Home and Master Gardener Horticulture ProgramsPlan of Work

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Lyon County CES

Home and Master Gardener Horticulture Programs
Home & Consumer Horticulture/Master Gardener
Agents Involved:
Susan Fox
Master Gardener
Home & Consumer Horticulture

Demand for home horticulture information continues to increase for Extension offices. The Kentucky Extension Master Gardener Program develops trained volunteers to assist county Extension staff in meeting this need for research-based information and public outreach.

Long-Term Outcomes:

The public utilizes EMG vounteers as reliable sources for home horticulture information.

EMG volunteers extend the educational outreach of Lyon County Extension by demonstrating sustainable, science-based horticultural practices through educational programs and in the demonstration garden, the farmers' market/vegetable gardens.

Intermediate Outcomes:

EMG maintain hours and educational requirements. Volunteers act as facilitators and presenters for classes, lectures or workshops. EMG volunteers practice effective skills when interacting with clientele. County residents look to extension and EMG volunteers as reliable sources for home horticulture information.

Initial Outcomes:

Volunteers continue to gain knowledge in many aspects of home horticulture. 

Horticulture program participants become more aware of Extension’s role in addressing the needs of local residents

Participants become Certified EMG volunteers when they complete the 40 hours in volunteer service to the Lyon County Cooperative Extension Office.


Initial Outcome: Extension and EMG seen as information source

Indicator: Youth participation in  4-H Mother's Day Flower Pots. Individual comments and questions about the demonstration garden.

Method: Number of youth making combination flower pots and learning about plants and their care. Comment slips and informational signage in the demonstration garden.

Timeline: May 2018 & 2019 for 4-H MDFP. Spring through winter for the demonstration garden.

Intermediate Outcome: Master Gardener volunteers working with the demonstration garden.

Indicator:  EMG volunteer hours.

Method: Master Gardener hours reported and evaluations of programs. Practices demonstrated and trialed at the LCMGA demonstration garden including pallet planting, novel vegetables, perennials, three sisters, and pruning of fruit trees and blueberry plants.

Timeline: 2018-2019

Intermediate Outcome: Master Gardener volunteers offering educational programs.

Indicator:  EMG volunteer hours and educational programs offered. Participants in the programs offered.

Method: Christmas Wreath Event - participants learn about plants in the landscape.

Timeline: December, 2018 for wreath event. 

Long-term Outcome: Use of research-based information by EMG and clientele.

Indicator: Practices adopted/implemented at home.

Method: Reports from discussions with EMG and clientele.

Timeline:  2018-2019

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Clientele

Project or Activity: Native Plant Sale and Program

Content or Curriculum: UK publications, researched materials, native plant experts.

Inputs: UK materials, specialists, agent, Master Gardener hours, native plant sale.

Date: Spring 2019

Audience: Master Gardeners, Clientele

Project or Activity: LCMGA Demonstration Garden

Content or Curriculum: Plantings and signage, perennial garden, Monarch Way Station.

Inputs: LCMGA, agent, signage, news articles. 

Date: 2018-2019

Audience: Clientele

Project or Activity: Master Gardener Class

Content or Curriculum: Master Gardener Curriculum, UK publications, researched materials.

Inputs: UK materials, specialists, agents, Master Gardener hours, hands-on activities and demonstrations.

Date: Fall 2018, Winter 2019

Success Stories

Master Gardener Leadership

Author: Susan Fox

Major Program: Master Gardener

The Lyon County Master Gardeners provide local leadership in horticulture education. This year they were one of the host counties for the State Master Gardener Conference held in McCracken County. They organized the Lightning Round presentations for the conference, prepared a native seed packet for the goodies bag, entered the Search for Excellence competitions for programs and outstanding individual Master Gardener.A program to teach sustainability and horticulture to Caldwell and Lyon County 4

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Home Fruit Production

Author: Susan Fox

Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture

Backyard Fruit ProductionA Less Common Fruit Class was offered in Lyon County with eleven participants. The class covered many fruits that are advertised in catalogs. Daniel Becker, Extension Fruit and Vegetable Associate, discussed the varieties and how well they are adapted to Kentucky. Participant comments included the following:The discussion of cold hardiness and chilling requirements was very interesting. I will be able to identify some wild plants now that I was very unaware of previously

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