Environmental ImpactPlan of Work

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Union County CES

Environmental Impact
Agriculture Production, Profit, and Management
Agents Involved:
ANR Agent
Chemical Management

Opportunities exist for farmers to demonstrate concern for environmental quality through soil and water stewardship. Ag councils suggest extension work closely with other groups FSA, NRCS, KDA, and county government.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Landowners, producers and youth will understand the need for using BMP’s to implement water quality plans develop nutrient management plan and air quality plans. Decrease soil erosion, increase soil health.

Overall environmental quality awareness by the general public will reduce global warming making our county, state, nation and world a better place to live and raise our children.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Farmers will increase no-till crop production saving, soil, fuel and labor. Recycling will become the normal rather than nice to do projects. Producers will become aware that UK has information on sustainable and organic agriculture production.

Initial Outcomes:

Citizens will be more aware of the need and benefits of working together to improve the quality of our environment and how extension programs can help.

Producers increase cover crop use and no-till crop production.


Method: Best estimates of soil, fuel and labor saved

Timeline: 4 years


Outcome: Increase recycling and increase land in cover crops.

Indicator: Tons of material recycled, Number of acres planted in cover crops

Method: County Government estimates of tons of recycled material collected

Timeline: 4 years


Outcome: Broaden public awareness of environmental quality

Indicator: Overall environmental appearance of the County

Method: General public participation in the green revolution

Timeline: 4 years


Outcome: Write new and update existing water quality plans, nutrient management plans

Indicator: Number of new and updated water quality plans

Method: Water quality BMP’s implemented

Timeline: 4 years

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Landowners, agriculture producers, youth, general public

Education: Audience: Farmers, Landowners


No-till Meeting - Jan - Input and labor cost savings

News Articles - Timely - No-till(and cover crops) info, research

Winter - Early Bird Meeting


General Public, Farmers, Dealers


Rinse and Return - Jul/Aug - Recycle Plastic Pesticide containers


Farmers, Agribusinesses, General Public


Meetings  - Farm Safety Day - 5th Graders of Union County - 4-H youth serve as presenters

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