Improving Family Relations through Parenting and Child Development ProgramsPlan of Work

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Hardin County CES

Improving Family Relations through Parenting and Child Development Programs
Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities
Agents Involved:
Fentress, DeRamus
Family Development General
Active Living and Health Promotions General

“School-readiness” is a broad term that refers to multiple precursor cognitive, physical, and social-emotional skills that indicate young children are prepared to learn and thrive in the school environment. A wide body of research shows a strong foundation in school readiness is indicative of school success. Emerging research also indicates that there is a synergistic effect when early learning activities activate physical and cognitive skills simultaneously, as opposed to doing so in isolation. However, in the state of Kentucky only 50% of children are deemed “school-ready” when they enter Kindergarten.  These numbers indicate a need for more activities that support school-readiness by building multiple skill sets simultaneously.

96,000 children in Kentucky live in kinship care.  Kentucky ranks first in the nation for the most children in kinship care settings in the country.  15,000 children are in kinship care due to removal from their home.   Kinship care providers need support. Within the population of Hardin County, people who are Baby Boomers (Born between 1944 and 1964) will be reaching retirement age between 2020-2025 at a rate of 70%.   More importantly, a number of residents within communities have grandparents raising their grandchildren.   Programs with an emphasis on increasing knowledge of the basic principles of healthy homes, energy efficiency, clutter free homes, and keeping our children safe will be essential for these times.  

Long-Term Outcomes:

Parenting Program - CD

Intermediate Outcomes:

Parenting Program - CD

Initial Outcomes:

Parenting Program - CD

Initial Outcomes


Outcome:  Kentuckians learn fun age appropriate activities to aid in their child’s healthy development.

Indicator:  Number of parents who expressed learning new activities to engage their children at home.

Method:  Laugh and Learn Play Dates Survey

Timeline:  January - December

Outcome: Increase child and parent social-emotional skills such as heightened self-awareness, responsible decision making, and self-management.

Indicator: How many children increased their ability to express emotion after attending the program?

Method:  Stories, Songs, and Stretches Survey

Timeline: July - June

Outcome: Increase number of children who are “kindergarten ready” in Hardin County. 

Indicator: Several – (i.e. How many parents reported improved gross motor skills, social-emotional skills, and early literacy skills?) 

Method:  Kentucky Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Kindergarten Readiness Results

Timeline:  July- June

Outcome: Increase skills and resources of caregivers to provide effective care for young relatives

Indicator: Several – (i.e. How many caregivers improve skills/knowledge in child development, discipline and guidance, legal issues, and advocacy)

Method: Parenting a Second Time Around (PASTA) Evaluation 

Timeline:  Post program evaluation 

Parenting Program - CD

Outcome: Participants are re-unified with their children and families. 

Indicator: Participants complete 6-8 week Parenting program and receive a certificate. 

Participants gain custody of their children thru Kentucky judicial court system and Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (Child Protective Services). 

Method: Nurturing Parenting (Nurturing Skills for Families) Evaluation, Parenting the Second Time Around (PASTA) Evaluation, Active Parenting Evaluation, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Evaluation - Curriculum will Depend on Audience, Pre & Post test evaluation (assessment)

Date: January - November 

Outcome: Participants will make an effort to increase the amount of time that they are spending with their children and provide them with stimulating activities that promote a positive learning environment and nurturing relationships. 

Indicator: Parents increase the amount of time they are spending with children at their discretion.

Method: Nurturing Parenting (Nurturing Skills for Families) Evaluation, Parenting the Second Time Around (PASTA) Evaluation, Active Parenting Evaluation, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Evaluation - Curriculum will Depend on Audience, Pre & Post test evaluation (assessment)

Date: August 2023-November 2023, January - May 2024 

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Preschool aged children and their parent(s)

                        Project or Activity:  Various

                        Content or Curriculum: Laugh and Learn Playdates

                        Inputs: FCS Agent

                        Date: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

                       Project or Activity:  Various

                        Content or Curriculum: Stories, Songs, and Stretches

                        Inputs: FCS Agent, Local Preschool, Library

                        Date: On-Going (2020, 2024)

Audience: Kinship Caregivers

                       Project or Activity:  Various

                       Content or Curriculum: Parenting a Second Time Around, Life Story/Memory Banking, Traditions, AARP Prepare to Care

                       Inputs: FCS Agent, Library, local caregiving groups

                       Date: Fall 2021 - Fall 2024

Audience: general public, aging adults

Project or Activity: Bingocize

Content: Bingocize

Inputs: FCS Agent, senior center staff

Date: 2022, 2023, 2024

Audience: aging adults, general public

Project or Activity: Brain Games + Healthy Brain workshops

Content or Curriculum: WITS Workout

Input: FCS Agents, volunteers

Date: 2024

Audience: Teen Parents


                       Project or Activity:  Various

                       Content or Curriculum: Nurturing Parenting, Financial Management, Workforce Readiness

                       Inputs: FCS Agent, local high schools

                       Date: Fall 2021 - Fall 2024

Parenting Program- CD

Audience: Families and Individuals, Families Impacted by Addiction, Limited Resource Audiences

                   Project or Activity: Parenting Program - C.A.R.E. Families

                   Content or Curriculum: Nurturing Parenting (Nurturing Skills for Families), Parenting                        the Second Time Around (PASTA), Active Parenting, Grandparents Raising     Grandchildren        


                   Inputs: FCS Agent, Local Mental Health Organizations, Child Welfare Agencies,                                Domestic Violence Shelters, Military Family Development Programs, Schools

                   Date:  January 2024-November 2025 (On-going)

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