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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Crop production, Livestock production, & Sustainable AgriculturePlan of Work

Barren County CES

Crop production, Livestock production, & Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable & Profitable Crop & Livestock Production
Agents Involved:
Schalk, Stith, Tarry, FCS Agent (TBA)
Chemical Crop Management Tools
Grain Crops
Ag Marketing

Barren County has traditionally led the region in diverse agriculture production. Producers utilizing these practices help to enhance their profitability & promote sustainability. Forages, grain crops, & tobacco continue to be in place on many Barren County farms. Dairy, beef, poultry, small ruminants, and horses are staples in many operations. Producers continue to be charged with producing commodities in an environmental sustainable manner.

Long-Term Outcomes:

-Diversify operations to meet the changing ag products needs

-Efficient use of crop protectants

-Increased producer profits in ag enterprises

-Increase overall efficiency in livestock operations

Intermediate Outcomes:

-Implement the use of decision making tools for crop & livestock production

-Convert used/unleased grain crop land back to improved permanent pasture/hay ground

-Maintain high standards and husbandry practices for beef and small ruminant operations

-Increase awareness of dairy calf and replacement heifer production

-Balancing soil test results with manure applications to prevent over application of nutrients

Initial Outcomes:

-Informed decisions on crop inputs reduce input cost per acre

-Develop necessary skill sets

-Provide programs to improve soil health and sustainability

-Realize diversification within livestock enterprises


Long-term Outcome: Evaluate increased number of producers shown to utilize improved management practices in their crop production

Indicator: Note the number of producers utilizing product usage and purchasing habits in their farm management practices

Method: Surveys, farm visits, evaluations

Timeline: July-June

Intermediate Outcome: : Evaluate animal manure application habits

Indicator: Type, crop, & application time

Method: Survey local farmers who are using manure & farm visits

Timeline: Seasonal, by crop

Initial Outcome: Evaluate input cost/acre for grain crops

Indicator: Note changes in grain crops producers who attended programming

Method: Farm visits, 1 on 1 interviews, survey

Timeline: after harvest season

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Tobacco Producers

Project or Activity: Tobacco GAP

Content or Curriculum: UK CAFÉ & GAP Connections

Inputs: GAP materials, specialist(s), GAP connections, US Dept of Labor

Date: Spring

Audience: Crop Producers

Project or Activity: Chemical Management Training

Content or Curriculum: Private Pesticide Training, Specialists

Inputs: UK Specialists, videos, field days

Date: Winter and early Spring

Audience: Animal Commodity Groups

Project or Activity: Monthly meetings

Content or Curriculum: forages, nutrition, health, marketing, management

Inputs: CAFÉ resources, UK & KSU specialists, SRPS

Date: July through June

Audience: Producers & Citizens Interested in Agriculture

Project or Activity: Column in Sunday edition of Glasgow Daily Times

Content or Curriculum: Timely topics on production, safety, & new technology.

Inputs: Agents, CAFÉ resources, & UK specialists

Date: July through June

Audience: Dairy Producers

Project or Activity: Management practices for production & cow comfort.

Content or Curriculum: Cow comfort, nutrition, herd health,

Inputs: Agents, UK specialists

Date: Fall and Winter

Audience: 4-H Youth Interested in Agriculture

Project or Activity: 4-H projects in horses, dairy, livestock, natural resources, & plant & soil sciences

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Curriculum & National 4-H project curriculum

Inputs: CAFÉ resources, UK specialists, 4-H specialists

Date: July through June

Success Stories

Helping Producer Returning to Family Farm

Author: Christopher Schalk

Major Program: Beef

Barren County is known as a cattle county. Barren County leads KY in both beef and dairy production. The producers in Barren County range from full time farmers to part time farmers to folks new to farming due to retirement and returning to the family farm. This is the case with Mr. Dennis. Mr. Dennis reached out to the Barren County Ag Agent to help him get a small commercial beef operation up and running after he returned to the family farm. Mr. Dennis returned to find the forage and infrastru

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Helping Producers Maximize Bull Buying Dollars

Author: Christopher Schalk

Major Program: Beef

South Central Kentucky is center of the beef production in Kentucky.  Barren County is the largest beef producing county in Kentucky, and the largest beef producing county east of the Mississippi River.   The influx of beef genetic improvement cost share dollars, funded by the County Agriculture Improvement Program, has drawn must attention to educating producers on making the best bull buying decisions for their individual operations.  Barren County Extension cooperated with the

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Tri County Hay Auction

Author: Christopher Schalk

Major Program: Forages

The third annual Tri County Hay and Straw Auction was held on Saturday January 26th 2019 at the Metcalfe County Fairgrounds.  Barren, Metcalfe, and Monroe Counties combined efforts to make the sale an area event. The winter of 2018-2019 saw extremely short hay supplies throughout the state. Securing consignments was challenging, but in the end over 500 rolls, 165 large squares, and over 1500 small square were available for purchase.  The Metcalfe County Fairboard was also able to raise

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Get the Scoop Radio Show Reaches New Extension Clientele in South Central Kentucky

Author: Christopher Schalk

Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture

In an effort to reach more Kentucky residents about the mission of the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, the Agriculture and Horticulture Extension Agents created a new educational program. In the fall of 2016, a member of the Barren County Extension Council and account manager for the local radio station, WGGC, approached agents about the possibility of developing a radio show. Each show would last 5 minutes in length and give listeners a daily dose of timely research-based

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Equine Field Day

Author: Christopher Schalk

Major Program: Equine

South Central Kentucky is recognized as being a state leader in the areas of beef, dairy, poultry, forage, and tobacco.  However the equine industry is also a very integral part of the agriculture economy.   Agriculture and 4H Youth Development Extension Agents from Barren, Hart, Metcalfe, & Monroe counties joined forces to bring an educational equine field day to South Central KY.  The counties in this working group represent nearly 10,000 horses worth an estimated $18.2 mill

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