Building Leadership in Lewis CountyPlan of Work
Lewis County CES
Building Leadership in Lewis County
Agents Involved:
Sherrill Bentley, Philip Konopka, and Mandi Broderick
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Master Clothing Volunteer
Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Leadership is a needed and important programming emphasis in Kentucky and in Lewis County. The Cooperative Extension Service provides opportunities to youth and families to help improve their leadership ability and create positive futures. Basic leadership knowledge and skills are essential for success in almost any field. The skills associated with leadership are necessary when working in a group or communicating with others. By improving the leadership skills in today's adults and youth we improve their ability to face the challenges of tomorrow.
Long-Term Outcomes:
*Extension Councils will run efficiently and effectively with members serving on state councils.
*Adults and youth that participate in the sewing programs taught by Master Clothing Volunteers will be able to sew, create clothing and home interior items.
*Youth will serve as teen and adult leaders in their communities, community organizations and as mentors for younger youth.
*Youth will use leadership and communication skills needed to be successful in the work place on a daily basis.
*Homemakers will serve as leaders in their communities.
Intermediate Outcomes:
*Extension Council use Robert's Rules of Order to conduct meetings.
*Master Clothing Volunteers will teach sewing skills to youth and adults.
*Youth will engage in community based service projects selected to address identified needs.
*Youth will demonstrate leadership, teamwork, and communication skills in their day to day lives.
*Homemakers will serve as leaders at the area KEHA level.
Initial Outcomes:
*Extension Council members learn how councils should operate.
*Extension Council members understand the function of the council and embrace it.
*Master Clothing Volunteers will learn sewing techniques to teach adults and youth.
*Youth will acquire decision making skills and gain an appreciation for civic engagement.
*Youth will learn the communication, leadership, and procedural skills that will allow them to run a meeting.
*Youth will increase their knowledge about leadership and about how to become an effective leader, team player, and communicator.
*Homemakers will serve as leaders of their community clubs and learn leadership skills.
Initial Outcome: Extension Council members learn how the council system operates.
Indicator: Agents observe that council members are following training given.
Method: Observation
Timeline: Dec. 2018-July 2020
Initial Outcome: Master Clothing Volunteers receive training.
Indicator: Certification is acquired.
Method: They acquire their certification.
Timeline: Sept. 2018-Sept. 2020
Initial Outcome: Youth learn leadership skills
Indicator: Youth report they have acquired skills
Method: Survey
Timeline: May 2019
Initial Outcome: Homemakers will serve as club leaders and learn leadership skills.
Indicator: Clubs have all officer positions filled and it is observed that they are effective club leaders.
Method: Observation
Timeline: July 2019-July 2020
Intermediate Outcome: Councils use Robert's Rules of Order
Indicator: Council meetings follow Robert's Rules of Order
Method: Observation
Timeline: Dec. 2018
Intermediate outcome: Sewing classes offered by Master Clothing Volunteers.
Indicator: Classes are held.
Method: Observation
Timeline: Fall 2019
Intermediate Outcome: Youth participate in community based service projects.
Indicator: Youth perform community based service projects.
Method: Observation
Timeline: Fall 2020
Intermediate Outcome: Youth use leadership, teamwork and communication skills in their day to day life.
Indicator: Youth report they use skills in day to day life.
Method: Questionnaire
Timeline: Spring 2020
Intermediate Outcome: Homemakers will serve as leaders at the area KEHA level.
Indicator: Homemakers will serve as Officers at the area level and committee chairs.
Method: Observation
Timeline: 2019-2020
Long-term Outcome: Council meetings are running efficiently and effectively with members serving on State Councils.
Indicator: Meetings end on time with all business being taken care of and members are serving on State Councils.
Method: Observation
Timeline: January 2020
Long-term Outcome: Participants in sewing classes by Master Clothing Volunteers are making clothing items and home interior items.
Indicator: Clothing items are viewed by Extension agent.
Method: Observation
Timeline: Spring 2019
Long-term Outcome: Teens and adults will serve on committees and councils and help conduct programs for youth.
Indicator: Teens and adults serve on councils and help conduct programs.
Method: Observation
Timeline: Summer 2020
Long-term Outcome: Youth will use leadership and communication skills in school, the work place, and daily life to be successful.
Indicator: Youth will be able to communicate and lead more effectively.
Method: Self-reporting through a questionnaire
Timeline: Spring 2020
Long-term Outcome: Homemakers will be leaders in the community.
Indicator: Homemakers will serve as teachers and in areas that they receive training in.
Method: Observation
Timeline: Spring 2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Lewis County Council members, 4-H, Agriculture, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Extension Council.
Project or Activity: Council Trainings
Content or Curriculum: Power Point education resources for councils.
Inputs: Facilities, Presentation Equipment, educational resources, agent time
Date: Spring 2019
Audience: Master Clothing Volunteers
Project or Activity: Master Volunteer Training
Content or Curriculum: UK Master Clothing Volunteer Curriculum
Inputs: Educational Resources, Printed and On-line resources, program administration, volunteer support and funding.
Date: Fall 2018
Audience: Youth and adults in Lewis County
Project or Activity: Licking River Area Teen Leadership Academy, Speech and Demonstration with 7th grade, and how to conduct a meeting with 4th-6th grade school clubs.
Content or Curriculum: UK Extension Curriculum, Unlock Your Leadership Potential, 4-H Speeches and 4-H Demonstrations.
Inputs: Educational material, time, volunteer time
Date: November 2018-May 2020
Audience: Lewis County Homemakers
Project or Activity: Homemaker Leadership trainings and community projects
Content or Curriculum: KEHA Curriculum
Inputs: Educational material, time, volunteer time
Date: August 2019-2020
Success Stories
Cupcake Wars
Author: Glenna Bentley
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
In August of 2017 two teens from Lewis County wanted to enter the State Cupcake Wars contest held at the Ky. State Fair. They had no clue what was involved but the teens, Lauren and Taylor, and their agent worked together and met several times preparing cupcakes so they could learn how to mix batter and make really good cupcakes to compete. One teen even went to a neighboring county to observe their contest. They competed at the state contest and received a blue ribbon. After the contest they co
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Central Elementary 4th Graders Learn Soft Skills
Author: Amanda Broderick
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)

18.8% of all Vanceburg homes are considered to be in poverty. This is well above the national rate of 15.1%. In an area that is starved for jobs it can be difficult to compete with others for desirable positions when jobs do become available.In an effort to help prepare the future generation of Lewis Countians for success Lewis County Family and Consumer Sciences worked with fourth grade teachers at Central Elementary School to develop a series of classes covering etiquette, how to write a resum
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