Success StoryTherapeutic Benefits of Beginner's Sewing
Therapeutic Benefits of Beginner's Sewing
Author: Cathy Sparks
Planning Unit: Magoffin County CES
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Plan of Work: Promoting Sustainable, Healthy Lifestyles and Communities
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Many high schools across the state have eliminated family and consumer sciences programs from the curriculum altogether, while others have cut back on the programs drastically. Five years ago, our county cut the all of the sewing programs from the family and consumer sciences program completely. As a result, there have been many young women in our community who have expressed interest in sewing to us, thus promoting the teaching of beginner's sewing, by the two local quilt guild volunteers. In the past three years, there have been well over one hundred ladies, young and old, who have taken advantage of the program.
Most recently, Magoffin County Quilt Guilds have had a young mother, who has an autistic son to participate. The young mother inquired about the classes, after seeing the announcement of the classes on a facebook post, and eagerly began attending. Oftentimes, she had no one to leave her eight year old son with, so she would bring him along to sit beside her while she worked. She has been very confined during his eight years, because not only was he autistic, but he had many other physical complications, all of which were a result of his very premature birth. The class required the making of a 9-patch throw for the home, but she was much more ambitious, deciding to make a quilt large enough for a bed. She worked diligently, while she was in attendance of the class and also at home. While many of the ladies finished the throw, she successfully completed a large quilt for her bed.
As a result of her participation in the sewing class, she has joined BOTH quilt guilds that meet in the office, and has joined a homemakers' club. She has shared many times that the program has helped her with stress relief and therapeutic benefits. She has become an active member in the programs provided by our office, and because her son is home-schooled and his schedule is flexible, he also has become a frequent visitor. She is quick to share with all of those she comes in contact with, that the Beginner's Sewing classes and quilt guilds are an emotional outlet for her and has provided her with much needed support. She has even recruited several of her friends to also participate in the program, increasing its popularity in the community. Although the impact is not huge in numbers, it is a benefit of the program that has made a huge impact in this young mother's life.
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Therapeutic Benefits of Beginner's Sewing
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