Implementing environmental stewardship at home, on the farm and in the community through STEaM (SciePlan of Work
Pendleton County CES
Implementing environmental stewardship at home, on the farm and in the community through STEaM (Scie
Application of STEaM Principles through Environmen
Agents Involved:
Shelley Meyer, Kenna Knight, Lindie Huffman
Ag Water Quality Program
Commercial Horticulture - Landscape Ecosystems
Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Pendleton County is a limited resource county that sits 45 minutes south of the major metropolis of Cincinnati. The county has immense natural resources that have been tapped for agricultural production as well as recreational activities. While many are appreciative of the natural beauty of the county, there are a number of individuals who lack pride for their community and are unaware of the detrimental impact that littering and pollution has on our wildlife, waterways, parks, etc. Understanding how daily choices can impact our environment is vital to conserving and preserving our natural resources and ensuring a healthy environment for present and future generations. In 2013, Kentucky was ranked 12th for total energy production, 11th for total energy consumed per capita and 15th for total energy expenditures per capita.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Long-term Outcomes:
•Create safe homes within the environments that promote and support the physical and mental well-being of families throughout the life cycle
•Improve the build and natural environment to increase active and healthy lifestyles
Intermediate Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Implement practices that will improve, have a cost saving benefit and teach a skill in one or more of the following:
•Disaster preparedness
•Pest management
•Going green
•Energy conservation
•Solid waste management
•Water conservation
•Home safety
•Science, technology, engineering and mathematics
•Environmental education and appreciation
Initial Outcomes:
Initial Outcome:
Change knowledge, opinions, skills, and /or aspirations in understanding issues related to:
•Disaster preparedness
•Pest management
•Going green
•Energy conservation
•Solid waste management
•Water conservation
•Home safety
•Science, technology, engineering and mathematics
•Environmental Education and appreciation
Long-term Outcome:
Create safe homes within environments that promote and support the physical and mental well-being of families throughout the life cycle.
Indicator: Number of adults and youth who make a lifestyle change for the purpose of improving water and/or natural resources for the betterment of the environment and individuals living in it currently and in the future
Method: observations, pre and post surveys
Timeline: All year
Intermediate Outcome:
Implement practices that will improve, have a cost saving benefit and teach a skill that will create safe homes within environments that promote and support the physical and mental well-being of families throughout the life cycle.
Indicator: Number of adults and youth who make a lifestyle change for the purpose of improving water and/or natural resources for creating healthy safe homes.
Method: Observations, pre and post surveys
Timeline: All year
Initial Outcome
Change knowledge, opinions, skills, and/or aspirations in understanding of issues related to creating safe homes within environments that promote and support the physical and mental well-being of families throughout the life cycle.
Indicator: Number of adults and youth who have increased knowledge, made an opinion, learned a skill or developed aspirations related to the environmental education.
Method: Observations, pre and post surveys
Timeline: All year
Learning Opportunities:
Learning Opportunities (repeat as needed):
Audience: Families, pre-school, seniors, youth, volunteers
Project or Activity: Environmental and Natural Resources Education, Appreciation and Beautification
•Environmental Camp (March/April) 4-H, Ag
•4-H Camp (June/July) 4-H
•Clover Bud Camp (June/July) 4-H
•Garden Club (all year) 4-H, Ag
•Land Judging (July/August) 4-H
•Ag Progressive Safety Day (April) 4-H, Ag, FCS
•Canoeing (Summer) 4-H
•Planting the Promise (October, March) FCS, ANR
•Plant a Tree, Save a Tree – recycling program (April) FCS, 4-H, ANR
Rycyling Program and opportunity for clientele (all year) ANR, FCS, 4H
•Roadside Clean up (Fall and Spring) FCS
•CRANE – Throughout the Year (ANR)
Content or Curriculum:
•UK publications
•USDA Material
•4-H Curriculum
Inputs: 4-H Agent, FCS Agent, ANR Agent, Program Assistants, Local Schools, Extension Office, Curriculums listed above, Farmer’s Market, Advisory Councils, Volunteers, North Central Camp, UK instructors and specialists, fair grounds
Date: throughout the year as dates state above
Audience: Families, pre-school, seniors, youth, volunteers
Project or Activity: Create safe homes within environments that promote and support the physical and mental well-being of families throughout the lifecycle
•Recycling Program (April) 4-H, Ag, FCS
•Chemical Management
•Pesticide Applicator Training – January & May (ANR)
•Water Awareness Month –May (ANR)
•Bee Buzz – Throughout the Year (ANR)
•FEMA - Throughout the Year (ANR)
•EOC – Throughout the Year (ANR)
•Earth Day – April (ANR)
Content or Curriculum:
•UK publications
•USDA Material
Inputs: 4-H Agent, FCS Agent, ANR Agent, Program Assistants, Local Schools, Extension Office, Curriculums listed above, Farmer’s Market, Advisory Councils, Volunteers
Date: throughout the year as dates state above
Audience: Families, pre-school, seniors, youth, volunteers
Project or Activity: Educate individuals on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical concepts (STEM)
•Robotics (all year) 4-H
•Rocketry (all year) 4-H
•School Enrichment: Snap Circuits (October) 4-H
Content or Curriculum:
•UK publications
•USDA Material
•4-H Curriculum
Inputs: 4-H Agent, FCS Agent, ANR Agent, Program Assistants, Local Schools, Extension Office, Curriculums listed above, Volunteers
Date: throughout the year as dates state above
Audience: Adults, Youth, Families, Farmers, Tourists
Project or Activity: C.R.A.N.E. (Conserving Resources through Agricultural and Natural Exploration) Various Programming that focus on recycling, conservation and natural resource efforts
•Water Awareness Month (May 2019)
oWhere does our water come from
oKY Water Rights and Laws
oKY Ag Water Quality Plan Workshop
oStream side Evaluation and laboratory
oCanoe/Kayak Exploration - Kentucky River
oStream side/Forest Hike
oRinse and Return Program (May & Oct)
oPesticide Training (Nov, Jan, May)
•Forest Fridays (June 2019)
oForest Hike
oCanoe/Kayak Exploration - Licking River
oUntapped Resources - Forest Management
oEdible Forest
oStream side Evaluation
•Wildlife Education Month (July 2019)
oWildlife Wednesdays
oCreating Wildlife Plots
oKY Hunting Laws
oKY Orange Card Training
oPond Management Workshop
oForest Hike
oCanoe/Kayak Exploration - Ohio River
oStream side evaluation
•Soil Science Month (August 2019)
oSoil Science 101
oSoil Testing
oPasture Renovation Workshop
oErosion Control
oForest Hike
oStream side evaluation
oCanoe/Kayak Exploration - Little Kentucky River
•CRANE Master Explorer Expedition - travel to KY State Park as culminating experience
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications, Master Logger, Ag Water Quality Plan, CRANE Master Explorer Program, Project WET, Project WILD
Inputs: Agents, specialist, Volunteers, Conservation District, Department of Forestry, Department of Fish & Wildlife, Local Agri-tourism Businesses, State Park System
Date: Summer 2019 & 2020
Success Stories
Natural Resources and Environmental Education
Author: Shelley Meyer
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Pendleton County 4-H has worked over the past 7 years to build a program in the natural resources and environmental education for its youth. Opportunities provided and expanded include Overnight and Day 4-H Environmental Camps for fourth and fifth grade students, participation with the newly founded NRESci Academy state 4-H program, and Junior Master Gardener. Efforts to provide these opportunities have involved collaboration with teachers and school administrators, camping director
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment