Developing Human CapitalPlan of Work

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Letcher County CES

Developing Human Capital
Jobs & Infrastructure
Agents Involved:
Nanette Banks, Crystal Smith, Shad Baker
Local Food Systems
Business Retention and Expansion
Family and Consumer Science

According to the 2019 Letcher Co. Community Needs Assessment Report, the following items were listed as priority items: 1. More jobs paying good wages and benefits 2. More qualified employees for existing and new jobs 3. More public transportation options. 

Long-Term Outcomes:

1. More jobs paying good wages and benefits and increase qualified employees for existing and new jobs

2. More public transportation options

3. Number of clients reporting improved financial stability and economic well-being

4. Improve the quality of life for residents in Letcher Co. by developing the skills to plan, budget and monitor their financial status

Intermediate Outcomes:

  1. Practice one or more resource management behaviors resulting in increased savings
  2. Increase school attendance rates
  3. Enhanced markets for farm commodities

Initial Outcomes:

  1. Clients and youth will understand that a quality education and strong work-ethic plays a significant role in the family’s income and non-financial resources
  2. Change KOSA to improve employability through practical living skills and continued education practices 
  3. Increase financial literacy related to savings and investments
  4. Knowledge of diverse farm marketing opportunities

Outcome: (Long-term) The economic and environmental well-being of Letcher County is strengthened

Indicator:  Positive Changes in statistics regarding poverty levels, average household income, graduate rates, gainful employability and increased participation in environmental education programs

Method:  Data analysis 

Timeline:  On-going

Outcome: (Intermediate) Increased rates of labor force participation and employment, youth contribute to communities, increased partnership with communities for CED issues, farmers identify new markets, farmers diversify production, farmers are able to find off-farm employment for themselves and employees, enhanced decision making and problem solving

Indicator: Number of individuals that report improved financial stability and career readiness  

Method:  Observation, written and verbal evaluations

Timeline: 2022-2024

Outcome: (Initial) Participants will become responsible consumers by gaining the skills needed to make wise financial and career decisions

Indicator:  Individuals acquire KOSA

Method: Observations, written & verbal evaluations 

Timeline:  on-going

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Homemakers, Senior Citizens, Youth, Community Members and Farmers

Project or Activity:  Farmers Market

                                Content or Curriculum: CCD and Extension Publications

                                Inputs: ANR, FCS and 4-H Agents and Assistants

                                Date: Summer 2024, Spring 2025

Project or Activity:   Maple Demonstration, Maple Day, KY Maple School, Maple Tour

Content or Curriculum: New Hampshire Extension Curriculum

                                Inputs: ANR, FCS, and 4-H Agents and Assistants

                                Date: Fall 2024 & Spring 2025

Project or Activity:  Dollar & Sense 

                                Content or Curriculum: 4-H

                                Inputs: 4-H agent & assistant, extension staff 

                                Date: Fall 2024

Project or Activity: Reality Store 

                                Content or Curriculum: 4-H

                                Inputs: 4-H agent & assistant, extension staff

                                Date: Spring 2025

Project or Activity: Financial Readiness 

                              Content or Curriculum: FCS 

                              Inputs: FCS Agent & Assistant, Senior Citizens, KRCC Wellness & Solutions, East Kentucky                                                         Support Services, MCCC

                               Date: Monthly

Project or Activity:  Holiday Road Show

                                Content or Curriculum: KEHA

                                Inputs: FCS agent & assistant 

                                Date: November 2024

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