Home Horticulture and Master GardenersPlan of Work
Marshall County CES
Home Horticulture and Master Gardeners
Agents Involved:
Home & Consumer Horticulture
Master Gardener
The Marshall County Extension Office continues to experience a demand for home horticulture programs and information. When polled Marshall County clients chose Urban Agriculture/Master Gardener as the 3rd most important Agriculture and Natural resources strategic initiate out of 12.
Lawns and Landscapes- Improving and maintaining lawn and landscapes is a high priority for homeowners. Homeowners need current non-biased information relating to lawn/landscape topics.
Home Gardening- There has been a significant shift toward more Americans growing their own food in home and community gardens. According to the National Gardening Association, 35% of all US households participated in food gardening in 2013 which is an overall increase of 17% in only five years. As these numbers continue to grow, Marshall county clientele will continue to demand educational opportunities related to growing their own produce.
Master Gardener- The current Master Gardener Volunteers have a on going interest in continuing education. 100% of the Master Gardeners that participated in the Master Garden Mini Conference 2016, indicated that they want more similar educational opportunities in the future. The current Master Gardeners will continue to provide research based horticulture information to the community.
Also, there is a need for another Master Gardener class. Marshall County needs more trained volunteers to help increase the outreach of UK recommended information to the public. Numerous potential volunteers have indicated that they would participate in an upcoming Master Garden Program. These new volunteers will add to the volunteers numbers therefore, increasing the impact of the extension.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Lawn and landscape clientele will increase the value of their properties and enjoy their improved lawn/landscapes that were renovated with UK recommendations.
Home vegetable gardening clientele will increase the productivity of their home gardens, providing their families with a healthy, fresh food supply.
Current Master Gardeners will utilize the newest Uk recommendations to extend Marshall Counties Extension offices outreach to new clientele.
New Master Gardener volunteers will further extend the audiences reached with University recommended information.
All home horticulture programs will further increase the publics positive perception of the Extension Service and increase awareness of what Extension does.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Lawn and Landscape Clientele will utilize the best management practices on their home properties.
Home vegetable gardening clientele will utilize the University's recommendations in their home gardens.
Current Master Gardeners will have an increased amount of information to utilize and share with the community.
New Master Gardener Participants will continue to volunteer for the Marshall County Extension Office, completing 20 hours of volunteer service every year to maintain their certification.
Initial Outcomes:
Lawn and landscape clientele will be educated on the best management practices to improve their landscapes and lawns.
Home vegetable gardening clientele will be educated on the Universities recommended practices related to home vegetable gardening.
Current Master Gardeners will continue to expand their knowledge of University recommendations.
New Master Gardener class participants will learn about Extensions role in addressing local needs.
They will complete the Master Gardener Exam, complete 30 hours of volunteer service for the Marshall County Extension Office and then become Certified Master Gardeners.
Initial Outcome:
Participation and learning.
Turnout, survey results, client satisfaction, etc.
Informal communication and surveys.
Intermediate Outcome:
Participants/clients utilize information learned.
Master Gardeners continue to volunteer and educate.
Participants/clients use information learned.
Master gardener volunteer hours.
Informal communication and visual confirmation for regular clientele.
Master gardener log sheets.
Timeline: On-going.
Long-term Outcome:
Regular clientele will have Improved landscape, lawn and/or vegetable gardens.
Master Gardeners will reach more/new clientele.
Regular clientele will be indicated with customer satisfaction.
Increased Master Gardener contacts reached.
Regular clientele will reevaluated with informal verbal communication.
Master gardener log sheets.
Timeline: On-going.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Local Clientele
Project or Activity: Classes, speeches, and day to day interactions involving home horticulture (including but not limited to lawns, landscapes and vegetable gardening.)
Content or Curriculum: Uk recommendations taught by agents, specialist or local experts.
Inputs: Staff, Master Gardener volunteer, specialists and local expert time, training materials, advertising efforts, facilities etc.
Date: On-going.
Audience: Current Master Gardeners
Project or Activity: Master Garden Mini Conferences
Content or Curriculum: UK recommendations taught by agents, specialist and/or local experts.
Inputs: Staff, specialist, and local expert time, training materials, advertising efforts, volunteer hours, facilities, etc.
Date: Yearly/On-going.
Audience: Marshall County Gardeners
Project or Activity: Master Garden Class
Content or Curriculum: Entire Master Gardener Curriculum taught by agents, specialist and local experts.
Inputs: Staff, specialist, and local expert time, training materials, advertising efforts, facilities, etc.
Date: Winter 2018
Success Stories
Marshall Master Gardener's Awarded Search for Excellence 2018
Author: Nicole Rhein
Major Program: Master Gardener

Marshall Master Gardener Association Recognized at State LevelThe Marshall Master Gardener Association (MMGA) was awarded the Kentucky State Master Gardener “Search for Excellence Award” for 2018. This award is given to one Master Gardener Association that exemplifies excellence in community education through demonstration gardens and research. The award application was submitted by a committee consisting of MMGA officers: Doug Pardy, Barbara Ray, and Kathy Nord.Pictured: The committ
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Woodland Owner Short Course- Adding Value to Woodlands
Author: Nicole Rhein
Major Program: Woodland Education
The Woodland Owners Short Course (WOSC) educates novice and experienced private woodland owners to manage their lands and wildlife habitats. The Marshall County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources collaborated with the Univer
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Providing Clientele with Quality Information and Guidance
Author: Nicole Rhein
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture
"Small" efforts for answering questions, making farm visits and providing hands on one on one trainings often go unnoticed and unrecognized but sometimes these efforts make a long lasting impression on clientele. Please enjoy this quote from a thank you letter sent to Nikki Bell, Marshall County's ANR Agent. "Ms. Nicole, Thank you for the outstanding leadership and "hands on" involvement in every aspect of the year long agricultural education, training, and successfu
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment