Master Gardener ProgramPlan of Work

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Pulaski County CES

Master Gardener Program
Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
Master Gardener

The Master Gardener Program has been taught in Pulaski County since 2000. Many good leaders have been developed over the years. The group loses members each year as they get older or their life situations change. The Master Gardeners have also been around long enough that they have some great projects going on that need their attention a good part of the year. Therefore, there is an ongoing need to offer and teach the Master Gardener program.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Master Gardeners will foster positive change in our community and be active in community service projects. Master Gardeners will be regarded as leaders in their communities.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Master Gardeners will be involved in the local organization. They will practice good horticultural practices and promote those practices by teaching or by their actions. When asked, they will give sound advice. When involved in local community projects, they will be promote BMPs and represent UK in a positive way.

Initial Outcomes:

Master Gardener volunteer numbers will increase as the MG program is conducted over the next 4 years. Active Master Gardeners will increase their knowledge of emerging issues and other worthy topics for CEUs.


Initial Outcome: Master Gardeners will pass their tests and complete the volunteer requirement.


Method: test scores, volunteer hours reported

Timeline: December 2018 - December 2019

Intermediate Outcome: Master Gardeners will become involved in the local association and in community projects


Method: attendance at meetings, number of volunteer hours

Timeline: January 2018-July 2019

Long-term Outcome: Master Gardeners will be looked to as leaders

Indicator: invitations to events, interaction with the public at community events, involvement in community projects and/or organizations


Timeline: July 2018-June 2019

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Community members interested in horticulture and/or community involvement

Project or Activity: Master Gardener program curriculum

Content or Curriculum: Master Gardener Manual, Botany for Gardeners

Inputs: powerpoints, lab exercises, specialists, other horticulture agents, tours

Date: September 2018-December 2018

Audience: Master Gardeners

Project or Activity: various CEUs

Content or Curriculum: depends on topic to be taught, classroom &/or tours

Inputs: UK specialists, KY Hort agents, other professionals

Date: July 2018 - June 2019


Project or Activity:

Content or Curriculum:



Success Stories

Master Gardeners are Leaders in the Community

Author: Bethany Wilson

Major Program: Community Engagement

     Since 2000, the Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Program has been offered to Pulaski County and surrounding counties.       Master Gardeners are required to volunteer hours of service back to the community or in efforts that help Cooperative Extension. Over the course of this fiscal year, the Lake Cumberland Master Gardeners have volunteered almost 1270 hours of community service. Using hourly wage data from the Independent Sector, this amounts to roughly $

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