Building Strong Financial BehaviorsPlan of Work
Henderson County CES
Building Strong Financial Behaviors
Consumer and Financial Education
Agents Involved:
Druin, Hardy, Johnson, Lambert, Rideout
Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Real Skills for Everyday Life
Estate Planning
Good Credit Game
Henderson County's population is 46,513 as of 2012 and the median income is $41,244. In 2012 unemployment in Henderson County was 7.4% and in Kentucky it is 8.2%. The percent of poverty in Henderson County is 16.7%, while the percent living in poverty under the age of 18 is 24.4%. How we live is ever-changing but learning basic life skills is still as important as ever. Learning to create and live within a budget is basic to everyday life. Reality is that today's youth and adults are busier than ever. These basic life skills are not consistently taught to youth at home or at school.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Gain and maintain employment through life skill development.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Demonstrate practical living skills related to economical enterprise development.
Initial Outcomes:
Increase financial literacy related to practical living skills.
Initial Outcome: Participants will increase there knowledge on practical living skills.
Indicator: How much they already know about subject.
Method: pre test
Timeline: July 2017-June 2018
Intermediate Outcome: Participants will demonstrate there knowledge on practical living skills.
Indicator: What they know.
Method: Interview
Timeline: July 2017-June 2018
Long-term Outcome: Participants will gain knowledge to interview and keep job
Indicator: maintain job
Method: Post test
Timeline: July 2017-July 2018
Initial Outcome: Participants will increase there knowledge on financial education as it relates to practical living skills.
Indicator: How much they know before the program
Method: Pre-Test
Timeline: July 2017-June 2018
Intermediate Outcome: Participants will demonstrate there knowledge on financial and practical living skills.
Indicator: What they know.
Method: Interview
Timeline: July 2017-June 2018
Long-term Outcome: Participants will gain knowledge to create a budget and use financial skills.
Indicator: Demonstrate skills
Method: Post test
Timeline: July 2017-July 2018
Initial Outcome: Participants will increase there knowledge on financial education as it relates to Home maintenance/budgeting
Indicator: How much they know before the program
Method: Pre-training interview
Timeline: Twice annually as needed for new Habitat homes.
Intermediate Outcome: Participants will demonstrate there knowledge on financial and practical living skills.
Indicator: What they know.
Method: Interview
Timeline: spring
Long-term Outcome: Participants will gain knowledge to plan for long term home maintenance and use financial skills.
Indicator: Demonstrate skills
Method: Habitat annual follow up data
Timeline: annually
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Middle School Youth
Project or Activity: It's Your Reality
Content or Curriculum: Consumer and Financial Education
Date: Spring 2018
Audience: Elementary Youth
Project or Activity: Dollars and Sense
Content or Curriculum: Consumer and Financial Education
Date: Spring 2018
Audience:Henderson County Residence
Project or Activity:Life Skills
Content or Curriculum:Real Skills for Everyday Living, Moneywise
Inputs: Extension Staff
Date: June 2017-July 2018
Audience:Henderson County Residence
Project or Activity:Estate Planning
Content or Curriculum:Estate Planning Publications
Inputs: Extension Agents, Specialist, Lawyer, CPA
Date: Winter 2017
Audience:Henderson County Residence
Project or Activity:Habitat new Home Owner Training
Content or Curriculum:UK publications/Agent developed
Inputs: Extension Agent
Date: Twice per year as needed
Success Stories
Estate Planning
Author: Amanda Hardy
Major Program: Estate Planning
Regardless of net worth, estate planning is important to protect, and help ensure, your personal and financial goals are realized after death. Unfortunately many people fail to properly plan for transfer of their possessions and property at the time of death. A properly executed estate plan can reduce family stress, reduce federal and state tax obligations, and allow the estate to be settled in an expedient fashion saving both time and money. Many individuals perceive e
Full Story
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