Growing Local Foods and Local LeadersPlan of Work

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Morgan County CES

Growing Local Foods and Local Leaders
Local Food Systems & Leadership Development to Meet Morgan County Food Needs
Agents Involved:
Sarah Fannin
Local Food Systems
Commercial Horticulture
Farmer's Markets
The USDA has identified portions of Morgan County as a “food desert” meaning that residents do not have adequate access to food products. Family farms have been hard hit with the loss of tobacco income, rising input costs, youth outmigration, and tornado damage. Both needs – a lacking local food supply and sluggish farm profits – have potential to be met by implementing direct farm marketing strategies including food sales and agritourism. With the increase of farmers that are female, opportunities exist to develop leadership and Farmer's Market to expand the local food system.

Long-Term Outcomes:
1. Farm families will see increased profits by improving existing operations or adding new food production or agritourism enterprises.
2. Local food consumption and agritourism will contribute significant dollars to the overall Morgan County economy.
3. Morgan County residents will have greater access to safe, affordable, locally produced food.
4. There will be increased access to local foods in restaurants, retail outlets, schools and other institutions.
5. Women farmers will be recognized as integral parts of the farm economy.
Intermediate Outcomes:
1. Farmers will implement new entrepreneurial opportunities and alternative marketing strategies – especially those targeting the Local Food movement and local vacationing.
2. Local leaders will continue support for ag production as an economic development policy.
3. Morgan County residents will make conscious choices to purchase locally grown food products.
4. Women farmers will apply best management practices in all areas of agriculture.
Initial Outcomes:
1. Farmers will gain confidence in entrepreneurial skills/activities for trying new enterprises and direct marketing strategies.
2. Leaders will understand the importance of local food systems in community and economic development.
3. Residents will become aware of new and existing opportunities to purchase locally produced food and the benefits of such purchases.
4. Women farmers will attain practical skills to safely engage in farming.

Initial Outcome:



TimelineLong-term Outcome: Farm families will see increased profits by improving existing operations or adding new enterprises.

Indicator: # of new enterprises

Method: agent observation

Timeline: end of 4 year plan of work

Intermediate Outcome: Morgan County residents will make conscious choices to purchase locally grown food products.

Indicator: # of residents indicating increased purchases of local products

Method: pre and post survey

Timeline: Pre survey – October, 2017; Post survey – October, 2018

Initial Outcome: Leaders will understand the importance of local food systems in community and economic development.

Indicator: degree of plan completion & commitment

Method: progress report community asset survey & ag economic development plan by committee

Timeline: June, 2018

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: local leaders, farmers, consumers

Project or Activity: Local Food Systems Committee Formation

Content or Curriculum: community mapping of assets & needs as related to food system

Inputs: community & leadership development specialists

Date: August, 2017

Audience: general public, Farmer’s Market, local business

Project or Activity: Market in the Park, Sorghum Festival

Content or Curriculum: buy local campaign materials

Inputs: Old Mill Park, Festival Committees

Date: 1st Saturday in August, 2017, last weekend in Sept

Audience: Sweet Potato Growers Association, Farmer’s Market members, commercial growers

Project or Activity: trainings

Content or Curriculum: value added products, direct marketing, Market Ready, home based microprocessing,

Inputs: Ky Food Innovation Center, vegetable specialists

Date: September, 2017 & April, 2018

Audience: farmers, landowners

Project or Activity: Agritourism School & Tours

Content or Curriculum: entrepreneurship curriculum, site visits

Inputs: agents, KY Farms are Fun

Date: March, 2018

Audience: general public

Project or Activity: Community Garden Project

Content or Curriculum: Home Gardening in KY

Inputs: Extension Farm, Horticulture Dept & agents

Date: March, 2018

Audience: Female Farmers

Project or Activity: Ag Boot Camp

Content or Curriculum: North Carolina Women in Ag series

Inputs: other female farmers, Extension farm & equipment, SAWG funds, agents

Date: July 2017, monthly

Audience: Adults & Youth

Project or Activity: Heritage School

Content or Curriculum: Country Ham Project, Outdoor Cooking, Home Gardening guide

Inputs: Extension farm and equipment

Date: monthly

Success Stories

Field Day Features Benefits of Local Morgan County Extension Demonstration Farm

Author: Sarah Fannin

Major Program: Beef

The Morgan County Extension Educational Farm was purchased by the Extension District Board with the vision of providing learning opportunities for Morgan County residents in their own backyard. Planned in conjunction with the County Extension Council Field Day committee, agents and staff hosted the third bi-annual evening event with more than 70 folks in attendance. Featured were on farm projects including the Cow/Calf Management Series, Basics of Curing Country Hams, Growing Hemp, Beginning Bee

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