Promoting Sustainable, Healthy Lifestyles and CommunitiesPlan of Work
Magoffin County CES
Promoting Sustainable, Healthy Lifestyles and Communities
Sustainable, Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Agents Involved:
Courtney Jenkins, FCS Agent, Lacy May
Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Farmer's Markets
Building Healthy Coalitions
Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
According to Kentucky Health Facts’ county health profile, 39% of Magoffin County adults are considered having “less than good health,” which is 15% higher than the state’s average. 30% of Magoffin County adults are considered obese, 66%overweight, 41% lack physical activity, and a mere 7% of adults take in there commended amounts of fruits and vegetables. These facts are alarming considering that these factors contribute to chronic health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, and strokes. Extension is working with community partners to assess the health status of the county and provide education where needed.
Several Extension Councils have identified educational needs, resources, and partners to aid in addressing these issues. Educating both youth and adults about the importance of physical activity and healthy eating habits, as well as helping residents gain access to nutritious foods is an Extension priority in Magoffin County.
Long-Term Outcomes:
*Decrease the number of obese and overweight youth, adults and seniors.
*Increase daily physical activity and healthy food consumption across generations.
*Increase the percentage of people receiving preventative screenings.
*Increase the number of families growing a garden and preserving their own fresh fruits and vegetables.
Intermediate Outcomes:
*Youth, adults and elderly will exhibit healthier food choices and eating patterns.
*Increased physical activity in individuals and families.
*An increased number of families will begin growing a garden to consume fresh fruits and vegetables with their families.
*More families will begin utilizing the Farmers’ Market.
*An increased number of families and seniors will take advantage of the SNAP and KYProud Plate it Up! recipes to ensure they are offering and consuming nutritious food options.
Initial Outcomes:
*Increased access to nutritious foods through continued promotion of the Farmers’ Market as an avenue for supplementing income.
*More families will become aware of the benefits of growing, harvesting, and eating their own fruits and vegetables.
*Youth, adults and seniors will understand the importance of fruit and vegetable consumption.
*Youth and adults will consider physical activity to foster healthier lifestyles.
Long-term Outcome: Increased physical activity and fruit and vegetable consumption across all generations.
Indicator: Reduced chronic disease rates in the county.
Method: Review KY County Health Data Profile statistics and KY Department of Health information, as well as assess utilization of WIC vouchers at the Farmers ’Market.
Intermediate Outcome: Clients practice making informed choices regarding healthy lifestyles
Indicator: Increased number of residents receiving health screenings and taking preventative care measures.
Method: Evaluations (formal and informal) following programs and events.
Timeline: Ongoing
Initial Outcome: Increased knowledge of healthy lifestyle habits.
Indicator: Number of individuals who gain new knowledge of food preparation, food safety, and nutrition.
Method: Observations and Surveys
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Adults and Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Leader Trainings
Content or Curriculum: UK CES Materials
Date: 2018-2019
Audience: Youth
Activity: 4-H Health School Enrichment
Content: 4-H Health & Wellness Core Curriculum
Input: UK CES Publications
Date: August 2018-June 2019
Audience: Families and Youth
Activity: Second Sunday
Content: Marketing Materials, Health Fact Sheets, and 4-H Health & Wellness Core Curriculum
Inputs: UK CES and UK Healthcare Publications
Date: October
Audience: Farmers’ Market Vendors and Consumers
Activity: Farmers’ Market
Content : SNAP-Ed Materials, GAP Training, Fact Sheets, Plate It Up, etc.
Date: Spring-Fall
Audience: Children, youth, seniors and limited resource audiences
Activity: Food, Nutrition, and Wellness Education
Content: UK CES ANR, FCS and SNAP-Ed resources; 4-H Health & Wellness core curriculum
Input: UK CES ANR, 4-H and FCS Agents, Senior Citizens Center, and Magoffin County Health Department
Date: 2018-2019
Audience: Families, Adults, and Children
Activity: Grow Appalachia
Content: UK CES ANR, FCS and SNAP-Ed resources;
Input: UK CES ANR, Berea College Grow Appalachia Staff, UK Specialists, UK Home Gardening Guide, and various UK Publications
Date: 2018-2019
Audience: Families, Adults, and Children
Activity: Food Preservation Workshops
Content: UK CES FCS and SNAP-Ed resources;
Input: UK CES FCS and SNAP Specialists, SNAP-Ed Assistant, ANR/FCS Agent
Date: August 2018
Success Stories
Magoffin County Homemakers Give Back
Author: Lacy May
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Currently the Magoffin County Extension Homemakers organization is one of the largest civic and volunteer organizations in Magoffin County with 65 members. Extension Homemakers work to improve the quality of life for their families and communities through leadership development, volunteer service, and education. Magoffin County Extension Homemakers are active and involved with the Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association in the Northeast Area and at the State level. Magoffin County Extensio
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County Agricultural Investment Program Continues to Improve Efficiency and Increase Profitability
Author: Courtney Jenkins
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Agriculture is a critical aspect of Magoffin County’s rural economy, as crops and livestock are vital sources of income for local farm families. Burley tobacco accounted for nearly 75% of the county’s farm income prior to the ending of the price support system and the buyout. The tobacco buyout, though economically devastating for some farmers, fostered the development of legislation designed to aid farmers in transitioning from tobacco production to other farm enterprises. The legis
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Pumpkin Days Continues to Offer Youth Unique Farm to Fork Experience
Author: Courtney Jenkins
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Children living in Breathitt and surrounding counties served by UK’s Robinson Center (RCARS) rank at the absolute bottom of the Robert Woods Johnson County Health Rankings for overall health outcomes. (Breathitt #120, Wolfe #119, Owsley #118, Leslie #117, Perry #116. 2018 data). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention list childhood obesity as a contributing factor to many health issues. The CDC states that one way to combat childhood obesity is to consume a diet high in vegetables
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Empowering Community Vegetable Gardeners to Reduce Diseases through Education on Seed Treatment
Author: Courtney Jenkins
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture
Saving seeds from the previous season is common practice in Kentucky. However, these seed can harbor numerous pathogens that are harmful to plants and limit grower success and yield. Magoffin County Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources Education, Courtney Jenkins, identified a need for stakeholder education on seed treatment as a way to reduce seed-borne diseases. Surveys indicated that 61% of individuals were saving seed, but only 16% were treating seed prior to planting. As a result, UK
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Therapeutic Benefits of Beginner's Sewing
Author: Cathy Sparks
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Many high schools across the state have eliminated family and consumer sciences programs from the curriculum altogether, while others have cut back on the programs drastically. Five years ago, our county cut the all of the sewing programs from the family and consumer sciences program completely. As a result, there have been many young women in our community who have expressed interest in sewing to us, thus promoting the teaching of beginner's sewing, by the two local quilt guild
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Extension Responds to Cattle Crisis After Wettest Year on Record
Author: Courtney Jenkins
Major Program: Beef
2018 was Kentucky’s wettest year on record. This resulted in livestock producers dealing with excessive and unprecedented mud, poor quality hay, pugged pastures, scours, poor nutrition and calving issues. Local veterinarians reported high cattle loss numbers, especially among marginal cows and weak calves. One producer in Magoffin County reported losing eight calves due to weather-related events and lack of proper nutrition. Utilizing resources developed by UK Extension Beef Specialis
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Farmers' Market Continues to Grow
Author: Courtney Jenkins
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The increase in grocery store food prices, coupled with the recent local food movement, has driven consumers to seek out fresh, local food options. These factors, among others, have certainly contributed to the success of the Magoffin County Farmers’ Market.After working with community leaders and potential vendors to facilitate the establishment of the county’s first farmers’ market in 2015, the CEA for ANR has focused on educational trainings to improve marketing and increase
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment