Active Living & Health PromotionsPlan of Work

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Wolfe County CES

Active Living & Health Promotions
Improve Physical & Mental Health
Agents Involved:
Darian Creech
Active Living and Health Promotions General
Substance Use Recovery - FCS
Nutrition and Food Systems General

With the increased trend of chronic disease and obesity in Kentucky, individuals, families, and communities need tools and environments that support healthy and active lifestyle choices. In Wolfe County, 40% of adults are obese, 50% have hypertension, and 7.7% have diabetes (Kentucky Extension Community Assessment 2019). The goal is to reach diverse audiences to help combat chronic disease and obesity in Wolfe County. This will be accomplished by focusing on a foundation of overall direct health education to increase health literacy and ability to make healthy lifestyle choices. Including, creating spaces or opportunities for active living and health behaviors.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:

Outcome:  Nutrition knowledge and dietary intake

Indicator:  Number of individuals who reported: eating 4-6 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily, utilize the food label to make healthy food choices; choosing smaller portions

Method:  Self-report surveys

Timeline:  ONGOING

Outcome:  Physical activity knowledge, skills, and competencies

Indicator:  Number of individuals who reported: knowledge and skills gained about the benefits of physical activity; adoption of physical activity practices; increase in physical activity levels

Method:  Self-report surveys

Timeline: Pre-post implementing curricula or program

Outcome:  Chronic disease prevention 

Indicator: Number of individuals who reported: one or more health indicator (cholesterol, blood pressure, body mass index, blood glucose) improved  

Method: Self-report survey 

Timeline: ONGOING

Outcome:  Availability / Access to healthy lifestyle choices 

Indicator:  Number of communities, health coalitions, or organizations who reported: implemented policy, system, and/or environmental changes to promote healthy eating and active living

Method: Self-report survey

Timeline:  ONGOING

Outcome:  Substance use prevention 

Indicator:  Number of students undergoing Botvin Life Skills

Method: Retroactive pre-post

Timeline:  ONGOING

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Youth 


Project or Activity: Chronic Disease Prevention  

Content or Curriculum: Publications, Health Bulletins, Cook Together Eat TogetherCommunity Park development, Recovery Week, Zombie 5K, and Youth on the Move 

Inputs: Efforts from Agents, support staff, Wolfe County Schools, volunteers, Extension Specialists, ASAP, Wolfe Countians Against Drugs, and various community agencies 

Date: Cook Together Eat Together – ONGOING


Project or Activity:  Physical Activity 

Content or Curriculum:  Recovery Week, Zombie 5K, Youth on the Move, Longest Day of Play, and Community Park Development 

Inputs: Efforts from Agents, public library, Early Childhood Development, Wolfe County SchoolsASAP, Wolfe Countians Against Drugs, and various community agencies 

Date: Recovery Week – ONGOING


Project or Activity:  Substance Use Prevention 

Content or Curriculum: Recovery Week, Zombie 5K, and Youth on the Move. Meetings/programs with Specialty Court participants

Inputs: Efforts from Agents, Extension Specialists, Wolfe County Schools, volunteersASAP, Wolfe Countians Against Drugs, and various community agencies



Audience: Families and Individuals 


Project or Activity: Chronic Disease Prevention  

Content or Curriculum: Publications, Health Bulletins, Cook Together Eat Together, Dining with Diabetes, Fit Blue, Faithful Families, Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud Recipes, Keys to Embracing Aging, Community Park development, Recovery Week, Zombie 5K, Wolfe County Movement Challenge, Youth on the Move, and Diabetes Prevention Program 

Inputs: Efforts from Agents, support staff, Wolfe County Schools, volunteers, Extension Specialists, and various community agencies 

Date:  Community Park Development – ONGOING


Project or Activity: Physical Activity 

Content or Curriculum: Publications, Faithful Families, Fit Blue, Keys to Embracing AgingWolfe County Movement Challenge, Recovery Week, Zombie 5K, and Longest Day of Play 

Inputs: Efforts from Agents, support staff, Extension Specialists, publications, ASAP, Wolfe Countians Against Drugs, and various community agencies 

Date: Wolfe County Movement Challenge –  ONGOING


 Audience: Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association 


Project or Activity:  Leader Lessons 

Content or Curriculum: Sharing Meals Together, Meal Kits, Holiday Roadshow, Grocery Lists and Coupon Apps, The Buzz About Honey, Plate it Up KY Proud, Pin Weaving, and Organization 

Inputs: FCS Extension Specialists, KEHA, FCS Area Agents 


Reviewed: DC 05/01/2024

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