4-H Science, Engineering, and TechnologyPlan of Work

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LaRue County CES

4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology
Enhancing Life Skills and Fostering Youth & Family Development
Agents Involved:
Misty Wilmoth
Science, Engineering, and Technology

Kentucky STEM Workforce Facts:

Although not the largest industry in the Commonwealth, STEM careers do have a large economic impact.

Situation:   According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, 2017 STEM Jobs Update, Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workers help drive our nation’s innovation and competitiveness by generating new ideas and new companies. For example, workers who study or are employed in these fields are more likely to apply for, receive, and commercialize patents. STEM knowledge also has other benefits; while often very specialized, it can be transferred to a wide variety of careers, particularly management occupations, while increased technology in the workplace means that, to handle non-repetitive tasks, workers need the critical thinking and technical skills that come with STEM training.  In the United States, there were nearly 8.6 million STEM jobs in 2015, an increase of 10.5% from 2009 while non-STEM occupations grew only 5.2% in that same period. (Fayer, 2017) and STEM occupations are projected to grow by 8.9 percent from 2014 to 2024, compared to 6.4 percent growth for non-STEM occupations (Noonan, 2017).  Keeping these opportunities in mind, the Kentucky 4-H Youth Development Program strives to increase STEM literacy among youth in Kentucky to help fill the need for a diverse pool of STEM literate individuals to meet expanding job opportunities. Kentucky 4-H provides SET education opportunities by engaging youth in hands-on, interdisciplinary educational experiences that foster an increased understanding and appreciation Science, Technology, Engineering and Applied Mathematics. Programs and projects are offered in the areas of aerospace, biotechnology, computer science, energy and electricity, robotics, physical sciences and petroleum power.

Long-Term Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:
Learning Opportunities:

Learning Opportunities/Programs

           -     LaRue County Middle School 6th Grade School Club lessons on Snap Circuits and the National 4-H Science Challenge

           -     LaRue County Middle School Enrichment with the annual 4-H Science Challenge.


Lopez, A. T. (n.d.). Think Kentucky for Aerospace and Defense. Retrieved February 26, 2020, from https://thinkkentucky.com/Aerospace/

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Kentucky - May 2018 OES State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates. (2019, April 2). Retrieved February 26, 2020, from https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_ky.htm

Noonan, R. (2019, August 9). STEM Jobs: 2017 Update. Retrieved from https://www.commerce.gov/news/reports/2017/03/stem-jobs-2017-update

Fayer, S., Lacey, A., & Watson, A. (2017, January 1). STEM Occupations: Past, Present, And Future. Retrieved February 26, 2020, from https://www.bls.gov/spotlight/2017/science-technology-engineering-and-mathematics-stem-occupations-past-present-and-future/pdf/science-technology-engineering-and-mathematics-stem-occupations-past-present-and-future.pdf

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