delivered
EMG volunteers practice effective skills when interacting with clientele
EMG volunteers have positive perceptions of their role as reliable sources for home horticulture information
Initial Outcomes:
Participants gain knowledge in many aspects of home horticulture. This is measured through regular quizzes.
Participants become more aware of Extension’s role in addressing the needs of local residents
Participants master the EMG curriculum by passing (score of 75% or better) comprehensive exam given at the end of the training.
Participants become Certified EMG volunteers when they master the curriculum and provide 30 hours in volunteer service to the local Cooperative Extension Office.
Initial Outcome: Volunteers participate in the Master Gardener program
Method: Agents' Time and Volunteers' Time
Timeline: Ongoing
Intermediate Outcome: County Offices and KY Cooperative Extension have resources to support the EMG program. Volunteers in the EMG program find it personally satisfying and pay back volunteer service time in exchange for participating in the program.
Indicator: Increase in numbers participating in Extension Master Gardener program
Community volunteers interested in multi-week horticulture training program and in giving back to the community by assisting local Extension agents
Method: UK and KSU inputs
Timeline: Ongoing
Long-term Outcome: County Extension Offices will continue to experience a demand for home horticulture information.
Indicator: Volunteers will continue to have an interest in home horticulture and perceive a need for sharing research-based horticultural information with others in the community. Participation in KY Extension Master Gardener Program Participation Survey
Method: UK and KSU inputs
Timeline: Ongoing
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Training of EMG of 12-15 wks, 2-3 hrs. per week. Sessions taught by Agents, Specialists or local experts
EMG Curriculum:•Cooperative Extension/ Volunteerism•Basic Botany•Soils and Fertility•Plant Pathology•Entomology•Pesticides, IPM and Pesticide safety
Additional Topics defined by the McCracken County Agent •Annual & Perennial Flowers•Woody Plants•Fruits•Vegetables•Landscape Design•Interior Plants•Organic Gardening•Water Quality •Turfgrass•Others; Hands-on activities•PlantIdentification•Insect and Disease identification•Field trips as appropriate
Content or Curriculum: County Offices and Ky Cooperative Extension
Inputs: •Staff time – Extension Agents, Specialists•Extension Master Gardener Volunteers•Funding – Fees from training and other courses; local grants and in-kind support •Training materials—KY EMG Training Manual; PowerPoint Presentations; purchased books and resources; Extension publications; Tests and quizzes shared by county agents•Internet access through eXtension and potential access and use of eXtension’s Ask an Expert•Social media tools including blogs, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, Google Maps;State, regional and national EMG conferences and tour opportunities
Date: Ongoing
Success Stories
Holiday Farmers Market Supported by McCracken County Master Gardeners and Horticulture Agent
Author: Kathryn Wimberley
Major Program: Master Gardener

Holiday Edition of Farmers Market Celebration Saturday On Saturday, 9 December 2017, the McCracken County Extension Master Gardeners (MCEMG) and the County Agent for Horticulture participated in the Holiday Farmers Market as part of the Celebration Saturday Series developed by Paducah Parks. Event was held at the Paducah Middle School. MCEMG were given a spot to create a booth in the entrance hallway. As an educational activity that was horticulture-related, 5 members of the MCEMG took
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