Leadership & VolunteerismPlan of Work

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Simpson County CES

Leadership & Volunteerism
24-25 Building Human Capital
Agents Involved:
Catherine Webster, Jason Phillips, Nancy Doyle
Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Community Leadership Development

Research shows that effective leadership is one of the factors necessary for success within today’s communities and organizations. Knowing one’s own leadership skills and characteristics is a critical starting point; without intrapersonal leadership knowledge it is difficult to understand what effective leadership looks like within an interpersonal, organizational or community context.

Building the capacity of volunteer leaders within Simpson County is critical for the sustainability of the community infrastructure that supports long term commitment to strengthening the community and addressing critical issues. In response to a local community visioning activity, the Cooperative Extension Service in Simpson County took the lead in developing a community leadership program to recruit and train new and emerging community leaders. There is continued request for the program by both individuals and the Chamber of Commerce – our partner in the program. Trained leaders and volunteers will help stimulate economic development, community engagement and implement Extension programming. In addition, the development of leadership contributes greatly to the positive development of young people. Helping youth develop leadership competencies makes them better able to solve community problems and enhances their civic participation. Young leaders demonstrate high career aspirations, increased self-esteem, and improve high school completion rates.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Long-term Outcomes:

Critical community issues are identified and effectively addressed through active engaged local leaders. Youth will serve as teen and adult leaders in their communities, community organizations, and as mentors for younger youth. They will also use leadership and communication skills needed to be successful in the future.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Community leaders apply skills to assess needs, develop programs and implement solutions for community problems.

Participants in leadership programs demonstrate improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and needs.

Extension program leaders will accept leadership positions and fulfill responsibilities such as conducting meetings, completing reports, and serving on committees.

Youth will demonstrate leadership, teamwork and communication skills learned during their time in 4-H, in their day to day lives. They will engage in community based service projects and one day become adult leaders.

Initial Outcomes:

Initial Outcome:

Participants in Leadership Franklin Simpson identify the leadership needs and opportunities in the community and build their individual leadership skills.

Adults increase knowledge, skills, and confidence through participation in leadership workshops and communication programs.

Youth will learn the communication, leadership, and procedural skills that will allow them to run a meeting. They will increase their knowledge about leadership and how to be an effective leader, team player, and communicator. Youth will acquire decision making skills, learn how to set goals, and gain an appreciation for civic engagement.


Outcome: Current and graduated Leadership Franklin-Simpson class members assume positions of leadership in addressing community issues and facilitating community projects.

Youth learn the concept of leadership then effectively use the leadership skills learned.

Indicator: Participants serve on committees, serve as officers in organizations or committees, and move into higher leadership positions. Evaluations from new class members indicate they acquired new leadership skills.

Youth and/or 4-H members can lead a group, serve as mentors to younger youth, set & accomplish goals, finish a job they started, take responsibility for their own actions, and respect others ideas.

Method: Agent observation, verbal communication with program participants, reports of local coalition, committee and group activities will document the involvement of current and past Leadership program participants. Alumni group will demonstrate leadership skills through the formation of an Alumni Association that holds quarterly meetings and has a board of directors.

For youth, agent observation and written evaluation of program participants.

Timeline: 2024-2025

Learning Opportunities:

Indicate the audience you intend to reach through specific learning opportunities that will be provided. First, describe the project or activity. Then, describe the content that will be delivered or the curriculum used. Next, indicate the inputs or resources used to conduct the program (e.g., volunteers, paid staff, facilities, grant funds, etc.). Finally, tell when the project/activity will occur.

Learning Opportunities (repeat as needed):

Audience: General population

Project or Activity: Leadership Franklin-Simpson

Content or Curriculum: KELD

Inputs: Community Leaders, Leadership Alumni, Chamber of Commerce, Donations from businesses, Agent time, Staff time

Date: April - October 2024

Audience: Leadership Alumni Board

Project or Activity: Planning 2024 Leadership Franklin Simpson Class

Content or Curriculum: KELD, strategic planning

Inputs: Leadership graduates, volunteers, guest speakers, meeting spaces

Date: October 2023-October 2024

Audience: Ages 9-18

Project or Activity: 4-H Talk Meet & Demonstrations Contest, Country Ham Speech Contest

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Communications Curriculum and State Country Ham Project Materials 

Inputs: Community Volunteers, School District, Extension Office

Date: July 2024-June 2025

Audience: General population 

Project or Activity: Farm Tour 

Content or Curriculum: innovative multi-farm tour organized, implemented and evaluated by ag advisory council

Inputs: Agent’s time, paid staff, meeting facility, UK publications, newsletters, news articles, radio programs

Date: 2023-2024 program year

Audience: Master Gardener Graduates

Project or Activity: Master Gardener Community Volunteer Projects

Content or Curriculum: Providing community service through horticulture education, demonstrations, donations, etc.

Inputs: Master Gardener Volunteer’s time, agent’s time, paid staff, UK resources

Date: July 2023 – June 2024

Audience: 4-H Clubs

Project or Activity: 4-H Club Officer and Leader Training

Content or Curriculum: Unlock Your Leadership Potential, County 4-H Club Leader Handbook, State 4-H Website/Agent Resources

Inputs: Extension Office, Staff, Agents, 4-H Council, 4-H Volunteers/Leaders/Members 

Date: August 2024 - November 2025

Audience: 4-H Volunteers

Project or Activity: 4-H Fundraisers

Content or Curriculum: Parents/Leaders/Members plan & leader fundraisers to benefit 4-H Camps, Clubs, Council, & John Swack Scholarships

Inputs: Extension Agent, Office/Pavilion, & Staff, Community Park, County Clerk, TSC, Piggly Wiggly, Downtown Franklin Square, Franklin 1st UMC

Date: 2024-2025

Audience: Extension Volunteers

Project or Activity: 4-H Council and Homemaker & FCS Councils

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Council By-Laws, Homemaker Council By-Laws

Inputs: 4-H Leaders, Homemakers, Extension Agents, Extension Office, Community Leaders

Date: 2024-2025

Audience: Extension Homemakers

Activity:  Raise awareness of Scam and Avoiding Fraud

Curriculum: Extension resources

Inputs: Invite guest speaker from local law enforcement agency

Date: 2024-2025

Audience:  4-H Teens & Families

Activity:  Interstate Exchange Trip

Curriculum:  Leadership

Inputs:  4-H teens & families, community donors, local/regional tourism spots, Michigan 4-H

Date:  July 2024 - July 2025

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